My ship girl, my world

Chapter 939 My heart is eternal

Rubbing his sore eyes, Qin Ge couldn't help but stretch, took the still warm coffee, and took a sip.

The sweet taste mixed with bitterness shook his spirit, and he couldn't help but look up at Belfast who was sorting out documents, "Befa, the coffee is a bit sweet."

Belfast smiled and looked at Qin Ge, "Master, you have worked so hard now. It will not be good if you keep the original bitter taste, so be sweeter, whether it is good for your mood or your body." It’s pretty good too.”

Qin Ge couldn't help but touch his nose, "Is there such a thing? Well... In fact, the sweet one is really delicious, but I just drink this to refresh myself..."

"You don't have to work so hard. Good news is coming out frequently in the four areas of the Pacific Ocean. Several senior leaders can formulate future strategies based on the actual situation. Your most important thing now is to stay in the port area and make everyone feel at ease. Come down and fight better,” Belfast said.

"Although this is indeed the case, there are some things that I can't worry about." Qin Ge let out a long sigh, stood up from his seat, came to the office window, and looked at the beach in the distance.

"There used to be a lot of destroyers playing there, but now we can't see them anymore. The port area is much deserted."

Belfast walked over with a smile and stood behind Qin Ge gently, "Isn't this the result of the master's order? All scientific research ships and everyone with combat strength have been dispatched. Now hundreds of people There are only a few dozen people left in Minato.”

Qin Ge turned his head and shrugged, "Isn't this because Ember is in the port area? Although they sent eight people out, the ones left behind were basically the main force. With such a powerful force, even if the arbiter comes, we Minato is enough to support everyone else until they all come back for support.

Moreover, after they took over the patrol, basically no mass-produced siren appeared in the sea area. In a situation like this, it would be of little use for everyone to stay in the port area.

It's better to send them all out to fight, accumulate more experience, and speed up the process. And aren’t Royal and Donghuang also advancing to the vicinity of Guam? "

"Haha, so now I have become the being that everyone envies?" Belfast said with a smile, "I am the master's personal maid, I am also the secretary ship, even at night... I am also me, the master is not afraid of other people Are you jealous?"

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "You're still talking about this? Didn't you make me a useless person who can't live without you? To be honest, I haven't had any clothes to wear by myself for several years. I guess I won't even be able to do it in a few years." I can’t even wear any clothes...

So has it been planned from the beginning? If I become a useless person who can't live without you, then I will become like this? "

"Absolutely not." Belfast said with a smile, but there was always a hint of pride in his smile.

Qin Ge turned around with a smile, looked at the beach outside the window and said, "Thank you, Beifa, thank you very much for always being by my side. If there are a few people in this world that I am most grateful to, you are one of them." ”

"Master? Why do you feel a little sentimental?" Belfast asked.

"It's nothing, I just remembered what happened between us before, and suddenly I felt that time passed so fast. I am almost thirty years old..." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Even if time flies, Belfast will still be by the commander's side. Whether it is this world or another world, my heart will always be there."

Although the words were still gentle, Qin Ge could hear the power conveyed in Belfast's words. He couldn't help but turn around and hugged her tightly. After a long time, he gradually let go.

"How much work is left for today?" Qin Ge asked.

"If it were the current document, it would have been completed," Belfast said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "How about being lazy today and going to the beach?"

"As long as the master is willing." Belfast smiled.

"Ha, don't let others know, it's just the two of us." Qin Ge said, walked back to the desk, closed the file he had opened before.

"It doesn't matter even if someone knows about it. Many people have advised me to let the master rest more and treat it as a way to relax." Belfast said with a smile.

"Well, I still want to maintain my majestic image, so we sneak out quietly. Let's take the side door on the other side of the office area, which can lead directly to the beach door." Qin Ge said.

"Haha, then just listen to the master." Belfast said dotingly, his eyes full of tenderness.

Qin Ge rarely does willful things, and with more and more people in the port area, such willful things almost never happen. But now that he does such a thing in front of him, it contains Needless to say, love and trust.

Belfast is happy to see this, or in other words, she wants to have a different Qin Ge from what others see.

In the midst of the gentle smile, Belfast suddenly saw Qin Ge pick up the coffee on the table and drink it in one go.


Qin Ge couldn't help but smacked his mouth after drinking, "It's so sweet. It's not good to waste it, not to mention the coffee brewed by Beifa."

"Really...if you like it, you can drink it at any time." Belfast said helplessly.

"Haha, even though I say that, I have finished every cup of tea and coffee in Belfast." Qin Ge was about to put the cup on the table aside when Belfast took it down.

"Forget it, I won't wash it. We'll talk about it when we get back. Give yourself a holiday today. For example, from now on you will no longer be my personal maid, but will serve as my wedding ship."

Belfast couldn't help but smile, "Okay, then I'll be willful. Darling, shall we set off?"

Qin Ge smiled and took Belfast's hand, "Let's go."

With full smiles, the two of them gently opened the office door, and then slipped out along the path Qin Ge had mentioned before.

Not long after, Glasgow opened the door to the office and said as he walked in.

"Your Majesty, Commander, the sea area clearing report sent from Sardinia..." Glasgow stared at the empty office for a moment, "Hey, where is the Commander... and where is the maid?"

She quickly turned around and went out, looking around, but she still didn't see Qin Ge until she met Helena of Ember on the road.

"Miss Helena, have you seen the commander? I just went to his office and found that he was not there, not even the head maid." Glasgow said with some worry.

Helena smiled and said, "Don't worry, the commander has nothing to do. He is just too tired recently, so he went out to get some fresh air. If it's not a particularly urgent matter, don't bother him. Just leave the documents in the office."

"Oh." Glasgow nodded and looked at Helena doubtfully, "Did Miss Helena just see the commander?"

"Commander has always been in my eyes, he has never left..."

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