My ship girl, my world

Chapter 633 Despair

"The entire fleet, set off in the direction of the coordinates!"

Following Qin Ge's order, the prepared fleet moved towards the first coordinate point reported by Bismarck. Of course, the company has also contacted North Carolina and they will keep up with the main fleet during the subsequent movement of the fleet.

The coordinates Bismarck told were not far from Qin Ge, and because three strongholds had been eliminated, no mass-produced sirens were seen on the sea at this time, and the fleet was moving extremely smoothly.

It only took two hours to reach the designated coordinates, where a Siren stronghold was discovered.

When the Qin Ge fleet approached, a large number of Siren fleets suddenly emerged from the Siren stronghold.

But having experienced so many battles, everyone is already very familiar with this new Sairen disposal method, so these Siren fleets did not achieve the purpose of blocking Qin Ge's fleet at all.

Moreover, with the experience of the previous two times, the clearing of the Siren stronghold this time was extremely fast.

In less than an hour, the battle was over. Although no trace of the agent could be found on the radar, when approaching the core area, Qin Ge used all the aircraft carriers to conduct bombings in turns.

The traces of the agent were forcefully forced out, and then the long-awaited salvo of the battleship girl made her drink in anger at the same place, and did not let the previous situation happen again.

Just when everyone thought the battle could be resolved smoothly, a figure appeared directly in front of the fleet.

She had white hair, and she was carrying a strange ship suit on her back, and something protruded from the ship suit on her back, and a cyan chandelier hung above her head. And in her hand, she also held a larger lamp, which was connected to her ship's suit through an iron chain.

"Oh, it's really interesting. I asked you why I lost contact with several of my agents before. It turns out that a group of rats ran here." The white-haired siren said, and her voice appeared directly in all communications. in the device channel.

At the same time, a pressure swept across the scene like a storm, making the ship girls who were preparing to attack unable to move for a moment.

Even Qin Ge, who was far away, felt this terrifying pressure. He felt cold all over his body at this time, and he couldn't even move his fingers. He could only open his eyes wide and look at the situation ahead.

"Haha." The white-haired unknown siren glanced at the ship girls in an attack posture on the sea, and then set his eyes on Qin Ge's command ship not far away.

"So you are the culprit who ordered them to attack here? Really, it's enough to participate in the experiment properly. If you have to do something extraordinary, how should you be punished?"

The white-haired unknown siren said casually, but the coldness in his tone made even Qin Ge break into a cold sweat unconsciously.

Qin Ge had never even heard of this kind of strength, let alone seen it before. A feeling of an approaching end enveloped his mind. Is this the limit?

At this moment, a ship girl broke free and fired fiercely at the place where the white-haired unknown siren was.

The cannonballs drew shining trajectories in the sky, accurately hitting the unknown siren.

However, a scene that made people even more desperate appeared. The white-haired unknown siren gently raised his hand, and with a wave of his hand, the shells disappeared out of thin air.

"Oh? Someone actually escaped from my control. It seems that you have escaped from the forgery and become a real ship." The white-haired unknown siren did not feel angry because of the attack, but looked at it with a smile. Towards the place where the bombardment was taking place, where the New Jersey gun barrels were smoking, it was obvious that the previous attack had come from her.

"Humph, who are you!" New Jersey said solemnly.

"Me? You don't need to know, because you are about to sink, so there is no point in knowing this." The white-haired unknown siren said.

"I don't think so."

At this time, a voice sounded, and a fleet of carrier-based aircraft appeared in the sky, charging toward the white-haired unknown siren with lightning speed.

"Useless resistance." The white-haired siren shook her head. She lifted the lamp on her left hand, and a ball of cyan flame poured out from it. In an instant, it surged into the sky and enveloped the team. Carrier-based aircraft.


A shocking explosion struck, and the green flames gradually disappeared in the sky, and along with it disappeared the fleet of carrier-based aircraft.

Until this moment, the power of the white-haired unknown siren in front of him could not be described. Facing the attacks of New Jersey and Shinano, he easily neutralized them, making the hearts of the ship girls who saw this scene sink.

"In the face of absolute power, all attacks are nothing but vain. It seems that this is all you do. It is really uninteresting, so just sink to the bottom of the sea with these garbage."

After the white-haired siren finished speaking, the ship-mounted gun barrel behind her slowly began to move. It was obvious that she was preparing to use force.

But at this time, in addition to New Jersey and Shinano, attacks also occurred in several other places.

Monarch, Glory, Centaur, Nodai, Enterprise, Belfast, Veneto, Richelieu...

As long as the awakened ship girls regained their ability to move at this moment, they did not have any communication. As soon as they recovered, they released their carrier-based aircraft with the strongest power and aimed and fired.

"Oh? Interesting." The white-haired siren smiled, "Since you want to play, I'll play with you."

As she finished speaking, her main gun aimed in the direction of New Jersey, and then fired fiercely. The cannonball was attached with cyan flames and hit New Jersey like a meteor.

New Jersey has always been on the alert. The moment the cannon was fired, she quickly moved her position to avoid these shells.

But the shell was not as easy to dodge as New Jersey thought. After the shell fell into the water, a violent explosion occurred. Although New Jersey had already evaded far away, it was still injured by the shock wave of the explosion.

At the same time, the attacks of several other ship girls had arrived near the white-haired siren. With violent roars, artillery fire and aerial bombs accurately hit her.

The towering water column exploded from the side of the white-haired unknown siren, covering the sea area.

"Did it hit?" the monarch said.

"I don't know." Enterprise said in a deep voice, staring closely at the location.

The water splash fell rapidly, and the white figure gradually appeared in the water mist, but no trace of being hit could be seen on its body.

"Haha, it's an interesting counterattack, but it doesn't look very good." The white-haired siren said, "But that's all."

The muzzle of her main gun became bright again, and a new round of shelling was about to come.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared next to her. The figure was attached to a blue-black jellyfish suit, wearing a white nightcap on his head and a black leather coat.

I saw her saying to the white-haired siren, "The key point G's reaction has appeared. It's time for us to leave."

"Oh?" The white-haired siren glanced at the ship girls in front of him, "Haha, it seems you are very lucky today, so see you next time, ants."

After saying that, the two of them jumped into the air and left the sea area...

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