My ship girl, my world

Chapter 539 An unexpected encounter

"so annoying!"

Washington eliminated the Siren ship in front of him with one shot, and then looked at North Carolina beside him, and saw that North Carolina also lowered the gun barrel of the ship, which was obviously finished.

"Indeed, why do these siren ships seem to be endless from the beginning. Although there are not many in number, it is really unbearable to encounter some after walking for a while." North Carolina said.

It seems that this time not only Washington, but also good old North Carolina can't stand it.

At this time, Baltimore rowed over and said in front of the two of them, "Are you two okay? I just saw a cannonball fall over. Are you injured?"

"No, the shell just now was just a near miss and did not cause any damage." North Carolina said.

"That's good." Baltimore nodded and turned to look at Santiago and the others who were cleaning the battlefield. "The fighting continues too frequently. It's not good to continue like this."

Washington said to Baltimore, "Why, are you afraid?"

"How can a hero be afraid?" Baltimore said with a smile, and then his face became serious, "We encounter so many battles here, so you can imagine how frequent battles Helena and the others will encounter there?

They don't have much supplies on them. If they encounter such frequent battles, they will be exhausted soon, and then they will be in a desperate situation. "

North Carolina nodded, "Indeed, as Baltimore said, our main goal this time is to rescue Helena and the others. Now we must not be entangled by those sirens.

If there is a small group of sirens after that, we will give up the fight and rush over directly, giving priority to finding Helena and the others. "

"Tsk, that's really annoying." Washington said, looking at the sea fog in front of him, "Why don't we give up cleaning the battlefield now and move forward with all our strength!"

"Okay!" Baltimore nodded with a smile, and then rushed forward immediately.

"Everyone, give up cleaning the battlefield. We have to leave now. Find Helena and the others first!"



"Really, there must be no Siren stronghold in my direction. The good positions have been taken away by U81 and the others."

The bluegill muttered as it moved forward in the water.

In order to increase the search area, although Torricelli escaped secretly, he was still caught by U81 and the others. Then, under the arrangement of U81, everyone began to search the sea area in a fan-shaped direction.

Bluegill was also summoned by Qin Ge when he summoned New Jersey and the others last time. Although their training level is relatively low now, it is more than enough to handle the investigation mission.

And this time Qin Ge gave them an order not to contact and attack, and to retreat immediately if they found anything unusual. Therefore, it also fundamentally cut off the thoughts of some of their trouble-loving people.

However, because of its relatively low level of training, the bluegill was placed at the edge of the fan shape to ensure that she encountered fewer sirens here.

However, despite this journey, Bluegill felt that there were many siren ships on the sea, so she never dared to show her head. That is to say, when I occasionally notice that there are no Siren warships near the sea area, I will show up to take a breath.

As for how long it has been since she left Qin Ge's fleet, Bluegill doesn't know, and she hasn't calculated it either.

But just as she was complaining, she unexpectedly discovered two familiar signals in front of her, which were submarine signals.

Bluegill's eyes lit up, "Could it be that U81 and the others are lost? Hey, I'm going to go up and laugh at them."

After saying that, he accelerated and sneaked towards the two signals...

"Bumblebee, how are you doing there?" Helena said to Bumblebee who was walking forward. At this time, her clothes were already covered with scorch marks, and her usually fair face was messy with soot. Look at it. He looked extremely embarrassed.

The cape of the Bumblebee in front has now become tattered. The flight deck on the right side of the body has cracked lines, and the hat on the head is missing.

"It's okay, but the shell just now damaged my flight deck. After that, I can only release four sorties each time I release the carrier-based aircraft." Bumblebee said.

"It can't go on like this." Helena said, "The battles are going on too frequently, as if the sirens are everywhere. Fortunately, we can say that Stanley and the others are now in a state of destruction.

It has completely lost its combat effectiveness, and now it still needs people to protect it. If it exceeds the explosion, it is very likely to..."

Helena didn't say any more, because the next words were very obvious.

Bumblebee in front also fell silent, "It's my fault, we left in the wrong direction."

"No, without your timely support from Bumblebee, we might not be able to support this at all." Helena quickly shook her head and said.

Noshiro on the side said at this time, "You two, now is not the time to say who is right and who is wrong. Our main goal now is to figure out the direction of retreat and find the commander in time. Otherwise, there is only one result waiting for us, and that is death. The sea.”

"But, the radar signal..." Just as Helena said, she heard a voice from the end of the team.

"Sister Helena, wait!"

Hearing this sound, Helena immediately stopped moving forward and stopped on the sea with everyone.

I saw the big mackerel and nautilus catching up quickly.

"What's the matter, big mackerel?" Helena asked.

"I just felt a signal when I was diving, it was a signal from a submarine." The big mackerel said.

Helena's face immediately tightened, "Did the Siren's submarine attack again?"

"No, it's the submarine's signal, and it's approaching quickly." said the big mackerel.

"Submarine girl? Is it a submarine from our fleet?" Bumblebee asked eagerly.

"I don't know," the big mackerel said, "but I feel that this signal is very familiar."

"That must be the submarine of our fleet!" Helena said excitedly, "I knew the commander did not abandon us."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Commander will definitely not abandon us." Bumblebee said, "It's just that the sea fog is too weird. Maybe the fleet looking for us has lost its way."

Hearing Bumblebee say this, everyone couldn't help but nodded. If it weren't for the sea fog, they wouldn't be like this.

While everyone was talking, Nautilus looked at the sea not far away and said, "Here we come!"

Everyone responded and immediately looked toward the sea where Nautilus was looking. They saw that the sea was calm and calm under the sea fog.

Suddenly, a small head with dark blue hair and black skin jumped out.

"Eh? Sister Helena? Sister Bumblebee? And Big Mackerel? How could it be you?"

Helena and the others saw the familiar figure and couldn't help but said in surprise, "Bluegill!"

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