My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,128 The power of dark faith

In order to achieve the highest level of the "Emperor's Qi Code" and become a peerless emperor comparable to those in the immortal realm, Li Fan estimated that he would have to at least create a huge dynasty with a sphere of influence covering the entire Xuanhuang world.

"Hmph, with this strength, what else can I do to practice the Heavenly Emperor's Qi Code?"

But after all, it was just a temporary measure to anchor himself, and Li Fan didn't have much illusions about it.

In fact, his goal has been achieved.

As the Daxuan Dynasty became more and more prosperous, he almost never had the strange phenomenon of disappearing and appearing in his body.

Even the face that had been lost had a tendency to reappear.

"The Faceless Immortal, his power seems to be to cut off all connections with the world."

"And as the Great Xuan Destiny Holy Emperor, hundreds of millions of creatures are connected to me. To some extent, I have affected the power of the True Immortal Network."

Li Fan carefully understood the entanglement between these two forces in himself, and suddenly realized something.

"The correct way to use the Heaven and Earth All Souls Formation may not be to simply block it. But..."

"Treat the memories of millions of living beings and pour them over like a basin of dog blood."

"To put it in layman's terms, it means forcibly linking those billions of lost thoughts to the Faceless Immortal."

"For example, let those living beings who died in vain think that the Faceless Immortal is the culprit."

Li Fan's thoughts turned sharply, and after some deductions from the final dissociation disc, he quickly made fine adjustments to the formation of all spirits of heaven and earth.

Then he summoned Lin Ling to come here.


Soon, Lin Ling, wearing a battle armor and a heroic appearance, appeared in front of Li Fan.

Different from the experience in the previous life, in this life Lin Ling has been shouldering the heavy responsibility of leading the Great Mysterious Forbidden Army to conquer all realms since he awakened his consciousness.

Running around, especially under Li Fan's instructions, I didn't have any contact with the ancient tree of the earth.

Her temperament also became as bold and informal as those in the military.

After Li Fan told her the subtle modification method of the Ten Thousand Spirits Array, Lin Ling was about to leave to carry out the mission, but suddenly remembered something.

"Huh?" Li Fan looked at Lin Ling.

"Master, while I was flying in the Xuanhuang Realm, a thought discovered me and has always wanted to communicate with me."

"Is it an ancient tree of earth veins?" Li Fan frowned slightly.

"No. But it's very similar..." Lin Ling answered truthfully.

Looking at Li Fan's expression, she quickly added: "But I always follow your teachings and ignore it."

"That idea is so crazy that it doesn't even say who it is. It just wants me to see it..."

When Li Fan heard this, he immediately knew what was going on.

I just don’t know why Ruomu discovered Lin Ling’s traces.

After asking in detail about the location of the encounter, Li Fan designed a magic circle for Lin Ling to block outside perception.

Then he sent her away.

After thinking about it, the main task in this life is to get rid of the influence of the Faceless Immortal.

Li Fan just wrote down the time and location of Ruomu's appearance this time, and had no intention of further contact with it.

"Later, we can give the Earthline Ancient Tree a surprise."

Li Fan snorted coldly.

With his figure flashing, Li Fan came to the secret room under the Holy Throne.

It was pitch dark here, and more than a dozen You clan members were imprisoned.

After Daxuan began to gain combat strength, Li Fan ordered Sun Erlang and Wang Xuanba to launch an attack on the You tribe.

Even with the help of the Sky Surveying Arrow, the victory is half the battle.

The Daxuan Forbidden Army suffered hundreds of casualties, but they also captured some You clan members alive.

After some manipulation, they also recognized the reality and agreed to open a passage to the Netherworld for Li Fan.

But the charging has not yet been completed at this moment, so Li Fan is not in a hurry to enter it.

When these You clan members saw Li Fan coming, they hurriedly knelt on the ground.

Li Fan stood still, sensing a statue of himself not far away in the darkness.

After becoming the Destiny Holy Emperor of Daxuan, Li Fan also wanted to reappear a power similar to the essence of source power.

Because it is somewhat similar to the power of faith, Li Fan ordered to build and erect statues of himself in various places, hoping to condense the essence of the Force with a huge number of people.

But obviously, he was a little naive.

Although the essence of source power is an existence abandoned by the true immortal, it is still one level higher than ordinary spiritual power.

Without special means, it is obviously impossible to put it away and condense it just by relying on pure collective prayers of mortals.

But things changed after these You clan members were arrested and returned.

Perhaps these You clan people were born with extremely strong faith in the Nether World. Almost the moment they surrendered, Li Fan faintly noticed a strange aura appearing in his body.

It's as red as the national destiny of the Daxuan Dynasty, and it gives Li Fan the feeling...

It is very similar to the golden source power essence of the compassionate fairy from the previous life!

Later, Li Fan simply moved a statue of himself into the dungeon here and ordered the more than ten You clan members to pray day and night.

The effect is also very significant.

The energy essence produced by these You clan people is actually more than the billions of citizens of Daxuan put together!

Li Fan studied their prayer methods and asked the Daxuan Forbidden Army to learn and imitate them.

But failed without exception.

After thinking about it, Li Fan could only attribute it to the special physique of the You tribe.

"It seems that it is still related to the dark power of the Nether Realm. King Xuantian..."

The Nether Realm, which can interfere with the True Immortal Network to a certain extent, obviously still hides many secrets.

But it is not something that can be explored in this life.

"It's a pity that the You tribe's fertility is not very strong."

"Otherwise, I can compile a belief network without relying on the faceless immortal stone statue."

The ability to be given, deprived, or even transmitted across the air at will is simply too powerful and convenient.

After Li Fan had tasted it, it was naturally difficult for him to leave it.

So even though it was not far from the truth at this time, Li Fan still did not give up research on this power.

Obviously, Li Fan does not have the talent in this area.

"We have to wait until it's completely safe and let those guys do the research."

Li Fan sighed slightly.

"Great Holy Emperor..." At this moment, one of the You clan members who was kowtowing and praying suddenly made a trembling voice, as if he had something to say.

"Huh?" Li Fan suddenly became interested.

This was the first time they actively tried to communicate with Li Fan.

After getting Li Fan's permission, the You clan member continued tremblingly: "While praying, I discovered that the master I originally served..."

He glanced at Li Fan cautiously: "That is, Youjie doesn't seem to be very angry about our rebellion."

He swallowed: "The ancestral teachings of the original tribe for generations said that you cannot betray the darkness. Otherwise, you will definitely be punished by God."

"But now that I've tried it, it's completely false."

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