My ship girl, my world

Chapter 91 Solomon’s Ghosts

"Commander seemed to be very surprised by my appearance before. Why is this?" Veneto said to Qin Ge.

Qin Ge looked at the curious Veneto and explained to her, "Because according to what I know, there is generally only one flagship of the camp in this world. And now the Sardinian Empire already has one. I was so surprised that you showed up."

"Oh, that is to say, a ship of the same position as mine has appeared in the Sardinian Empire and begun to promote the power of the Sardinian Empire?" Veneto also said with some surprise.

"Yes, that's what it is. And it is said that Veneto is now among the top ranks of ship girls, no less than the Iron-Blooded general flagship Bismarck and the Free Iris general flagship Richelieu." Qin Qin Song said to Veneto.

"Is that so?" Veneto nodded in surprise, "But that doesn't matter, since someone has already gone to revive the power of the Sardinian Empire. Then I will also restore the power of the Sardinian Empire in this strange place. Carry forward the glimmer of light, Commander, will you also help me?"

Qin Ge looked at such a heroic Veneto, then smiled and nodded, "You are my ship girl, I will naturally help you."

"Haha, that's a wise decision, Commander." Veneto smiled, obviously she was very satisfied with Qin Ge's answer.

"Then let me introduce the other members of our fleet." Qin Ge said to Veneto.

"Yes." Veneto nodded and came to a few people under the leadership of Qin Ge.

"This is Noshiro from the Sakura camp, and this is Belfast from the Royal camp. This is also a Centaur from the Royal camp." Qin Ge pointed to his ship girl and said to Veneto.

Veneto smiled and said to everyone, "I am Vittorio Veneto, the general flagship of the Sardinian Empire. From now on, we will be fighting partners side by side. Please give me your advice."

"Hello." Everyone nodded to Veneto, indicating that they already knew and accepted Veneto.

Qin Ge saw everyone nodding to each other and after communicating, he said to everyone, "I will continue to build, you just chat for a while."

"Yes, Commander (Master)!"

Under everyone's response, Qin Ge turned around, picked up a mental Rubik's Cube and 600 units of supplies, and put them into the light builder next to the heavy builder just now.

When the start button was pressed, a huge roar began to sound, but soon the huge sound stopped, and a time number was displayed on the screen of the builder.


Seeing this construction time, Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded. This time in the ship girl's illustrated book belongs to the construction time of Mahan class, Fubuki class, and Astute class.

It is worth mentioning that the first commander Qin Ge met, Xu Xin, and his shipgirl Tang Si were of the Mahan class.

So Qin Ge put the rapid construction tool in his hand into the groove of the builder and pressed the start button.

As the time displayed on the screen cleared, the hatch of the builder rumbled open, and a dazzling purple light emerged from the gap in the hatch along with the smoke.

As they turned on the maximum and the smoke gradually dissipated, a girl with red eyes, light yellow hair, strange ears and wearing a sailor uniform appeared in front of Qin Ge.

At the first sight of this girl, Qin Ge guessed the name of this ship girl. An improved ship of the Fubuki-class destroyer, Ayanami!

Sure enough, when the girl saw Qin Ge, she said, "Ayanami, the improved ship of the Fubuki destroyer, said that for me, there is nothing to be afraid of in battle, so even though it is only a destroyer, I will fight no matter what the enemy is. Those who dare to fight say..."

"My name is Qin Ge, and I will be your commander from now on. Please give me your advice as well." Qin Ge smiled and stretched out his right hand towards Lingbo.

"Well. Lingbo... said, they just like to call me "Ghost", please give me some advice!" Lingbo stretched out his hand and held Qin Ge's big hand, and Qin Ge's warm feeling came out , Ayanami was stunned for a moment.

Looking at the expressionless girl in front of him, Qin Ge's thoughts were racing. Ayanami's record as a destroyer was very dazzling. Due to communication reasons, she rushed into a fleet composed of two battleships and four destroyers.

Although the result was impressive, it was sunk by Washington. However, because of her achievements, she was called the ghost of Solomon.

"Then let me introduce you to the members of our fleet. From now on, you will be partners in fighting together." Qin Ge said to Lingbo with a smile.

"Partner? Although Lingbo can fight alone, but if it is the commander's order..." Lingbo said to Qin Ge expressionlessly.

Qin Ge nodded slightly. Because of the existence of the Ship Girl Picture Book, he also knew what kind of character Lingbo was, so he didn't take the idea of ​​Lingbo as a lone wolf to heart.

After leading Lingbo to everyone, Qin Ge introduced Lingbo to everyone, and naturally also introduced everyone to Lingbo.

When he first heard about Noshiro, who also belonged to Shigesakura's camp, Ayanami couldn't help but glance at Noshiro, but it was just a glance. Most of the time, she just stood there quietly, seemingly not caring about anything.

After Qin Ge entrusted Lingbo to everyone, he couldn't help but walked to the builder again. But this time he encountered a problem, because light cruisers can only be built in light builders, but heavy cruisers must be built in heavy builders.

So the idea he had before coming here of building a heavy cruiser or a light cruiser, now he can only choose one target to carry out. As for the choice of heavy patrol or light patrol, he fell into thinking.

Generally speaking, light cruisers are all-rounders, while heavy cruisers are mostly ship girls with strong firepower and relatively high armor.

But now if Qin Ge wants to form a fleet, heavy cruisers must exist. But relying on the three-three system tactics, the light cruiser can replace the heavy cruiser.

So in this hesitant situation, he finally chose the heavy builder to start construction. After all, there is a first time for everything. If there is a heavy patrol this time, then it will be a correct bet. However, if the battle array or battle patrol appears this time, then the firepower is not bad, or even better.

So Qin Ge let out a sigh of relief, put two mental cubes and 1,500 units of supplies into the heavy builder, and then pressed the start button.

Amid the rumbling of the machine, a construction time appeared on the light curtain of the builder.


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