My ship girl, my world

Chapter 876 You have to drink herbal tea on the sea in summer

Not long after chatting with Hai Tian, ​​Yixian's figure appeared at the top of the stairs. She came over carrying several plates of exquisite side dishes.

"Thank you, Yixian." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"What's the trouble? It's just a few side dishes, and we are very happy that the commander has time to come here." Yixian placed the dishes on the table and sat down and said, " By the way, Commander, do you want a drink?"

"Wouldn't it be a waste of such a beautiful time and beautiful scenery if we didn't drink some wine?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, that's true. I just happened to bring some." Yixian opened his ship's space and took out a bottle of wine to pour for Qin Ge, himself and Hai Tian.

"As the flagship of Donghuang, why did you arrange to go to Zhenhai this time?" Qin Ge looked at Yixian and asked.

"Zhenhai has been in this port area longer than me, and has a good relationship with the commander, and can talk to other camps, so I think she is the best choice. Now I have seniority in the fleet. It’s relatively shallow, so there’s no need to be so anxious.” Yixian explained.

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, "Don't pay too much attention to these. Although the number of people in Donghuang is relatively small now, you are also an indispensable force in the port area. Don't underestimate yourselves."

"I'm really happy that Commander can say that, but to Donghuang, everyone is a sister, no matter who goes there, so Commander, don't think too much." Yixian said.

"Okay, but I'm glad you didn't go. At least you can chat with me now." Qin Ge said with a smile, "By the way, how many people come to Donghuang Tavern every day?"

"It's not bad, everyone in the port area likes it very much." Yixian said.

"So you'll be the one cooking after coming here?" Qin Ge asked.

"That's not necessarily true. Ning Hai and Ping Hai are here usually. They spend a lot of time cooking, and I have less time. I can help them when I see them occasionally." Yixian said.

"Well, I know this, and Ning Hai is very capable, and sometimes Hai Qi will help." Hai Tian smiled.

"Okay, although the purpose of building Donghuang Restaurant is to allow people in Donghuang and the port area to communicate more, don't tire yourself." Qin Ge said.

"I know, don't worry, Commander, we know what to do." Yixian nodded.

"Well, news has come from the experimental field in the past two days. The progress of the planned ship is very smooth. Soon, Donghuang may have added a top plan ship. By then, compared with other camps, there will not be too many Pressure. Moreover, the modification props for Anshan and Changchun have been made immediately. By then they can use missiles and they can be regarded as main ships." Qin Ge said.

"Then this is really great, but no matter what, we at Donghuang will always follow the commander and support you." Yixian said happily.

"Ha, that's right." Qin Ge nodded, "Come, let's eat and drink together. The night is beautiful tonight. You can go back later."

"Haha, that's great."

Building communication tower facilities is not just a matter of a few special envoys. It also requires the help of people in the Hong Kong area to provide corresponding building materials and so on.

In fact, this matter has been brought up during the initial negotiations. The communication facilities do not require many materials, and they are also considered as buildings of this power. As the supreme leader of the port area, Qin Ge will naturally not be involved in this. Nothing more to say above.

The next day, on an island not far from Guam, several ships of materials were transported up, along with teams of Manjiu. After all, they were the builders of work like this. If the shipgirls were allowed to do these things , it’s really a bit too demanding.

After Qin Ge completed today's daily work, he said to Liang Yue, who was the secretary ship, "Liang Yue, go prepare the command ship. Let's go to the nearby island to see the progress of the project."

"Yes, Commander!" Liang Yue nodded and was about to leave quickly for the port to command the ship.

But after running for a few steps, he seemed to remember something. He turned to Qin Ge and said, "Commander, won't you bring a few more people with you? Didn't you say that sirens will appear in the sea recently?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Let's not say that the siren has not appeared yet. Even if it does, our main island in the port area is only a few kilometers away from the neighboring islands. They are all within our defensive sea area. Even if there is mass production of sirens, When the model appears, it can sink them as soon as possible, so don’t worry, besides, isn’t there you?”

"Hehe, that's true. Then I'll prepare the command ship. The commander will just come to the port as soon as he's ready." After Liang Yue finished speaking, she quickly ran towards the port.

In fact, Qin Ge had nothing to prepare. He walked along the road that Liang Yue ran and walked toward the port area.

When I walked to the dock, I saw that my command ship was opened by Liang Yue and the gangway was lowered to wait for me. After getting on the ship, Liangyue quickly put away the gangway, came to the driver's cab, opened the command ship, and then left the inner port, heading towards the island closest to Guam.

The gentle sea breeze blows on the sea in summer, and the bright sunshine shines on the sea, making the sea surface so dazzling. However, Qin Ge was accustomed to this kind of scenery. After boarding the ship, he opened the refrigerator on the command line and said to Liang Yue who was sailing the ship.

"Liangyue, do you want Coke or tea?"

"Hey, just tea." Liang Yue was stunned for a moment, turned around and saw Qin Ge standing next to the refrigerator, and immediately understood what he meant.

"Well, let's take oolong tea. I've been drinking this for the past two days. Although it's a bit bitter, it's quite tasty." Qin Ge took out two bottles of iced tea, walked over and handed them to Liang Yue, and then looked out of the glass window Looked out.

"By the way, the weather has been pretty good these two days."

"Yeah, it's the rainy season in Guam now. It's rare for it not to rain for several days in a row like this." Liangyue unscrewed the bottle and took a sip of herbal tea, "Wow, it feels so comfortable!"

"Haha, it tastes good, right?" Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Well, although it's a little bitter when you first put it in your mouth, you can feel the aftertaste afterwards, and in such a hot weather, drinking some herbal tea is really comfortable." Liangyue said.

"Haha, that's why I want them, even if they don't use the command ship, to ensure that there are drinks in the refrigerator. After going to sea, there is nothing more refreshing than being able to drink cool drinks." Qin Song laughed.

"Hehe, it's true, I can feel it now." Liangyue laughed, "By the way, Commander, aren't there companies supervising the island over there? Why do you have to go there?"

Qin Ge smiled and said, "You have to go and have a look, and discuss future plans with the company. The communication tower is just one part of it. It can be used as a general terminal in the future. If a large-scale naval battle occurs, other The camp can also come here for supplies, and can also be stationed for joint experiments during normal times."

"So it's like this." Liang Yue suddenly realized.

"Haha, speed up, finish these things early, and we will return to the port area early." Qin Ge said with a smile.


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