My ship girl, my world

Chapter 838 Old Friend

When the plane slowly landed, Qin Ge and his wife finally ended this journey.

When I got off the plane, I saw Canglong and the others who came to pick them up.

"Haha, looking at you, I feel like I've been having a lot of fun on this journey." Cang Long approached Qin Ge and said with a smile.

Qin Ge nodded, "That's it. Thank you very much, Director Canglong, for coming to greet us."

"You are still so polite as always." Canglong smiled, "We have been together for so long, it's okay to be more normal."

"Actually, this is not a kind of familiarity. If you change your attitude again, it will be a new acquaintance." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Oh, that's right." Canglong smiled and nodded, "Let's get in the car together first. Are you going to take a rest or go back to the Commander Academy directly?"

"Go back to the Commander's Academy and tidy up. It's time for us to leave Donghuang." Qin Ge said.

"So soon, I heard that Yixian is planning to hold another banquet for you." Canglong said with some surprise.

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "It's not too soon. We have stayed in Dunhuang for a long enough time. We originally planned to travel to Chongying for almost a month, but this time it far exceeded that time. Look, Our time in Chongying has to be shortened again."

"There is no crisis in the sea area now. You can treat it as a vacation and stay longer." Canglong said.

"Actually, I want to do that too, but there are some things I need to do later and I may not have that much time." Qin Ge explained.

Canglong smiled, "Okay, then I won't continue to inquire. Anyway, if you have time, you are always welcome to Donghuang. You can park the ship directly at the port of the Maritime Safety Administration next time, and there is no need to bother every time. Wales."

Qin Ge couldn't help laughing and nodded, "Actually, I'm just used to it. If you follow the normal procedures, you should report to the Maritime Safety Administration first. But you also know that I am the honorary instructor of the Commander Academy, so I went back directly. The Commander Academy is also normal.”

"So I don't blame you." Canglong said with a smile, "Get in the car."


Everyone got in the car and returned to the Commander Academy together. It was already dark at this time, and there was no delay. Perhaps it was because they were familiar enough in Donghuang and everything was as usual.

The next day, under the farewell of Donghuang's senior officials, the Prince of Wales and others, Qin Ge took his ship girls and sailed away from the port of the Commander Academy and embarked on a journey to Chongying.

All the way north along the coastline, the sea breeze in Donghuang is still relatively warm. Although there is a hint of chill in the wind, it is still a suitable day for sailing.

After driving for a day, Qin Ge unexpectedly ran into several acquaintances.

"Long time no see, King Kong and Kaohsiung." Qin Ge invited a few people to the command ship and said with a smile.

"Long time no see, Commander Qin Ge. It has been three or four years since Chong Ying returned that day. Although we have not met each other, the legend of Commander Qin Ge rings in our ears every day. King Kong said with a smile.

Qin Ge looked at a few people, and memories gradually came to his mind. At that time, he had just arrived in the first year of the Commander's Academy, and Bismarck, Veneto and others were already gathered around him. For the benefit of Donghuang, I went to Chongsakura. By chance, I built Shinano, and also obtained the blueprint of my first scientific research ship girl.

Among them, those responsible for sending each other were King Kong, Kaohsiung and others in front of them.

"Commander Qin Ge's fleet looks a bit powerful. I just saw that the auras emanating from the command ships next to him are not weak. It seems that just like the rumors, Commander Qin Ge can already break up with several major camps. It’s too cunning.” King Kong smiled.

"Haha, it's just good luck." Qin Ge laughed.

"This cannot be summed up by good luck." Kaohsiung said with some sigh, "At the beginning, we were still thinking about Xinyue to see if we could join Commander Qin Ge's fleet, but we didn't expect that if we missed it like this, we would miss it forever."

Qin Ge was stunned. Such a thing did happen back then. Just when he was about to speak, Xinyue beside him said with a smile, "Sister Kaohsiung, you don't need to say that. In fact, we have been living happily these years, haven't we? I believe that even though we did not join Commander Qin Ge's fleet, It will not delay us from dedicating our due efforts to Azur Lane."

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "Xin Yue is right. Maybe you can see more scenery by following me, but you are not as calm and fulfilling as you are now. Every choice corresponds to the subsequent result, but every paragraph The journey is a wonderful life.”

"Indeed." King Kong nodded, "By the way, is Commander Qin Ge going to Chongying this time? I see that if you continue to go in the direction, it should be Chongying?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, our destination this time is Chongying. You are also coming back from Chongying, right?"

"That's right, we accepted a mission to escort merchant ships. Although there are almost no mass-produced Siren warships on the sea now, we are not afraid of ten thousand or just in case. These uploads still need people to travel between various camps. Escort." King Kong said.

"So how is the situation in Chongying now? How is the recovery and reconstruction going?" Qin Ge asked.

"Chongying is doing pretty well. With Commander Qin Ge's assistance before, the losses were within an acceptable range. However, like Donghuang, the frontline setup has been canceled while restoring and rebuilding. Switched to offshore defense strategy." Kaohsiung said.

"That's good."

After chatting with King Kong Kaohsiung and others for a while, everyone left in a hurry. Now they are on a mission and cannot stay on Qin Ge's command ship for too long.

Watching the retreating figures of several people, Kaohsiung and King Kong from another command ship ran over.

"Commander, who are they?" King Kong asked doubtfully.

"Friends, I have known each other since the earliest days. I feel very happy to see them active in the sea again after experiencing the siren tide." Qin Ge explained.

"I heard that they wanted to join the fleet before?" Kaohsiung asked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "No, in fact, they are more like free ship girls, and they know the glory and North Carolina better.

They really wanted Xinyue to join my fleet before. After all, Xinyue's power was still relatively weak at that time, but compared to joining a fleet with a commander, Xinyue was still willing to stay with them, so in the end it was Just let it go.

Now I see that it’s just a matter of saying hello to each other and saying hello. After all, I only know a few people in this world, and I cherish each one of them. "

"I see, this world is so wonderful, but I am very grateful to the commander for not letting them join our fleet, otherwise I might not be here anymore." King Kong said with a smile.

"Ha, who could say for sure at the time?"

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