My ship girl, my world

Chapter 259 Follow-up

In fact, when Belfast came to Qin Ge's room the next morning, she was a little shocked.

Because when she opened the door, she saw rows of people sleeping neatly there. There were men and women inside, some big and some small. It was much more shocking than what I saw yesterday.

At this time, Belfast was a little confused. If Qin Ge let the little ones sleep here yesterday because of their request, then what is the explanation for today?

Because she not only saw those little guys, she even saw Glory, Prince Eugen and the Centaurs. Just when she was confused, Qin Ge woke up first as usual.

The first thing he did when he got up was to look around him, then he couldn't help but stroke his forehead, gave a wry smile, and prepared to get dressed. But when I turned around, I saw Belfast standing there.

"Belfast, good morning, you're as early as ever." Qin Ge said while looking for his clothes.

"Good morning, master, what happened here yesterday? Is this the case?" Belfast asked doubtfully.

"Didn't I tell you before that I would tell stories to these little guys at night? But last night, Guanghui and the others also came over and talked about some things with me.

Later, he also wanted to listen to my story, and later he said he was going to sleep here, so it ended up like this. "Qin Ge explained.

"It seems that the process is indeed a bit complicated." Belfast smiled slightly.

The matter that allowed Guanghui, Prince Eugen and the Centaur to discuss with Qin Ge seemed to be no ordinary matter. In the past few days, Qin Ge ordered him to rest early, so after helping Qin Ge wash up, he returned to his room.

But it seems that I have to refuse the master's order tonight, otherwise I will seem to have missed many things. This is not something a competent maid can do.

When Belfast made this decision, Qin Ge knew nothing. For while he was dressing, Belfast also went away, and came to serve him in dressing himself.

Everything was as before. After Qin Ge got dressed, he walked towards the yard and continued his previous morning exercises.

The morning time passed in a hurry, but when Zhong Nu got up in the morning, she saw many figures leaving Qin Ge's room, and she couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

What happened last night? Why are there so many people in my commander's room?

So this time, not only Belfast, but also other ship girls were interested in Qin Ge's room. Be prepared to score and go and see what's going on tonight no matter what.

So with everyone in mind, Qin Ge ended today's morning exercise. After breakfast, he left the house with the centaur amidst the surprise of the girls.

At this moment, the ship girls who basically understood Qin Ge's character were no longer calm. Because they want to know, who made their commander change his personality?

So everyone ran to ask Guanghui and Prince Eugen, because they were the two who came out of Qin Ge's room in the morning. If Qin Ge has changed, it must be related to the two of them.

Guanghui and Prince Eugen did not hide anything, but told everyone Qin Ge's thoughts very directly.

And when everyone heard that Qin Ge only wanted a lifelong partner, they couldn't help but feel anxious. After all, with such an excellent commander and having followed him for the rest of his life, who wouldn't want to have the title of a wedding ship when the time comes?

But now Qin Ge only wants one person, which makes everyone anxious. Fortunately, Guanghui and Prince Eugen explained to them later, and Qin Ge said that it would take some time to adapt.

After all, his world was monogamous, but now this world does not have such strict requirements for commanders.

Moreover, in order to make the ship girls in their fleets more harmonious, many commanders will basically give them the status of a wedding ship after their favorability reaches a certain level.

So after understanding all this, everyone felt relieved. Moreover, Guanghui and Eugen also said that they would arrange for Qin Ge to take them out on dates alone, and now the girls became excited.

As for the other side, Qin Ge was walking on the street with the centaur. Both of them were the shy type. No, maybe the centaur is the shy type, and because Qin Ge rarely takes girls out, he basically knows nothing about dating.

It's just that the last time I went out alone with Guanghui, except for that time, everyone else went out together.

"Centaur, we are like this on the street. It's not a problem to walk. How about we find a place to sit down, or if you want to go somewhere, I will take you there, okay?" Qin Ge said to Said the centaur.

After hearing Qin Ge's words, the centaur blushed a little, but then he mustered up the courage and said to Qin Ge, "Commander, in the winter, didn't you promise me that you would accompany me when the time comes?" The beach?”

"Go to the beach?" Qin Ge nodded, "Okay, let's go to the beach."

Since the centaur told her where she wanted to go, Qin Ge would naturally agree to her and take her with him.

However, as the two of them walked forward, Qin Ge suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Centaur, isn't the beach in that direction? Why are you walking in this direction?" Qin Ge asked with some confusion.

"Well, Commander, did you also wear this commander's uniform when you went to the beach?" the centaur asked doubtfully.

"So?" Qin Ge asked.

"Of course I'm going to buy a swimsuit." The centaur said to Qin Ge shyly.

"Ahem, by the way, swimsuit..." Qin Ge coughed dryly. How could he forget such an important thing?

So the two of them continued to walk towards the swimsuit store in front. As they walked, Qin Ge asked, "Centaur, how did you know there is a swimsuit store here?"

"Because I paid special attention to it when I came out yesterday, but instead of paying attention to this swimsuit store, I wanted to take a look at what is next to where we live?" the centaur explained to Qin Ge.

"Oh, it looks like this. You are so attentive. Xiang me was just talking to Ruihe and the others, and he didn't pay attention to what was around the place where we live." Qin Ge said.

"After all, the commander has to consider our future affairs, but I don't think about it that much." The centaur smiled.

"Actually, no more." Qin Ge smiled, "After all, everyone has their own responsibilities. We just need to do our own thing well."

"Yes." The centaur nodded, and then raised his head to look at the swimsuit store just in front of him, with a slight blush on his face, "Commander, we are here."

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