My ship girl, my world

Chapter 884 Meeting in the Public Port Area

In the conference room in the public port area, Qin Ge came here for the second time. When he came the first time, he determined the construction process of the public port area. When I came here for the second time, the project was about halfway through, and the most important communication tower facilities had been established.

And this is also the most important reason why he came here. The links with the major camps have been formed, and the next step is the meeting about the previously reported information.

"Commander, the connection has been completed and can be started at any time." Enterprise came over and said to Qin Ge.

"Well, good." Qin Ge nodded, "Then let's start this meeting."


Following the company's response, the data projection link was quickly connected. In the previously empty conference room, several phantoms suddenly flickered, then gradually became clearer, and sat on the chairs next to them.

"Long time no see, Commander Qin Ge." The new speaker came from Bai Ying's company, with a very relaxed smile on her face.

"Long time no see, everyone." Qin Ge smiled, and the others also greeted each other.

"Then the greetings are over, Commander Qin Ge, let's start today's meeting." The Soviet Alliance said.

"Okay." Qin Ge nodded, "I guess the information I asked the special envoys of each camp to inform you has been notified, right?"

After listening to Qin Ge's words, everyone nodded. Yixian said, "New mass-produced siren fleets have been discovered along the coast around Donghuang, and according to the discovery commander's report, the combat power of those new mass-produced models is not low, especially some of the battleships, which have completely exceeded The range they can deal with.

Although those mass-produced models only operate according to established procedures, their firepower is too powerful, and they must be exterminated in a large fleet formation, otherwise they are no match at all. "

"The same goes for Shige Sakura, and there are more of them. Basically, we encounter medium-sized fleets or even large fleets. Now we have begun to implement the solution of awakening the ship girl to lead the team. Otherwise, relying on ordinary commanders will only Increased casualties in vain." Ruihe said with a headache.

"The same goes for White Eagle. Fortunately, this time Commander Qin Ge informed us in time that we could shrink our formation and defend as early as possible. Until now, there have not been too many sacrifices. This is already beyond expectations." Enterprise said.

The other camps also expressed their opinions. This time, the new Siren mass-produced fleet has brought a big impact to them, but fortunately it did not cause many casualties. Under the strategy of comprehensive defense, they can still handle it with ease. To fight.

"Well, the latest news I got is that this time the Siren mass-production fleet is mainly targeting you, so you must brace yourself and be extra vigilant. It is best to conduct offshore patrols to drive away enemy ships. Lord, don’t be greedy for petty profits, be careful they lay traps for you.” Qin Ge said.

"Where did Commander Qin Ge get this news?" Iron-blooded Bismarck asked in confusion.

"Purifier." Qin Ge said calmly.

"So, the information provided by Siren is reliable?" King George V asked.

Qin Ge nodded, "Reliable, how should I put it? The strength of my current fleet is beyond the scope of this world. Although the experimental agency is very interested in me, it will no longer conduct experiments on me. Because the cost is too high, they Only then will the target be transferred to you.

The person who took over the sanction imposed on me by the experimental organization was the arbitration organization we met during the last battle. But they haven't made a move yet, but once they do, it will be a battle of landslides and earth-shattering. It is precisely because of this that I am so sure to tell you that this time their target is you.

I know that some of you may be dismissive of these, thinking that experimental institutions have been conducting experiments on you before, so it is the same now, but I still want to warn you that the situation now is completely different.

After this world becomes the main world, the experimental institutions will have more authority, and their upgrades will be very obvious. In just over two years, they have already replaced three generations of mass-produced models.

The pressure is much greater than before, so I hope you can take it seriously. It is best to form a joint defense with nearby camps. If anyone launches a general attack or launches an attack on you again, the offensive and defensive alliance will definitely be better than one camp fighting alone. Much better.

And it is precisely because of this that I built such a public port area near my port area, where the communication tower was built. In the future, whenever your fleet comes here, it can do so in this port area, rest, replenish and even be stationed.

The current battle is no longer a battle between camps, but a confrontation between Azur Lane and the Sirens. I think we must join hands and abandon all previous conflicts, so that we can survive in this world. Otherwise, only destruction awaits us. "

After Qin Ge finished speaking, the venue fell into silence for a while. All the camp leaders were considering the gains and losses, as well as the feasibility of Qin Ge's words. After all, as leaders of the camp, they must be responsible for their camp and all the people, and also deal with the problems of the camp itself. It is impossible for them to be like Qin Ge, and the port area is his will.

After a short time, the company nodded, "Commander Qin Ge is right. We really need to unite now. It is already quite difficult to face one or two siren mass-produced new fleets. If we proceed A large-scale siren fleet attack, then the pressure we face will not be comparable to before.

Moreover, the proposal of the public port area is very good, and I will implement it in Baiying in the future. "

"The Northern Alliance has no objection. The current situation in the world is already like this. We can only gain hope by protecting ourselves. The best way to protect ourselves is to form an alliance, so that we can fight against the enemy. create an advantage when facing the enemy and ensure victory," the Soviet Union said.

"Then I would like to ask, Commander Qin Ge, what are your plans? The Siren's attack target this time is us, and your fleet is now out of the battle. What is the future direction?" Iron-blooded Bismarck asked.

"I need time. I need enough time to improve my strength so that I can have the strength to fight against them when the next arbitration body comes. But even so, if you camps encounter trouble that you cannot fight against, of course You can also contact my port area, and I will send people to give you the most powerful assistance." Qin Ge said.

"Well, with Commander Qin Ge's words, I can rest assured." Iron-Blooded Bismarck said, "I will specially select a port for the layout of the public port area. You are also welcome to notify Iron-Blooded Bismarck when you encounter trouble. , while ensuring the safety of Iron Blood, we will definitely provide support as soon as possible."

"Well, our Sardinian Empire is the same."

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