My ship girl, my world

Chapter 624 Unknown Siren

As the vanguard fleet gradually entered, the scene inside the fortress, which was called a stronghold, was also reflected in everyone's eyes.

Different from the Siren strongholds encountered before, the space inside this stronghold is much larger, and there are no scattered buildings. There are just mass-produced Siren warships coming from a distance.

"Everyone, be careful. We have now entered the enemy's stronghold. We know nothing about the current situation here. It is very likely that there will be ambushes and more powerful enemies waiting for us. Be careful not to be left alone or too busy. Overcrowding, maintaining good formation, and advancing steadily.”

Prince Eugen, who was marching at the front, said through the communicator, his tone becoming more serious and cautious.

The Siren stronghold is equivalent to the enemy's base camp. Anything can happen here, so be vigilant to the highest level.

In every Siren stronghold, there is a core control location that can control the entire stronghold. It is also the location with the highest technological content among the Siren strongholds.

This is also the reason why every time you conquer a Siren stronghold, you will get some useful Siren technology. But not every core area is in the center of a Siren stronghold. It may be scattered in any direction within the stronghold.

And now Prince Eugen's purpose is to find the core area in this stronghold and control this core, so that the production of this Siren stronghold has stagnated.

The entire main fleet has more than a hundred ship girls, so the exploration of this fortress is very fast. The fortress core was soon discovered, along with the facilities needed to produce mass-produced sirens.

However, as predicted before, the enemy gathered heavy troops to guard the core area, and here Prince Eugen discovered a siren that she had never seen before.

All this happened when the battle was unfolding. After all, a humanoid siren was very difficult to find in a group of mass-produced battleships unless she launched a powerful attack.

I saw dazzling light projectiles shooting into the sky, roaring towards the battle line and the location of the aircraft carrier.

Faced with such an offensive, only a few people responded, but such a response was not helpful because the bullets were too fast.

The large shells fell into the water, and the shrapnel splashed by the explosion and the energy generated by the explosion severely impacted the surrounding ship girls, causing their offensive to stall and at the same time causing damage to themselves.

Several ship girls were even directly injured by the energy impact of the close-range shell explosion, causing the originally fierce battlefield to come to a standstill for a moment!

"What on earth is that!? Is there a senior Siren humanoid command unit here?" The voice of King George V sounded from the communicator, with a face full of surprise.

The attack that broke out from the Siren fleet also exposed the Siren's whereabouts, and Helena quickly locked her position with radar.

"Behind the battleship in direction 136, the attack was launched from there!"

Following Helena's lock, Prince Eugen immediately rushed away. Several people next to him also understood and followed Prince Eugen forward. After sinking the obstructing battleship production battleship, the Siren was finally exposed to everyone's sight.

Different from the Enforcers they usually see, or the Siren senior humanoid command units that appeared several times before, this is a new type of Siren that they have never seen before.

She has blue hair, and there is a hairband on her hair that is particularly similar to her ship uniform. The whole body is surrounded by a strange ship uniform. This ship uniform is blue and black, and there are continuous lines on the ship uniform. The ground erupted with green flames.

"Is this the Purge?" Prince Eugen looked at the Siren in front of him and said doubtfully.

"No, the Purifier doesn't look like this." Javelin, who was not far away, shook his head, "The Purifier showed us what the Purifier looks like before, and said that she is someone who likes to jump out and speak some second-level languages. It is impossible for people to be as silent as they are now and launch surprise attacks."

"Oh?" Prince Eugen narrowed his eyes, "Then no matter what it is, it has launched an attack on us now, that is our enemy, defeat her!"


Just as everyone was attacking, a barrage of bullets shot out from the unknown siren's ship, with extremely terrifying frequency.

"Her firepower is too strong. We can't rush forward and need support." Noshiro said into the communicator while holding a long knife in his hand and nimbly dodging the incoming light egg barrages.

Naturally, New Jersey, which was more than ten kilometers away, also saw this scene, so they immediately joined forces with several battleship girls, adjusted the muzzle here, and said loudly, "Fire control system, aim at the target, fire!"

Several blue armor-piercing bullets flew towards the unknown siren along with the barrage in the sky, accurately hitting her body and the surrounding sea.

The area where the unknown siren was standing suddenly burst into flames and water splashes, and the vanguard ship girls approaching in this direction had their sights firmly fixed there.

When the water splash fell, everyone's eyes showed expressions of surprise. They discovered that the unknown siren was still standing there. Although the ship's suit was somewhat damaged, it could not cover up the light that was gradually erupting from the horse's suit.

"Be careful, she is accumulating strength, interrupt her quickly!" The keen Prince Eugen immediately noticed something was wrong and shouted into the communicator.

But it was too late at this time. From the blue-black ship uniform, a laser jet shot out, passing through the camp of the vanguard ship girls at an extremely fast speed and hitting Hiei at the rear.

Hiei didn't even have time to react. The firelight instantly covered her, and then her body fell onto the sea. And the time that all this happened was so short that no one could react.

"Hiei!" Fuso, who was standing not far from Hiei, saw this and quickly glided over, because it was visible to the naked eye that Hiei was slowly sinking under the sea.

At this moment, the battleship girls who were far away from Hiei were stunned. After fighting on the sea for such a long time and experiencing so many storms and waves, even though I was prepared for my companions or myself to sink, I still couldn't believe it when the facts happened in front of my eyes.

And after this disbelief, there was a rage that soared to the sky!

"How dare you, Siren!" Luan's eyes were full of anger, and he gave up the mass-produced target he was attacking, and opened fire in the direction of the unknown Siren.

Under her influence, all the loaded battleships quickly turned their guns and poured firepower towards the unknown siren.

The same is true for the vanguard shipgirl, shelling torpedoes and all available means at this moment without reservation. They only have one belief now, which is to destroy the unknown siren!

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