My ship girl, my world

Chapter 389 White Bear and Rabbit

Qin Ge picked up a mental Rubik's Cube and 600 units of supplies at his feet, put them into the builder, and pressed the start button.

As the builder roared, a moment appeared on the builder's display screen.


Qin Ge looked at the time and couldn't help scratching his head, because there was no such time in the ship girl's manual.

Could it be that she is a high-level ship girl from which camp? Qin Ge thought so. In fact, it's not surprising that he thinks this way, because it has happened several times before, so naturally it will be the same this time.

So Qin Ge placed the rapid construction tool in the groove of the builder with anticipation and pressed the start button.

Suddenly the builder started to make a sound, and the time on the display was cleared instantly. As the sound gradually ended, the door of the builder slowly opened, and a golden light accompanied by smoke appeared in front of Qin Ge and everyone. Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone couldn't help but cheer up.

The smoke gradually dissipated, the golden light gradually converged, and a young girl appeared in front of Qin Ge.

She has long purple hair, and wears a pair of bear-ear earmuffs on her head. She wears a thick cotton coat, which is somewhat similar to the decorations of Aurora and Gangut.

Sure enough, the girl opened her eyes, looked at Qin Ge in front of her and said, "I am Tashkent. Everyone calls Tashkent the "Sky Blue Cruiser". Is Comrade-chan also the one who pursues Tashkent because of its reputation?"

"Gay-chan?" Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "Are you talking about me?"

"Yes, don't you and Tashkent have the same ambition?" Tashkent looked at Qin Ge with wide eyes and asked.

Only then did Qin Ge react and said with a smile, "Well, the title of Comrade Jiang is quite good. Besides, I can be regarded as someone who pursues Tashkent admiringly."

"Like this? She is really a helpless person." Although Tashkent had a helpless tone, Qin Ge could clearly see an excited smile on her face.

Qin Ge then stretched out his hand and said to Tashkent, "Introduce yourself. My name is Qin Ge and I will be your commander from now on. I hope I can give you more guidance in my future life."

Tashkent looked at Qin Ge's outstretched hand, then stepped forward to hold it, "Tashkent is the destroyer leader of the Northern Alliance. There are three ships of the same type..."

When he said this, Tashkent paused, and Qin Ge asked doubtfully, "What's wrong?"

Tashkent shook his head, "It's nothing... Because he was born in the Sardinian Empire, and with such a design, it is also called a sky blue cruiser. It is obviously a destroyer... Forget it, Tashkent doesn't hate this name either. Tashkent will tell Sai Vastopol fought hard back then, so stay tuned Comrade-chan."

Qin Ge smiled and nodded. He naturally knew what Tashkent said. Because Tashkent was a destroyer leader ordered by the Northern United Navy before World War II and built in the Sardinian Empire, and in the project order system proposed by the Northern United Navy, a total of 4 ships of the same type were ordered from the Sardinian Empire.

However, it backfired because it was difficult for the actual shipbuilding operations in the Northern United Shipyard to adapt to the secondary design drawings and expert opinions of the Sardinian Empire. In addition, there were other political considerations behind it, so in the end, three more Tashkent-class destroyer leaders were built. Baku, as well as two other unnamed ships, canceled construction plans.

This leaves Tashkent without a ship of the same class.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Qin Ge smiled and patted her head, "Well, I will look forward to your activity. But before that, you should get to know your teammates in the fleet. From now on, you will be partners fighting side by side. .

And I still have some unfinished business here. When it is finished, I will take you back to our dormitory together. "

"Okay." Tashkent nodded, not caring about Qin Ge patting her on the head, and then followed Qin Ge's guidance and walked in the direction of Belfast and others.

Looking at the back of Tashkent walking past, Qin Ge smiled and said, "It seems that I finally have a member of the Northern United Camp in my fleet, but why can't I summon the ship girl from Donghuang until now? Is it because Is it because I am the commander of Donghuang?"

Qin Ge smiled helplessly. Counting Tashkent, he had already summoned three destroyers and two light cruisers. He was only one short of the six he had planned.

So he picked up a mental cube and 600 units of supplies, placed them in the builder in front of him, and pressed the start button.

As the builder began to rumble, a moment began to flash on the builder's screen.


Qin Ge looked at the time and nodded. Not surprisingly, this was another destroyer. Then he picked up a quick construction tool, placed it in the groove of the builder, and pressed the start button.

As the builder rumbled, the time on the screen of the builder instantly cleared to zero. Then the hatch of the builder began to slowly open. A purple light came out along with the smoke, and a figure slowly emerged in the smoke. Appear.

When the smoke cleared, Qin Ge saw the ship girl appearing in the builder. She has long white hair, and she used a rabbit hairpin to tie her long hair into two twin tails.

She was wearing a pair of pink pajamas-like clothing, but the clothes were a bit messy and her shoulders were half exposed. Coupled with the tired expression on her face, she looked lazy.

Just when Qin Ge was looking at the ship girl, she also opened her burgundy eyes and looked at Qin Ge, with soft words in her mouth.

"The Benson-class destroyer Lafite is at your command..."

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment when he heard the girl's voice, and then he couldn't help but turn his head and look at the envoys from the eight camps on the other side behind him. I saw that there was no one around Triumphant, the special envoy of Free Iris, so he rolled his eyes with an expression that was indeed the case.

Because the lazy voice and expression of the girl in front of her were very similar to the vicious envoy who maintained the Holy See.

When Qin Ge first met Wei Po, he thought she was a girl full of energy. But as expected, after getting to know people's hearts over time, and after spending time with Qin Ge, and seeing that he is a relatively casual person, he no longer pretends to be vicious.

When she went out to sea to perform missions with Qin Ge, she always slept on the command ship, basically leaving all the surveillance tasks of Liberty Iris and the Vichy Holy See to her sister, the Utopian Triumph.

"What are you looking at, Commander...?" Lafite asked with some confusion.

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "It's okay, it's just that your appearance reminds me of someone. In addition, you are welcome to join my fleet, Lafite. My name is Qin Ge, and I will be your commander from today on. , please give me more advice in the future.”

Qin Ge stretched out his right hand as he spoke, and Lafite on the opposite side held Qin Ge's hand...

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