My ship girl, my world

Chapter 386 Partners of Justice

Although Qin Ge said he would start working again, the first thing he faced was something that had nothing to do with work.

Because I had an idea before, I wanted to summon a new ship girl after this siren tide was over.

Moreover, Akashi is also pressing hard, and it seems that he really wants to get Shinano's information to use it to break the limits of all the ship girls.

So, the next day after finishing speaking, Qin Ge took his personal maid Belfast to the construction center and began to summon the ship girls of his fleet. After hearing the news, the special envoys from the eight camps also rushed over to witness Qin Ge's summons.

"I said, you guys came today more than I brought myself. There is no need to come all of them, right?" Qin Ge's forehead was covered with black lines and he looked at the eight camp girls in front of him.

"Haha, I heard about Commander Qin Ge's deeds from Sister George, so I came here specifically to witness the miracle. I believe they are all the same as me, so Commander Qin Ge just pretends that we don't exist. Okay." Hao said with a smile.

The other ship girls also smiled, but Akagi and Kaga did not show any particular excitement.

Qin Ge had no choice but to say, "Then you should either stand a little further away, or else the ship girl I summoned will be frightened by you people, and then the gain will outweigh the loss."

"Of course, we will not interfere with your progress. We are just watching from the side. Another question, that is, how many ship girls are Commander Qin Ge planning to summon this time, and what types are they?" Genai Senau laughed.

"I'm going to summon 9 ship girls. Most of them will be light ships, and the others will be some heavy ships." Qin Ge said.

"I see, then I wish Commander Qin Ge once again to be able to summon his favorite ship girl." Hao said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, accepted Hao's kindness, and went to the builder with Belfast. Belfast directly placed all the needed mental cubes at Qin Ge's feet, as well as supplies and rapid construction tools, while he retreated to the back and watched Qin Ge start to build.

Qin Ge first picked up a mental Rubik's Cube and 600 units of materials, placed them in the light builder in front of him, and then pressed the start button, and the builder began to rumble.

As time passed, the sound of the builder began to slowly stop, and everyone looked at the monitor panel of the builder.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, a time number appeared on the builder.


According to this time, Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded. It seemed that he was summoning a destroyer this time.

But destroyers, their vanguard strength is still in short supply now, so this time we will focus on building vanguard ships.

Place the quick tool in the groove of the builder and press the start button below. I saw the builder suddenly buzzing.

Then, the numbers on the builder's display screen returned to zero in an instant, and then the buzzing began to gradually subside. The hatch of the builder began to slowly open, and smoke and purple light burst out at the same time.

When the smoke cleared and the builder's hatch opened to its maximum, Qin Ge saw a girl wearing an Indian-style navy hat like Spence where the ship's wife appeared.

The girl was seen with her hands crossed in front of her chest. She had long yellow hair and was tied up with a belt at the end. She looked extremely chic.

"Hello Commander, Captain Osborne of the Little Beaver Squadron is at your disposal. Wherever the bullying children are, come and accept my punishment." The girl said to Qin Ge after seeing her.

From the girl's words, Qin Ge also knew the identity of the ship girl opposite him. Fletcher-class destroyer No. 86, Charles Osborne.

But this was not the first time Qin Ge heard the other party's name, because his shipgirl Spence often mentioned Osborne. Said that she is a very powerful sister and loves to help herself.

Unexpectedly, Osborne was actually summoned this time. Qin Ge couldn't help but smile and look at the majestic little guy in front of him, stepped forward and stretched out his right hand.

"Hello, I am your commander Qin Ge. Although this is the first time we meet, I have heard your name many times. I hope I can give you more advice in the future." Qin Ge said with a smile.

Although he was confused as to why Qin Ge said he had heard his name many times, now was obviously not the time to ask. Osborne put down his hands, held Qin Ge's hand and said.

"I am Fletcher-class Charles Osborne, the captain of the famous Little Beaver Squadron. I have shown great skill in St. George's Bay. Hum, Commander, do you also want to be a partner of justice?"

"Partners of justice?" Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "I haven't thought about it."

"Why?" Osborne asked doubtfully.

“Because everything in this world is very complicated and cannot be simply described in terms of justice and evil. What determines justice and evil is the human heart.

When people are kind, they are just and kind, and when people are evil, they are just and evil. So all I want is to be myself and fulfill my own mission. This is the justice in my heart. "Qin Ge said with a smile.

"It seems that the commander has a very deep understanding of justice, so come with me to enforce justice." Osborne said, "But the commander just said that he has heard my name more than once, from Where did you hear that?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Because I also have a ship girl from the Little Beaver Squadron named Spence."

"It turns out to be Spence's child. Does she often cry in front of the commander?" Osborne laughed.

"She used to cry a lot, but now she has become a very tough warrior." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, I'll take a good look at it then." Osborne said.

"Well, but before that, I still need to summon a few partners. Can you trouble Osborne to wait for a while in Belfast?" Qin Ge pointed in the direction of Belfast and said to Osborne. .

"Of course there is no problem. The execution of justice requires the strength of partners. Only unity can justice be executed. I will go over and wait, Commander." Osborne said to Qin Ge.

"Okay, let's talk later." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Yeah." After Osborne finished speaking, he walked in the direction of Belfast. Because he was a very outgoing kid, he quickly struck up a conversation with Belfast.

When Qin Ge saw this scene, he smiled slightly and picked up a mental cube and 600 units of supplies, put them into the builder, and started the second round of construction.

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