My ship girl, my world

Chapter 801 Main Island

"What are you talking about? This place has turned into a mirror sea?!"

Looking at the shocked senior leaders of the major camps, Frederick the Great nodded, "Yes, this is the real situation in this sea area. The reason why I said to pay attention to your movements before is because I want you to see To see the true side of this sea, it would be a bit rude if it was calm when you came.”

"So, the central device in this mirror sea area is currently closed?" Enterprise frowned.

"It should have been reopened now." Frederick the Great smiled.

"So what are you Iron Bloods doing? Does the commander know about this?" King George V frowned.

"Are you talking about the construction here, or about the mirror sea?" asked Frederick the Great.

"It seems that you still concealed it all the time." Richelieu frowned.

"After all, there are some things that are not good for my child to know. Although he is very courageous now, he always puts us first. For a leader, everyone can be regarded as a pawn, even if Be yourself.

My child has not yet reached such a state, so I can only selectively reserve it for him. And this time it is open to you, because we are all the same. As the closest people to the commander, we are also weapons made for killing. "Frederick the Great said these words with a smile, and in an instant, the condemnation just now fell silent.

"Interesting, so I wonder what surprise you Iron Blood can bring us this time? It won't be as big a surprise as the previous ship transformation, right?" Musashi said with a smile.

"Haha, it is indeed you." Frederick the Great smiled and nodded, "Of course it is impossible to cause qualitative changes like the transformation of ships, but for the direction and strategy of our future battles, and in this world we have The absolute right to speak is of great help.”

"Absolute right to speak?" Zhenhai caught a sensitive word, "Interesting, it seems you already know something. The first thing mentioned was not the Sirens, but other camps."

"As expected, you are indeed one of my children's most valued counselors. Your reaction is very sharp." Frederick the Great said with a smile, "Let's wait until we get to the island to discuss the specific matters. I believe you will know everything when you arrive. "

Everyone no longer asked questions, but followed Frederick the Great as he sailed in the sea fog.

Until, a tall tower gradually appeared in front of them. It was a tall, black and red tower that looked a bit like the core pillar in a Siren stronghold.

Everyone was surprised. When was this tower built? And what materials is it built from? Didn't Frederick the Great say he would take them to the island before? How did they end up here?

Everyone's doubts and confusion reached their climax when Frederick the Great turned around and said something.

"Everyone, welcome to this island."

"This island is this high tower?" Everyone was surprised and confused.

"Yes, this is the main island we built."

A voice came from the entrance, and everyone looked around when they heard the sound, only to see Bismarck's figure appearing there.


"Yes, I know you have a lot of questions now, but as for the specific situation, please come in and I will explain it to you in detail." Bismarck still had that cold and arrogant expression, and then looked at Frederick the Great. "sorry to bother you."

"It doesn't matter, I will go and arrange their subsequent visit first, and you will be responsible for the next explanation." Frederick the Great said.

"Yes." Bismarck nodded, signaled to everyone, and walked into the tower.

Although everyone was full of doubts at this time, they still followed. Now that they belong to the same fleet, I believe Bismarck will not do anything against them.

On the way, several camp leaders also discovered that the ship girls here were not just ship girls from the Iron-Blooded family, but there were even ship girls from their own camp. It's just that I was assigned to work here at the experimental site, but I rarely returned to the port area after that.

"Wearless, you are here too." Enterprise said in surprise when he saw a familiar figure.

"It's a company, haha, it seems I won't have to hide it so hard in the future." Wuwei said with a smile.

"So you've always known what's going on here?" Enterprise asked blankly.

"Yes, I knew it from the first day, but because we agreed to keep it a secret, I couldn't tell even you." Wuwei shrugged, "Anyway, now that you are here, you will know all this." It’s okay to know.”

"By the way, Bismarck, are you going to explain it to them?" Wuwei asked.

"That's right, so go do your work, we are very pressed for time." Bismarck said.

"Understood." Wuwei nodded and said to the confused enterprise, "Don't worry, everything done here is for the future of our fleet, and it will never touch your bottom line."

After saying this, Wuwei left the passage and headed to a place unknown to the company.

Finally, Bismarck led everyone to a place similar to a conference room, but compared to the conference rooms in the port area, this place was full of technology. Everything is made of steel and glass, even the stools.

When everyone was seated, Bismarck said to everyone, "So if you have any questions or want to know, you can ask them."

Faced with Bismarck's words, everyone was a little less anxious at this moment. Everyone looked at each other, and Musashi was the first to ask Bismarck, "Let's talk about this island first. It can be seen that it is the center of this mirror sea, so what does it mean?"

Bismarck nodded, "As you may have guessed, this island is indeed the center of this mirror sea. In fact, the idea of ​​this center started a long time ago. It can be traced back to our first encounter with the mirror sea. After that, start from Sun Moon Island.

After seeing the mirror sea area of ​​​​the Siren, we had ideas about the mirror sea area. Since the siren can have the mirror sea area as a means of hiding, can we use the mirror sea area as a means of hiding?

Later, the Mirror Sea incident occurred near Sun Moon Island. I believe many of you have also experienced it. After solving the mirror sea area, we obtained almost all the information on the mirror sea area, including the information on the core of the mirror sea area.

When we come here, on the surface we are working on mass-produced battleships, but in fact we are still secretly constructing the mirror sea area. Including the sea fog you see in the sea, it was also transformed from the micro-layered mixture before.

Because we all knew at that time that the sirens were monitoring us all the time, and if we wanted to take things by surprise, we had to do this. "

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