My ship girl, my world

Chapter 289 Siren Technology

"What is this? A space jump?" Qin Ge was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

The Siren mass-produced warships seemed to be coming from another dimension, slowly passing through the purple-red whirlpool, and then fell to the sea and began to float.

But Chong Ying's ship girl did not panic, but chose to face it very calmly and clean up quickly. This series of actions made Qin Ge very confused. Could it be that this technology has not appeared just once?

It was a little hard for him to imagine, and he felt that he couldn't understand the world again.

At first, when he came to this world, the sight of Siren mass-produced battleships made him think that the technological level of this world was very high.

But as he went deeper into life, he discovered that the technological level of humans in this world was not high. The cutting-edge technology his own world possessed was not available in this world. However, on the other hand, the technology in this world was strangely high.

That is the analysis of ship equipment and the production of ship equipment modules. It is difficult to imagine how the technology here is achieved? It is possible to reduce such a huge carrier-based aircraft to a palm-sized carrier-based aircraft core.

And when you become the commander and see the various qualities of the ship girl, as well as the skills of the ship girl. Qin Ge thought that he had arrived in a world where technology and magic coexisted.

Although these ship girls have their own world, the history and memories of the ships in World War II. But in essence, they are still different from the existence of battleships in their own world.

At the very least, naval battles in this world seem very magical.

However, the naval battle experience and naval battle tactics I learned in my own world are still useful in this world, and they are of great use. Because the strong strength of the ship girl will make many people not pay attention to the deduction and understanding of tactics.

That's why Qin Ge received such good treatment after arriving here, and it also gave him the necessary conditions to expand his fleet.

But now, after truly understanding the high-level sirens, he understood what kind of monster he and the ship girl were going to deal with.

Laser weapons and floating cannons are theoretical weapons in our own world, but they have been realized in this world, and judging from the situation on the entire battlefield, they are very powerful.

Moreover, after using the ship-mounted alienation construction, the appearance of the entire weapon looks very small, but it solves the problems of energy supply and continuous cooling.

Although Qin Ge did not major in weapons design or physics, he understood that the force displayed by the opponent's siren was very powerful and exceeded his own understanding of war.

However, it was only after the emergence of space crossing technology that Qin Ge felt the pressure from technology. Space technology is a technology that humans only dream about. We are only a few theories away from a real breakthrough and have not yet put it into practice.

But at this moment, I saw groups of Siren mass-produced battleships emerging from the purple-red vortex. This feeling was no less than watching some science fiction movies.

He is now absolutely sure that Siren has the ability to absolutely destroy all ship girls. Because, since they have space jump technology, they can not drop these mass-produced warships next time, but drop bombs, large-yield bombs!

Then not only the ship girls, but also the humans far inland of the mainland will be subject to such a huge threat.

However, Qin Ge looked at the fighting figures in front of him and asked, "Why don't they do that?"

The indifferent voice made Amagi and Shinano look at Qin Ge. Amagi glanced at Shinano, and then said to Qin Ge, "What did the Lord just say, why not do that?"

Qin Ge was awakened by Amagi's words, looked at the confused eyes of Amagi and Shinano, and said, "I was thinking about other things just now."

"Oh, can you tell the two of us? The current battle situation is quite anxious, and there will definitely be no new progress in a short time." Tiancheng looked at the screen and smiled at Qin Ge.

"Well, these are just some conjectures." Qin Ge said to Tiancheng, "Look, did the siren just use laser weapons? Moreover, floating cannons and other equipment are only in our world. It is a theoretical experimental stage and is still far away from actual service.

Also, those purple-red whirlpools that just appeared in the sky, and those Siren mass-produced battleships that emerged from the whirlpools. What if you think about turning those Siren mass-produced battleships into large-yield bombs?

So after witnessing this battle, I feel more and more that the sirens are planning something behind their backs, and their goal is definitely not to eliminate ship girls and humans, because if they want to eliminate ship girls and humans, they can directly do so in minutes. Eliminate it.

Even though most humans are now inland, do you think the Sirens, who possess this kind of space folding technology, would be worried about the distance from the inland to the ocean? "

Looking at the people who were fighting, Tiancheng nodded, his eyes became calm and deep, "The Lord's observation is very detailed. He can even find such small directions, and he can also draw conjectures that are very close to the truth. Tiancheng can Feel honored to serve at the Lord’s side.

Ahem... Actually, the senior leaders of several camps also know this, so in the mainland, they actually have a trading relationship with the Sirens. "

Hearing Tiancheng's words, Qin Ge suddenly realized, "Are they all the nine major camps?"

"Not necessarily, at least as far as I know, Iron Blood, Northern United, and Chong Ying all have deals with Siren." Amagi said with narrowed eyes.

Qin Ge thought of the ship uniforms of Tie Xue and Northern United, as well as the words of Shige Sakura Akagi and Kaga, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Actually, I feel that the Lord's previous guess was right." Tiancheng looked at the screen in front of him and said, "Perhaps this world is originally an experimental field, or it can be said to be a Gu breeding field.

With the Sirens as our enemies, let us keep fighting, resisting, and strengthening ourselves. Then people who break the rules appear, and then they can jump out of the scope of this world and achieve the goals that the people behind the scenes want. "

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "Just like what I said before, take a look at the appearance of Siren's high-level humanoid, and then look at the ship girls fighting her, do you think they are so similar?

What if, what if Siren and Ship Girl are really of the same lineage? Does that mean that we and Siren both have a common test? But what is this exam?

What would an enemy be like that would give the sirens with such high technology a headache, or in other words, an enemy that would force them to select the most powerful ship girls in such a low-level world? "

"I don't know. I'm afraid we have to wait until there is an exceptional existence in this world, and then everything can be gradually sorted out, right?" Tiancheng smiled, "However, the Lord does not need to think so much now, because our strength has not reached such a level yet." At this point, the top priority right now is to accumulate strength.”

Qin Ge looked at the fierce battle on the screen and couldn't help but nodded...

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