My ship girl, my world

Chapter 796 Zhenhai

Sure enough, since one day it came out from the mouth of a certain ship girl that when Qin Ge was preparing to hold a vow ceremony, the entire port area's attention was diverted.

After all, they already knew the relevant matters about the ship conversion after such a long time. Moreover, there are only a few people in Minato who have successfully converted, so many people do not expect that it will be their turn right away.

Now, coupled with the fact that Qin Ge was going to hold a vow ceremony, the atmosphere in the port area suddenly changed.

But the happiest people recently are probably Dong Huang and Chong Ying's ship girl.

When Qin Ge first came back from outside, he only gave a ring to Hiei, and there was no further news after that. They thought it would take a long time before they could get their commander's ring, but they didn't expect to wait long.

"I didn't expect that the commander would finally ask me out. I thought it would have to wait until we go to Donghuang again. It seems that the recent rumors in the port area have also given you a headache. Otherwise, you wouldn't use such a method to divert attention. Bar?"

Qin Ge and Zhen Hai were walking side by side on the trail in the southern part of the port area. Although the sea breeze on their faces was very pleasant, Zhen Hai's words made Qin Ge feel a little restless.

"Ahem, as expected of Zhenhai, he guessed it so quickly." Qin Ge coughed lightly.

"Haha, I can also guess that this must be Amagi's idea. After all, since she went to your office that day, such words have been spread in the port area." Zhenhai smiled.

"Ha, actually even if Tiancheng doesn't tell me, I plan to hold the oath ceremony in the near future. After all, after the New Year and before leaving for Donghuang, this period of time will be relatively free." Qin Ge laughed, but also It was revealed that this was indeed Amagi's idea.

"Actually, I didn't say that this idea is a bad idea, or that this is the best one for the current events in our port area that are suitable for diverting everyone's attention.

Or for me personally, I prefer this. Commander, what kind of person do you think I am? Zhenhai asked.

"Zhenhai, as far as you are concerned, you are very thoughtful and calm when encountering problems. You are a very good counselor. You are also gentle towards your companions, like a mature big sister. Overall, He is a very powerful person." Qin Ge replied.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would have such an image in the eyes of the commander." Zhenhai smiled, but from her confident smile, Qin Ge felt that this sentence was definitely a lie.

With Zhenhai's eyesight, could he see what he thought of her? Qin Ge knew that Zhenhai was the best at detecting people's hearts.

"Yes, because the counselors around me are usually you and Tiancheng, so I have been with you for a long time and know you better." Qin Ge smiled.

"Perhaps Tiancheng, as your counselor, wants to help you gain more confidence in victory. And I, as your counselor, am just because of my lack of strength?" Zhenhai said.

"Ah? I never thought about it that way." Qin Ge quickly waved his hands and said, "I think everyone has their own specialties, just like an enterprise is good at fighting, just like Bismarck is good at management, just like Tiancheng is good at strategy, and Zhenhai You are the best counselor.

War is never just a contest of strength. If everything were that simple, then every battle would only require the selection of the most powerful people.

War has always been a contest of comprehensive strength. Logistics, tactics, strategies, battlefield communications, arrangements, etc. are all part of war. Everyone has a role and division of labor in it, and they all play a decisive role in the victory of a battle. "

"Haha, the commander really sees the war very clearly," Zhenhai said with a smile.

"This is what you usually tell me, Zhenhai. I just remember it and understand it." Qin Ge said.

"It's a very good thing to see you gain something, but it's a bit boring to keep walking like this without a goal. How about we find a place to play chess while doing it, I want to watch it Let’s see if the commander can integrate into the chess game as you just said?” Zhenhai said.

"Okay, I remember when I came here before, there was a platform not far in front where you could rest." Qin Ge said.

"It seems that the commander is quite familiar with this generation, so do you usually bring them here on dates?" Zhenhai said with a smile.

"Well, I don't come here often, just occasionally. After all, this island is so big, and there are good views in any direction. But compared to the tree-lined paths, they also like to go to the beach more .

But because the weather is nice today, there will definitely be a lot of people on the beach, so I still choose to take you here. I hope you don’t mind. Qin Ge replied.

"Why do you mind? Relatively speaking, I am quite happy, because as the number of people in the port area increases, the time I can spend alone with the commander like this becomes less and less. Even I That’s the case, let alone other people, so I’m quite lucky at this moment.” Zhenhai said with a smile.

"Indeed, I used to go out with them to play, but now that there are more people, I can only meet and say hello every day, and then I have to rush to do other things.

Only when they are working as my secretary ship can they continue to patrol the port area and go on dates. " Qin Ge said.

The two of them walked and talked until they came to the platform Qin Ge mentioned. Zhenhai took out the chessboard from his ship's space and placed it on the table. The two of them sat on both sides.

"Commander, before the chess game starts, how about another bet between us?" Zhenhai said with a smile, holding the white chess piece in his hand.

"What kind of bet?" Qin Ge asked.

"The loser must promise the winner something, no matter what it is." Zhenhai smiled.

"Ah? This scope is a bit too broad. Otherwise, let's narrow the scope. That is, no matter what happens between the two parties, other people cannot be involved." Qin Ge said.

"That's okay, then, Commander, please go all out."

"The same to you."

So the chess game officially started. After a long time, Zhenhai looked at the chessboard in front of him and said with a smile, "Oh, I was careless. I, who have always been good at strategy, actually made a mistake like this... Well, congratulations on your win. So. , I’m willing to admit defeat, tell me what your request is, anything is fine, hehe~”

"So, marry me." Qin Ge took out the vow ring and said.

"But, isn't this already scheduled before? So the commander can make another request in addition to this request." Zhenhai said with a smile.

"Hiss...can I think you are tempting me?"

"What do you think, Commander?"


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