My ship girl, my world

Chapter 937 The Arrival of the Arbiter

An hour ago, it was located in the port area of ​​Guam.

Although it is almost evening in Petropavlovsk port, it is still afternoon here.

Qin Ge is going about his daily work. Now most of the ship girls in the port area have been dispatched. While the entire port area is much more relaxed, his tasks here have also become heavier.

All kinds of information are pouring in from all directions every day. He must synthesize this information at all times and grasp the general direction of the port area.

Due to this reason, the number of positions on the secretary ship has been increased to two people. The person responsible for real-time communication reports and the person responsible for sorting out files and summarizing information around Qin Ge. This way Qin Ge can have a chance to breathe, otherwise these tasks will be too heavy. .

"Commander, this is a message from Bai Ying." Binjiang placed a document on Qin Ge's desk. Looking at Qin Ge who was still burying his head, he said a little unbearably, "Commander, you have been working for several hours. It’s time to take a little rest, otherwise you can hold on to such high-intensity work for a month, but what about longer?”

Qin Ge raised his head and said, "It doesn't matter, this is just writing work, and the female Kitchen God has been coming to me more frequently recently. Under such supervision, there will definitely be no physical problems."

Binjiang rolled his eyes, "Even if you do that, you can't work all the time. You must balance work and rest. Has the commander forgotten this sentence? If you keep working like this, your work efficiency will not be high."

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, "I used to say that you were careless, but I feel that Binjiang is also very gentle."

"Tsk, the key point is that I am your secretary ship now. If you fall here during my term of office, the people in the port area will probably hate me to death." Binjiang said with a tongue-tied tongue.


While the two were chatting and joking, a knock came from the door.

Binjiang immediately entered the state, then turned around and opened the door. Qin Ge also looked towards the door, but the figure he saw surprised him a little.


This Helena is naturally not the Helena of White Eagle, but the Helena of Ember.

Although a group of ships are now scattered in all directions, conducting raids in the sea area, Ember's belongings have not moved at all.

First, because each of them is relatively powerful, doing these things feels a bit like overkill, and the most important thing is to ensure the safety of the port area. After all, they are here, so all the ship girls can safely carry out the work outside. Strategy for the sea area.

However, a few days ago, Helena told Qin Ge that she was going to pick up the new Ember ship, and there was no news after that. And today I came unexpectedly, but I didn’t bring anyone else with me, so I must have something to say.

Sure enough, Helena came to Qin Ge and said to Qin Ge, "Commander, there is news that I think it is necessary to tell you now."

"What news?" Qin Ge asked confused, "Also, didn't you say you were going to pick up other Ember Ship girls?"

"That's true. I did receive two Ember ship girls this time. They are now in the Ember Building in the port area. However, I did not bring them here because I had more important information to report." Helen Na said.

"What's wrong?" Qin Ge asked.

"Just when I picked them up, I felt a familiar wave. When I went to investigate, I found that the Arbiter had come to this world." Helena looked at Qin Ge and said.

Qin Ge immediately stood up, "Has the arbitrator come? Who is coming? How many are there? Where are they? What kind of actions are they taking?"

Helena smiled and said, "Commander, don't be impatient. The arbiters who came this time are still old acquaintances, Empress, Strencus, Templarus and Hermet.

And their landing point is in the central area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, so it is certain that there is a very large Siren Fortress in the central area of ​​the Pacific Ocean, and the host of this world is there!

As for their actions, it is not clear yet, because they lost their breath after falling there. It was because of this that I delayed my return for a few days. "

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes, "Then it's possible that this time it will be the same as last time, but last time it was both the Pacific and the Atlantic. Now all four of us are in the Pacific, so the focus of the strategy this time must be on us.

But this is also a good thing. A local battle is better than a full-scale battle. What is your opinion on this incident? "

"Just like the commander said, although they are not taking action now, it does not mean that they will not take action in the future. Otherwise, the four of them would not have come to this world together and landed in the Pacific Ocean. So this time their strategy and mission It's probably us, and we have to be prepared to deal with them before they act!" Helena said.

"Are you prepared to deal with it? If this is the case, then other camps cannot be involved. After all, their strength is like an egg against a stone to the arbiter." Qin Ge said.

"So the commander decided to let us solve it?" Helena asked.

Qin Ge smiled bitterly, "I'd like to think so, but I'm afraid they won't do it. But now is not the time to talk about this. Time is very urgent now, and we have to speed up.

Helena, next I need you to mobilize eight Embers to go to various camps located in the east, west, north and south Pacific. We must control most of the sea areas in the shortest possible time and squeeze the Siren's activity range behind the center of the Pacific. First Our front fight will help. "

"That's fine. When will we set off?" Helena asked.

"Immediately, I will immediately arrange for people from other camps in the port area to provide support in all directions, and will also issue emergency communications to them to let them understand the seriousness of the matter." Qin Ge said.

"No problem, I'll go down and make arrangements right away." Helena answered very simply, and immediately turned around and left the office.

Qin Ge looked at her leaving figure and looked sideways at Binjiang, "My wife is in the communication room now, right?"

"Yes, Commander."

"Well, let's go to the communications room next. I need to contact each camp urgently to let them know about this matter as soon as possible and prepare a comprehensive strategy for the four sea areas of east, west, south and north." Qin Ge said.


The office is not far from the communication room. Due to the fighting, the communication room is now located in the office area.

The two left the office, walked a short distance, and arrived at the communications room.

All the Kan girls in charge of the communication room are here, including of course the other secretary Kan Azuma.

"Commander? Why are you here?" Azuma was surprised by Qin Ge's arrival.

"There is an emergency communication, please help me quickly connect to other camps, Chongying's side first." Qin Ge said.


Following the ship girl's response, Chong Ying was quickly connected.

"Commander, the other side is Shimakaze."


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