My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,108 Hiding in Hell Alone

However, Li Fan is still very confident that he will not be found in the transmission of the Dharma and whether he will be found in the afterlife.

Not to mention the countless covering formations on the True Immortal Puppet that were so complicated that they even faintly surpassed the great formation of reversing death and life.

In this world, no one has ever been to the frozen Dead Sea before.

But the True Immortal Relic can pinpoint its location accurately.

This alone is enough to make people suspicious of the afterlife.

"According to common sense, he should target those old acquaintances that may exist over the years."

"Even if you want to check me, there is no way to check me."

"The only flaw is the way the true immortal puppet is transferred, which is the power of darkness."

"As for the Netherworld, apart from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, I am the only one from the Ten Thousand Realms Federation who has ever been there..."

Thinking of this, Li Fan couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

When you reach the level of the Dharma Master, you no longer need evidence to "guess" when doing things.

Just the slightest chance was enough for him to make a decision.

"Since I have just reviewed it, there are only a few forces in the entire Xuanhuang world that can accomplish this. So if you think about it from another perspective, as long as you eliminate them all, you can nip it in the bud..."

"Although it seems a bit unreasonable, it is the way a tyrant does things."

As he thought about it, Li Fan's heart beat violently.

The decision was made almost immediately.

In the spirit wood world, all defensive formations are activated at full power.

The monks of the Federation of All Realms are all ready to fight at any time.

He summoned all the main people from Tianji Realm, Yaowang Sect, Empire Small World, etc. to explain the crisis level of the situation.

Qiao Gong, Liu Ruchen and others all changed their expressions slightly.

"This is so unreasonable? Just because we have the strength to kill the preacher, if they can't find the murderer, they want to kill us together?"

"Is the envoy too pessimistic? Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, I think you won't act so randomly, right?"

Everyone was talking a lot, but seeing Li Fan's increasingly gloomy expression, they all immediately chose to shut up.

"By begging for the blessing of the Mercy Fairy in the World, I have almost confirmed this matter."

"There is no doubt, you just need to be prepared in advance. There is no room for relaxation in this battle."

Li Fan said coldly.

When everyone heard this, their faces turned pale.

"The only chance of survival is that our resistance is strong enough."

"They conquered us because of revenge for the three law transmitters, and if we can bring them more than just the death of the three law transmitters..."

"On the contrary, they will have scruples." Li Fan encouraged again.

"Although the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is powerful, it is impossible for the entire alliance to attack us."

"In addition, we have a favorable geographical location. The Lingmu Realm is impregnable, covered by countless formations, and there are also barriers to the Tianji Realm."

"Finally, we can also call upon the power of the underworld to catch the enemy by surprise and attack the enemy with a tide of darkness..."

Li Fan said confidently: "As long as we can withstand the first few most ferocious waves of attacks, we should be able to survive this crisis."

Although Li Fan said this, there was still no optimism on everyone's faces.

They all left with heavy hearts to mobilize before the war.

The Lingmu Realm has been completely sealed, and even if they have the idea of ​​​​escape, they cannot escape.

Only fight to the death.

As for Li Fan...

In the underground secret room.

A holy fetus that looks exactly like Li Fan is rapidly taking shape.

After using the divine power of the compassionate immortal in the world of mortals, the holy fetus was forcibly raised to the Nascent Soul realm.

The Holy Embryo left the secret room again and put on the Tianyang War Puppet.

As for Li Fan himself...

He took nothing with him and quietly left the spirit wood world without anyone noticing.

Knowing that the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance would come to attack the Lingmu Realm, how could Li Fan stay and fight with them?

For Li Fan, what is the Federation of All Realms, what is the Spiritual Wood Realm, what is the Heavenly Secret Medicine King...

They are all just foreign objects and can be discarded at any time.

Only his own safety is the most important.

Just save your life and escape this storm.

After the Dharma is spread in the future and the vigilance is relaxed in the next life, the plan to destroy the world will be launched.

After everything comes true, all the lost things will eventually come back to him.

With Li Fan's current stealth ability, he walked quickly after leaving the spirit wood world, and no one found any trace of him from beginning to end.

Li Fan has already thought about where to hide for the next period of time.

"The so-called darkness under the light means that the most dangerous place is also the safest place."

Not long after, he had reached his destination.

It was the Hell of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance that had taken the Dharma Protector Guard out of it earlier!

"Hey, am I throwing myself into a trap?"

Li Fan laughed at himself in his heart.

"However, this so-called net of hell cannot stop me."

After careful observation, Li Fan had cracked the formation covering the entrance to the hell.

Turning into a wisp of dark shadow, he quietly flew into it.

The scene in front of me suddenly became dim.

It is somewhat similar to the scene in the Netherworld.

There is no heaven and earth, and all you can see is endless darkness.

But compared to the complete darkness of the Netherworld, there is still some light here.

At least the spiritual consciousness can barely distinguish the direction of travel, and will not be completely lost.

In the pitch-black endless space, tall prison pillars stood.

Each pillar seemed to be suppressing a prisoner.

On the surface of the pillar, there are constantly changing scenes of various horrific criminal laws.

As for the jailer of this hell, he is a ferocious monster composed of an unknown substance floating here like black mist.

There are thousands of them, several times as tall as the tall pillars in space.

From time to time, he made bursts of roars and flew into the pillars where the prisoners were held.

Not long after, faint screams of pain echoed in the cage.

After a long period of torture, these black mist monsters finally left the pillars with satisfaction.

Similar scenes kept playing out in the hell, as if there was no end.

Li Fan looked at this scene that was like a scene in purgatory, but his expression did not change at all.

After observing the composition of the cage pillars, he determined that it was composed of some kind of formation.

His eyes flashed, and his virginity was lost almost instantly.

Then he chose an empty one and got in on his own initiative.

"not bad."

After entering the black pillar, Li Fan looked around and found that the inside of the cage looked brighter than the outside.

It's just that formation attacks will fall at any time as a punishment.

Naturally, Li Fan cannot be hurt.

"I'm afraid they've searched the Xuanhuang Realm all over and they won't even think of me hiding here."

"And when they forget about me, it's time for me to go out."

Li Fan felt as if he had returned home, and he settled comfortably in the hell.

For him, there is actually no essential difference between the spirit wood world and the underworld.

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