My ship girl, my world

Chapter 381 Tiredness

Fighting at night is actually much more difficult than during the day, especially when it comes to fighting for air supremacy. The fighting lasted much longer than during the day.

Fortunately, Qin Ge had a backup strategy, allowing the Second Air Fleet and Third Air Fleet led by York City and Essex to first help the other three air fleets seize air supremacy. Then return to the second channel and the third channel to seize air supremacy.

Among them, the ship girls in the first channel, the fourth and fifth channels can send carrier-based aircraft to assist, and the second channel and the third channel can regain air supremacy.

Therefore, although it is more difficult than during the day, it is still not difficult for the two awakened ship girls in York City and Essex.

The seizure of air supremacy lasted for more than an hour, and during this time, the entire Siren main fleet gradually sailed into the target sea area.

When the air supremacy was completely guaranteed, those troops also began to accept Qin Ge's orders to attack, just like during the day, and one after another induced the Siren main force to send out small or large fleets, and then induced them to clear and annihilate them in the ambush sea area.

The entire battle lasted very long, but compared to the induction during the day, the induction at night seemed simpler. Because they had to reach the radar detection range of the three-man fleet during the day, at night they only needed to release a flare not far away, and the Siren fleet would separate.

When the entire battle was over, it was already the morning of the second day, but everyone knew at this moment that the Siren Tide was not over yet. Because at the same time that the main Siren force was eliminated, another wave of the main Siren fleet was discovered at the edge of the sea area.

The Siren Tide will finally reveal her original power now. Although it is not as highly trained as the current Grand Fleet Ship Girls, there are so many of them, one after another, leaving no time to rest.

Fortunately, Qin Ge now uses mobile warfare. When one fleet goes to lure the enemy, the other fleet can take the opportunity to take a rest. This way, they can complement each other and the commander will not appear so tired.

But if we are in the same defensive situation as before, a big battle has just ended, and another big battle will follow immediately, and the commander's nerves will be stretched to the highest point at all times. In this way, mistakes will definitely be made in two to three days. of.

On such a battlefield, as long as you make a mistake, it means there is no chance of recovery. Therefore, it is generally very rare for a commander to die on the first or second day, and it is only on the third day until the final battle that such a thing happens.

So at this moment, the commanders of the large fleet, even though they felt very tired and had been fighting for a day and a night, when they heard that the main force of Siren was coming again, they still cheered up and prepared to fight.

But there is nothing Qin Ge can do now, because the current situation is already at its best, and such a long and protracted war will definitely test the perseverance of people and troops.

If you stick to it and maintain the previous state to execute the order, it will be very obvious that victory is not far away. But if one link is lax, the consequences and impact will be relatively large.

Regardless of the casualties of the ship girl or the commander, this is something that no one wants to see. But since it is a war, we must prepare for the worst, and what Qin Ge has to do is to reduce the number of casualties to a minimum.

"Fleet No. 73, to your right, Fleet No. 71 is fighting hard, speed up support."


"The 45th fleet, together with the 46th fleet, is completed. After destroying the Siren fleet, you will go to the rear of the Siren main force to attract and lure the enemy. The 46th fleet will ambush and wait. Lure the enemy over and then annihilate them together."


"The Fourth Aircraft Carrier Group, direction 125 of the Fourth Channel, the Sixty-second Fleet is currently having a difficult time engaging in battle. We request bomber support."

"The Fourth Aircraft Carrier Group has received it and has sent a bomber group to support it."


Qin Ge's voice kept ringing in the headquarters, maybe because it was cooler last night, or maybe because he spoke too many times during this day and night.

At this time, his voice was hoarse and his eyes were filled with red bloodshot eyes. The whole person looks a little embarrassed, but he is getting sharper.

No one laughed at him. Everyone in the headquarters looked at Qin Ge with a little respect. Because even so, he still commanded everything on the battlefield in an orderly manner, and nipped in the cradle some uncertain factors that might have happened or were about to happen.

Finally, when the afternoon sun set, the main force of the third wave of sirens was wiped out, and all the members of the garrison fleet in Shenhua City and the ship girls got a chance to breathe.

Inside the headquarters, Canglong took the lunch boxes sent from outside and distributed them one by one to the busy ship girls. When he placed the last lunch box that humans could eat in front of Qin Ge, Qin Ge was still watching the real-time dynamics of the sea on the big screen.

"Qin Ge, take a rest and have a meal." Canglong said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge turned to look at the lunch box in Canglong's hand. He did not shirk the courtesy, but nodded and took it directly, "Thank you, Director Canglong."

Then he sat on the table nearby. After opening the lunch boxes, he quickly picked them up without paying attention to any image, and wolfed down all the food in the lunch boxes.

It took less than three minutes from sitting down to finishing the food. After finishing the food, Qin Ge put the lunch box aside, turned around and stood next to the display screen, and started staring closely Show what's happening on the screen.

This scene made Cang Long feel a little pity, but Qin Ge didn't have to be like this. He can command his own ship girl like other commanders, traveling across the sea.

However, at this time, he chose the most tiring way to participate in this battle. Without his own ship girl by his side, he only relies on one person to support all the layout of this battle.

"Take a rest." Cang Long said to Qin Ge, "Although I don't know when the main Siren fleet will come next time, I can rest for a while. I'm here to watch."

Qin Ge shook his head and said in a hoarse voice, "I'm not tired, and the Sirens' main attack rhythm is faster now. I'm afraid that after falling asleep, I will be a little unconscious when I wake up."

Canglong said silently, indeed, the Siren's main attack rhythm is very fast now, maybe there will be a new wave of attacks just after Qin Ge goes to sleep.

Just when Cang Long was having a hard time making a choice, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Don't worry, although I look a little embarrassed now, at least I can support it until the end of this war.

So instead of taking a rest now, it would be better to wait until the war is over and you can help me tell the dean and let me take a good vacation. "

Canglong didn't smile when he heard Qin Ge's joke, "Then it's agreed. When it's over, I will personally explain the situation to Wales so that you can have a good rest."

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