My ship girl, my world

Chapter 213 Vitality Girl

Qin Ge walked back to the builder and couldn't help scratching his head. He had planned to build three aircraft carriers before. Then build three more light cruisers and destroyers and the like.

But now, with a shake of his hand, Bismarck was built. So it looks like the construction plan has to be scrapped again, but that's not critical.

Because two aircraft carriers, a submarine and a battleship have been built. In order to be used with the formation, it is estimated that the construction this time will have to exceed expectations.

But that doesn't matter, after all, with the current level of supplies and advice, it's completely affordable.

So Qin Ge breathed a sigh of relief and picked up two mental cubes and 1500 units of materials again, put them into the special builder, and pressed the start button.

As the builder began to rumble, the screen on the transformer continued to change. Until the machine stopped making noise, a number appeared on the screen of the builder.


Qin Ge looked at the time and couldn't help but nodded. Because this time also appears in the Ship Girl Handbook, and it appears several times.

Because in heavy construction, this time is the time of California, Tennessee, and Kii. In special construction, this time is the time of York City level and Yunlong level.

So now that this time has appeared, it means that the ship girl who is about to appear is either York City class or Yunlong class.

As for Qin Ge, he still hopes that there will be more York City level players. It has nothing to do with ability, it's just because York City's reputation is relatively loud and widely spread in their own world.

What’s more, within one ship class, there is the Yorktown-class No. 2 ship, the USS Enterprise aircraft carrier, which has left a mark in the history of world ships.

The style of commanding the company from the front line was still deeply imprinted on Qin Ge's impression.

But now I think these are all fantasy, because when the time on the screen returns to zero and the hatch is opened, I will know which ship girl was summoned.

So Qin Ge picked up the quick construction tool, placed it in the groove of the builder, and then pressed the start button next to it. The builder rumbled again, and the time on the screen quickly returned to zero.

At this time, the hatch gradually opened, and a purple light was revealed. After seeing this color, Qin Ge was a little disappointed, but he quickly adjusted his mentality. After all, he had just built the Bismarck, and if he thought about building an enterprise, he would be a bit unscrupulous.

If Qin Ge's mentality was known to others at this time, they would definitely jump up and beat him to death. After all, for other commanders, as long as it is an aircraft carrier, it is fine.

If a blue wasp appears, it will jump up with joy. If it is a purple elite aircraft carrier, then they will definitely make it clear everywhere.

And now Qin Ge actually feels disappointed because the ship girl who just appeared is not a super rare ship girl. It turns out that she is not aware of her blessings despite her blessings.

At this moment, the long door that Qi saw had been completely opened, the smoke gradually faded, the purple light gradually faded away, and a figure appeared in front of Qin Ge.

This figure has long golden hair with two twin tails on both sides of the hair. He wears a cowboy hat on his head and a navy cape with a prominent number 8 on it.

However, the clothes she was wearing made Qin Ge blush, because she only had short shorts and a small piece of clothing that covered her important parts, and a large area of ​​skin was exposed, looking very hot.

Just when Qin Ge was looking at the ship girl in front of her, she also opened her eyes and saw Qin Ge in front of her.

Then he said to Qin Ge in a very enthusiastic voice, "Hello~ My name is Bumblebee~ Please don't be polite and call me Lord Bumblebee~? It's really stressful to have two powerful sisters. …But I’m also pretty cool!”

Looking at the energetic Bumblebee in front of him, Qin Ge smiled and extended his hand to her, "I completely agree with what you said, after all, the Doolittle Air Raid is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

My name is Qin Ge, and I will be your commander from now on. I hope we can help each other in future life and battles. Please give me your advice. "

"Haha, Commander looks good, don't worry, please look forward to my strength." Bumblebee smiled and stretched out his palm to hold Qin Ge's hand.

The two shook hands and then let go. Then Qin Ge said to Bumblebee, "Everyone in our fleet is waiting over there. Let me take you over to introduce you."

"Okay, is there anyone I know well?" Bumblebee asked Qin Ge.

"Do Lexington and Spence count?" Qin Ge smiled at Bumblebee.

"Yeah, Sister Lexington is here too." Bumblebee said in surprise, "That's good, I don't need the commander to take me there, I can just go there by myself, and I've already seen them."

Qin Ge was stunned, "Ha, you don't need me to introduce you, is that really okay?"

"No need, I'm Bumblebee! It would be too shameless if the commander had to do even this little thing of introducing myself." Bumblebee said confidently.

"Okay, then you can go there by yourself, I will continue to build the others." Seeing that Bumblebee insisted on this, Qin Ge stopped insisting, so he smiled at Bumblebee.

"Hmm, Commander, please do your business first, I'll be right over." After saying that, Bumblebee walked towards where the rest of the fleet were.

Qin Ge looked at Bumblebee's confident and elegant back, couldn't help but smile and shook his head, then turned to look at the builder.

So far, three aircraft carriers have been built, so the current number of aircraft carriers in the fleet is enough. With the addition of Glory and Centaur, the fleet now has three regular ships and two light ships.

While their air strength is sufficient, with the addition of Bismarck, the firepower of the four battleships is enough to deal with the average small and medium-sized Siren fleet.

Now the most critical thing is the ship girl who is in charge of guarding the ship. Thinking of this, Qin Ge took a mental cube and 600 units of supplies and put them into the light builder.

As the start button was pressed, the builder began to roar, and soon a time appeared on the display panel.


The time Qin Ge looked at the construction panel was a very standard destroyer construction time, so he didn't think carefully about who was there at this time.

Just put the quick detection tool into the groove of the builder and press the start button. Then the builder still vibrated and the time on the display screen returned to zero.

The hatch of the builder began to slowly open, and when the smoke was thick, a purple light appeared in front of Qin Ge.

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