My ship girl, my world

Chapter 941 The Morning Star of Love and Hope

Walking out of the conference room, George V came face to face with Guanghuang, who seemed to be rushing over.

"Hey, Guanghui? Why are you in such a hurry? This is not like your usual style." George V asked doubtfully.

Guanghui Bubu took a long breath and finally recovered, "Knight Commander, is your meeting over?"

"It's over. This meeting is a short comprehensive report meeting, and it won't take too long. What's wrong with Guanghui, do you have something wrong?" George V asked strangely.

Guanghui shook his head, "It's nothing serious. I just heard you were having a connection meeting with Minato when I came back from outside, so I wanted to see how the commander is doing recently."

George V couldn't help but smile, "The commander is fine, he is no different from when we left, and Belfast is by his side as his personal maid. Are you still worried about her?"

"Although I say so, I want to see his image with my own eyes..." Guanghui said slightly disappointedly, "Hurry up, it's still a step too late."

"Haha, I know that you have the best relationship with the commander, and I can't let go of him. However, our strategy has now reached a critical stage, especially since our strategy area will soon cover the sea area of ​​​​the port area. .

Then, in the name of supplies, let's go back to the port area and see for ourselves. But don’t tell others that I said it, otherwise they will say that I neglected my official duties for personal reasons. "King George V smiled.

"Hehe, then I would like to thank the Knight Commander. If this is the case, then we have to work harder." After Guanghui finished speaking, he performed a lady's salute and was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait." George V called out to Guanghui who was about to leave.

"Knight Commander, is there anything else?" Guanghui asked doubtfully.

"You're not going to set off again just after you come back, are you?" George V asked.

"Yes, in order to advance the controlled sea area to the port area as soon as possible, we obviously need to work harder." Guanghui said righteously.

George V couldn't help but be speechless, "She is indeed an energetic lady, but you still have to consider your teammates when thinking about yourself."

Guanghui couldn't help but said apologetically, "Sorry, I forgot about this. Then I will tell them and try to leave earlier."

After saying that, Guanghui left here. Only George V was left looking at Guanghui's back helplessly, "Hey, Guanghui lost his usual ladylike temperament at all when he encountered matters related to the commander.

But who isn't? Come on, the port area is just around the corner. "

Time flies by like a flash, and the royal strategy goes very smoothly, and it becomes even smoother as we head toward the port area.

After all, there are ship girls in the port area led by several commanders of the Star Sea Fleet who clean up the sea area all day long. In addition, when the major fleets leave the port area and head to various directions in the Pacific, they will also deal with the Siren fleet on the way. .

Therefore, even if there are traces of the Siren fleet in the sea area close to the port area, it will only be a fish that slipped through the net and will not have the same strong combat effectiveness as other sea areas.

On this day, night shrouded the sea. Although the cold moonlight shone on the entire sea at this time, a dark cumulonimbus cloud not far away was slowly moving towards here.

It seems that not long after, the dark cumulonimbus clouds will block the bright moonlight, and a new round of storm is coming.

But even so, there is still a group of ship girls cutting through the waves on the surging sea.

Their speed was very fast, and before the water cut by the ship's boots fell on the sea, the group of people had already passed by in a hurry.

"It seems that this speed is not possible. According to the speed of that cumulonimbus cloud, we are likely to face the storm." Shengli said with some worry as he looked at the cumulonimbus cloud getting closer and closer.

"I'm sorry everyone, this time because of my personal reasons, I have to face the storm with you. I'm really sorry." Guanghui said apologetically.

"Don't say that, Miss Guanghui." Fiji said with a smile, "We have been fighting outside for so long, and we want to return to the port area early. And although it was your suggestion, everyone agreed, so Just don’t blame yourself.”

"Yes, Sister Guanghui, as long as we work harder and harder, we will definitely arrive at the port area before dawn!" The unicorn said to Guanghui. Although he was still holding Yu-chan in his arms, his movement speed was not at all. slow.

Others also spoke out, saying that Guanghui did not need to blame himself.

"Then thank you everyone. When the storm hits, I will use the power of light to protect everyone, so everyone must not get separated by then." Guanghui said.

"Well, thank you Miss Guanghui."

Finally, the dark cumulonimbus clouds covered up the moon's shine, and the entire sea area became inexplicably calm. Even the waves that had just rolled became silent at this time.

The calm before the storm is not just talk. There is an aura that is about to explode hidden in the air, and this aura makes people's hearts heavy.

"It's coming! Let's form a wheel formation to withstand this storm!" Shengli said keenly.

For a moment, everyone started to move, surrounding Guanghui as their flagship, speeding forward together, and rushed into the range of the cumulonimbus clouds.

The wind roared violently, heavy rain poured down instantly, and the waves on the sea continued to surge. The power of nature was fully revealed at this moment.

And on this dark sea, on this turbulent sea, a light shield slowly unfolded, covering everyone inside.

The monstrous waves seemed to have calmed down inside the light shield, and the turbulent rainwater hit the light shield, making bursts of noise.

"Come on, everyone." Guanghui said.

"Well, hurry up, we'll be there soon!"


No matter how violent the storm was, it seemed that it could not withstand the confidence of everyone to return to Hong Kong. Although the light shield flickered on and off, and even seemed to be about to crack in the end, they still rushed out of the storm with an incomparable attitude. .

Although the wind and waves on the sea were still strong, and although the bright moonlight was still not visible, everyone found that a star was shining brightly in the sky.

"Morning Star!"

A ship girl said in surprise.

Guanghui then raised his head and looked up at the bright morning star in the sky.

"His merciful love leads me through the stormy waves. The Lord is like a bright morning star, giving me infinite hope!"

"Sister Guanghui, Minato!"

Victory interrupted the glorious singing and pointed to the huge island not far away. Due to the obstruction of the wind and waves, no one even noticed that they had arrived very close to the port area.

"Well, everyone, keep up the good work! We'll be there soon!"


Qin Ge, who was in the bedroom, watched the storm pass, and suddenly said to Belfast beside him, "Befa, help me put on my clothes. I feel the light is back."


Although he was confused, Belfast still helped Qin Ge put on his clothes.

The two stepped on the slightly slippery ground in the port area after rain, and arrived at the port outside the port area. They saw a group of people jumping up from the pier.


"Welcome back!"

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