My ship girl, my world

Chapter 991 Preparing for the Reunion

After having breakfast with Hao and others, they quickly left the base and fortress after receiving supplies from the logistics office.

Because Qin Ge's side did not have as many manpower as Bismarck's side, no matter what happened, his responsibilities were determined.

Just like the matter of returning to the fortress for supplies, a plan had been made specifically for this. After all, the direction that each team is responsible for is determined. If the supplies are temporarily away, someone needs to be temporarily responsible for the direction they were originally responsible for.

The advantage of this is that it can maintain the comprehensiveness of the strategy as a whole, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the time required to return to the base for supplies every time is very tight.

Just like Hao and others, they come back one day and have to leave early the next morning.

I had previously thought about sending a transport ship to deliver supplies to them, but in the end it was rejected. The situation in the Siren sea area is too complicated. Even in the sea area that is now controlled, will a Siren fleet still emerge? A comprehensive supply like this will also require a lot of manpower. For safety reasons, we decided to return to the base to resupply.

The current battle sea area is not far from the fortress, and a day's journey is not a big deal at all.

Returning to the command hall with Guanghui Zhenhai, Qin Ge began his day's work.

Guanghui is also familiar with the work process here under the guidance of Zhenhai. In fact, these are all very familiar to her. It's just that she has to become familiar with them all over again after changing the environment.

The handover didn't take much time, and the two started working here together. After all, as a secretary ship, Zhenhai's duty time has not yet come. Guanghui came back early, so he could rest, but in order to stay with Qin Ge for a while, he completely gave up the idea of ​​resting.

For her, being able to see her beloved and do the same thing with him may be the happiest thing. Even if I'm a little busy, it's not a big deal.

Work quickly got on track and a few days flew by in the blink of an eye. Zhenhai finally left the base fortress and headed to the front line with the Yixian team who had returned for supplies.

And finally, under such a steady strategy, the vanguard fleet at the forefront discovered the location of the last fortress sea area.

In the command hall of the fortress where Qin Ge is located, Yixian, Soviet Rosia, George V and Helena are all here. Opposite them were the phantoms of Bismarck, Musashi and others. Looking over, basically the leaders of each camp in the port area, as well as the leaders of each camp on the earth, were here.

"The reason why everyone is gathered here today is because we have discovered the location of the last fortress, and the submarine has also discovered information about the arbiter of that fortress, so the war is coming soon.

And this battle is not fought by our side alone. From the previous discussion, we have already stated that we need your assistance, and now it is time to implement the decision. "Qin Ge said it very simply, objectively stating the purpose of this gathering.

"Commander, based on the information obtained, who is the arbiter of the fortress sea area?" Bismarck asked.

This is the issue she is most concerned about. Although there have been many speculations about this, in the end, Qin Ge has to confirm it before she can know.

"As predicted before, the arbiter of the fortress waters is indeed Empres. Although our submarine did not find Empres, a large number of Empres was found within the fortress waters. Reese's agent.

During the previous battles in the sea area, the representative of the fourth sea area arbiter could not be found, so even if there is a guess, I dare not make a conclusion.

But now based on these agents who appeared, it has been possible to determine the arbiter stationed in the fortress sea area. So our next step is the strategy for Empress. "Qin Ge said.

"So how does Commander Qin Ge think this battle will be fought?" Bai Ying's company quickly asked.

"About this issue, wasn't it already determined from the beginning?" Qin Ge smiled and said, "Although the damage in the previous strategy was relatively large, according to the progress of the strategy you are reporting now, you are now almost reaching the node of sea area B. Alright?"

"Yes, we are now close to the sea area attacked by the fleet led by the current commander." Bismarck said.

"Well, originally I wanted you to be a surprise force. When we attack the sea area of ​​​​that fortress, you will break out halfway, encircle and then jointly strangle Enpres.

However, considering that this sea area may have been under surveillance by the Sirens, they know all our arrangements and next steps, so I think it is better to put our plans on the table instead of making such a strange move.

Openly and openly, launch an attack on the last Siren Fortress. "Qin Ge said while looking at everyone.

"Are we going to attack openly?" Musashi smiled, "Now our fleets are scattered and have captured three arbitrators. If we gather together, it is not difficult to jointly capture the last arbiter.

Even though Empress' power is stronger than the previous three arbiters, I believe we can succeed. "

"Yes, that's what I thought too. So the next plan is to join forces. After getting fully equipped, we set off to the last fortress in the Siren Sea.

As long as we capture this fortress, we will have opened up all the sea areas around the core sea area. The next step is to march towards the deepest place, and the final decisive battle will begin at that time.

Where this world will go is determined by us at that moment. "Qin Ge said.

"Unexpectedly, there is some pressure, but pressure is also the driving force for us to move forward. After such a long battle, the dawn of victory is just ahead. It is really exciting." George V said with a smile.

"Indeed, in fact, until now, I have just dreamed. I never thought that we could counterattack the Sirens and go straight to their core lair. If we win this battle, then I think such a victory will be enough to comfort us. We have always been for mankind. The ship girls and commanders who are fighting for this ocean." Zuikaku said with a smile, with a hint of relaxation and strong expectation in his tone.

"In that case, let's discuss how to join forces next. Siren fleets will occasionally appear in the waters that are now under control, so it is impossible for everyone to go to the waters where the commander is.

Someone must stay accordingly to continue to maintain the stability of the sea area and keep our logistics layout lines open. What does the commander think? " Bismarck said.

"Well, let's talk about our opinions on this issue and finally summarize a feasible solution. This is also our purpose this time." Qin Ge said.


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