My ship girl, my world

Chapter 402 History and the Influence of Awakening

After the group returned to the school's port, Qin Ge, Hao and Yiyi said goodbye to each other and walked towards their respective areas of residence.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened, and the brilliance of the setting sun gradually disappeared on the distant horizon, but the remaining ray of light was reflected on the returning figures of Qin Ge and Ship Niang.

"Commander, I just noticed that the two royal people didn't talk much along the way. Why?" Rodney asked Qin Ge. When the others heard Rodney's question, they all turned to Qin Ge. Song.

Qin Ge smiled and glanced at Guanghui beside him and said, "Isn't it because of Guanghui?"

"Is it because of my awakening?" Guanghui said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "I think there should be nothing else except this matter. When you went to fight, we talked a lot together.

Hao also noticed the changes in your appearance and strength, so he asked questions about how you awakened? Is there any reason for me? Did I discover any secrets or something? "

"So did the Commander tell her?" Javelin asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "There is nothing to hide. After all, you all know what Guanghui and I have done over the past few days. You can ask them if you ask them casually. But I didn't tell them. I told Guanghui a lot about it. What happened to the armored aircraft carrier Glorious in my world before."

"Commander, do you think those stories are of any help?" Rodney asked.

Qin Ge looked at Guanghui with a smile, "I don't know if those stories are of any help, but you can ask Guanghui this question. She should have the deepest feelings."

When Qin Ge finished speaking, everyone looked at Guanghui. I saw Guanghui smiling and said, "It should be said that it is helpful. Since I started dreaming, I specifically asked Mikasa-senpai and of course Kaga from our fleet.

The answer they told me was that each dream only lasted for a short period of time, and then they would have the same dream every few days.

But I found that my dreams were not like this. Because of the commander’s story, I could dream about that dream almost every day. And as the time of dreaming gets longer, the duration of my dreams also begins to get longer. Basically, every day is different from the previous one, which is why I wake up so quickly. "

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "Is there such a thing? I thought you all had such dreams every day, but it turns out you are the only one like this."

"Haha, it seems that the commander has become a little less rigorous on this issue." Rodney smiled.

Qin Ge shrugged helplessly, "Because I never thought that other people's dreams and glorious dreams would be so different. But now we have mastered a key point, which is to talk more about it when awakening, Something that happened when you were a battleship in my previous world may awaken your awakening progress."

"Yes." Guanghui smiled.

"But it still takes a long time for us to awaken. The centaur should be the fastest to reach full training now, right?" Rodney said.

The centaur nodded shyly, "If everyone has no reservations, then my current training level must be relatively high, almost 90 years old."

"That's awesome, I'm only sixty-five now." Javelin said to the centaur.

Qin Ge smiled and patted Javelin on the head, "Your training level is not low anymore. You must know that it has only been more than half a year since you were summoned, and compared to the battleships, the vanguard fleet's training level is still relatively slow to improve. So it’s been great.”

"Hehe, I just want to become powerful as soon as possible so that I can help the commander." Javelin said to Qin Ge with a smile, and rubbed his head on Qin Ge's hand.

"I know what you are thinking, but for us now, we should still develop step by step in a down-to-earth manner. Three feet of ice cannot be frozen in a day. If you want to have an equal dialogue with the other nine camps, then this kind of experience is Indispensable." Qin Ge said to everyone.

"We understand." All the ship girls nodded to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled slightly and looked at the increasingly hazy sky and the looming guest house in the distance. "Let's speed up our pace. It's going to be dark soon. It won't be good if we worry them."


At night, in Hao's room.

Hao, who had finished his meal, said goodbye to Counterattack and returned to the room alone. At this time, she did not lie directly on the bed, but came to the sofa nearby, took out a device from her ship's equipment space, and placed it on the tea table in front of her.

After pressing the button of the device, a blue light curtain was projected from the device, flashing a royal symbol in the air. Not a minute later, the sign disappeared out of thin air, and a figure appeared.

A smile appeared on Hao's face after seeing the figure, "Sister, good evening."

The figure that Hao called his sister was George V, whom Qin Ge had met before. She smiled and said to Hao, "Hao, how are you doing in Donghuang these days?"

"Everything is fine, where is my sister?" Hao replied.

"Same here." George V smiled, "You are using a dedicated communication for me today. It should be more than just saying hello. What happened? Is there anything that needs to be reported?"

Hao nodded, "What my sister said is that we did discover something very unexpected today. That is that the aircraft carrier Glory under Commander Qin Ge has completed its preliminary awakening."

In the picture, George V's originally smiling face became a little stunned, and then he asked in disbelief, "What?"

Hao said word by word to King George V, "Commander Qin Ge's aircraft carrier Glory has completed its preliminary awakening today. From now on, Commander Qin Ge has an awakened ship girl."

In fact, Hao's information was still wrong, because no one except Qin Ge knew that the two aircraft carriers of Chongying had signed a contract with Qin Ge. Although his identity as commander has not yet been confirmed, it is now confirmed that she is his ship's wife.

"Are you sure this news is accurate? Or is his ship girl awakening using her previous mental unit?" George V asked.

"The research on the mental unit, we are looking at it every day, and we have people from the royal family there, so there is absolutely no problem with the report.

Commander Qin Ge's ship girl has awakened independently, and her glorious appearance has now changed, and her essential aura has also begun to change. "Howe said to George V.

King George V nodded seriously, "I understand, is there anything else besides this?"

"No more for now," Howe said.

"Well, then I must hang up the communication now. I have to report this issue to Her Majesty the Queen. You can take care of yourself there." George V said.

"Yes, sister."

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