My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,146: Destroying the Realm and Luring the Real Murderer

Chapter 1151 Destroy the world and lead to the real murderer

"Could it be..."


This thought could not help but appear in Shang Shaojun's mind.

As far as he knew, some of the survivors from other immortal realms were in the immortality realm.

Although not as invincible as the Immortal Lord of the Xuanhuang Realm, it is indeed not something that ordinary Hedao monks can deal with.

"That should be it." Shang Shaojun felt a chill in his heart and became more and more cautious towards Li Fan.

The two continued to go deep into the abyss, and the degree of integration of the laws of different worlds reached its peak.

New visions began to emerge in the darkness.

A bloody glimmer illuminated the front.

Pieces of broken continents hung upside down and floated above their heads.

Looking from a distance, you can vaguely see the ruins scattered all over the land, as well as the densely packed bones in the ruins.

All the floating world fragments are in deathly silence.

Thick red threads, like tree roots, grew from these fragmented continents, spreading to the abyss and hiding in the darkness.

Creepy sounds can be heard in the space from time to time.

It was like a metal knife scratching across the surface of the bones, and like a dying man breathing heavily.

The weird atmosphere here caused Li Fan and Li Fan, who came to explore the secret, to stop in unison.

Seeing that Li Fan seemed to be carefully observing the strange scene ahead, Shang Shaojun, after pondering for a while, also expressed his opinion through a voice message: "These broken worlds seem to be still alive?" He was a little unsure.

The holy fetus Li Fan did not answer.

He just waved a sword light and flew straight towards one of the broken worlds.

When Shang Shaojun saw this, his heart tightened and he immediately became vigilant.

Although I have seen how extraordinary Li Fan's swordsmanship is, the counterattack of the world, even a dying world, cannot be underestimated.

The silver-white sword light had crossed the space in an instant and arrived on the broken continent.

What Shang Shaojun didn't expect was that Li Fan's sword didn't seem to be for destruction.

After the diaphragm was pierced, it has been in a stagnant state.

And when it came, the traces it left in the sky did not fade away.

The sword light condensed and seemed to form a thin silver line.

Connected Li Fan with the broken world.

Li Fan's figure was flying, standing on the silver line, closing his eyes as if he was comprehending something.

"This is at……"

Regarding Li Fan's behavior, Shang Shaojun was a little confused at first.

But as he watched, for some reason, the scene of a mortal doctor diagnosing a pulse and treating a disease appeared in his mind.

"Use the sword as a guide to gain hope for life and death."

"Is it possible that this person not only has superb swordsmanship, but also has profound attainments in the field of [medicine]?"

Shang Shaojun was shocked in his heart.

And Li Fan's next move made his heart beat even more.

I saw Li Fan lightly stamping his foot on the silver thread, and a trace of fluctuation spread along the thin thread to the broken world.

At first, it was an inconspicuous slight tremor.

Then, as if something resonated, the tremors became more and more intense. The land that was already dead suddenly woke up.

Roaring sounds came from the underground, and countless lava erupted with the roar of the world. ….

At this moment, Li Fan flicked his fingers and cut off the sword light under his feet.

Then he fled far behind where he came from.

"Stay away."

Before Li Fan finished speaking, Shang Shaojun felt himself being hit by a huge force, and his body flew back uncontrollably.

The energy and blood in his body was boiling, as if he had been slightly injured. Shang Shaojun turned around in shock and found that the world "diagnosed" by Li Fan had already fallen into destruction due to violent self-collision.

It was originally just fragments, and the world was fragile.

It simply cannot withstand such intense energy fluctuations.

The earth was completely dismembered and turned into endless red flames.

When the final light shines in the darkness, it also represents the passing of a world.

Shang Shaojun looked at this scene and couldn't help but be slightly in a trance.

Li Fan stood beside him and explained: "If the world is destroyed by external force, it will not only cause the backlash of the world itself, but may also alarm the existence behind all this."

"But if it is to forcefully activate the last remaining power in the world and cause it to die naturally..."

As Li Fan spoke, another thousand sword figures appeared behind him.

The sword lights intertwined, flashed and then melted into the air.

"Come into the formation."

Hearing Li Fan's message, Shang Shaojun's heart jumped again.

However, he was almost numb with shock, so he just followed subconsciously.

As soon as he entered the formation space, Shang Shaojun saw the sword shadows flying rapidly around him again.

Thousands of swords flew together, creating a very hidden hiding place.

Before hiding in the sword formation, Shang Shaojun also saw Li Fan follow the same pattern and continuously destroy several broken worlds in front of him.

The terrifying impact released when the world was shattered made the deepest part of the abyss feel like purgatory for a moment.

Countless dark red ashes, coerced by violent energy, erupted out of the abyss.

Like thousands of ghosts walking at night, and a tide of beasts running wildly.

The Thousand Swords Formation seemed a bit difficult.

Keep shrinking.

The countless sword lights were rotating faster and faster, almost forming circles of lines.

But Li Fan didn't worry about the formation not being able to hold on.

He stood upright with his eyes closed, not knowing what he was doing.


As if he saw Shang Shaojun's doubts, Li Fan simply sent a message and stopped talking.

Shang Shaojun took a deep breath, and with the blessing of the cold breath, he quickly became peaceful.

The sword light was flying around, not only isolating the outside world.

Even his consciousness was blocked and he couldn't see clearly what was happening outside.

But judging from the banging sounds of the sword array being hit by giant objects from time to time, it can be seen that the destruction of several world fragments in a row must have an extremely terrifying impact on the outside world.

"If it weren't for this person, I would have returned in embarrassment just from this attack."

"Swordsmanship, medical skills, formations... Is there anyone in the world who can master all these skills?"

Shang Shaojun's thoughts were churning. Even with the blessing of the Immortal Heart Curse, he could not completely suppress all the speculations about Li Fan's identity.

I don’t know how long it took.

The storm outside the sword array finally slowly subsided.

But Li Fan still seems to have no intention of unlocking the sword formation.

Judging from his increasingly serious expression, it seems that there is something else in the outside world, which is even more terrifying than the destruction of all realms.

"The mastermind behind the scenes?"

Shang Shaojun's mind recalled the horrifying scene of countless world fragments hanging upside down above his head.

This obviously cannot be natural.

When he thought that a tyrannical existence that could treat the world like a plaything might appear not far away at this moment, Shang Shaojun couldn't help but feel a little numb.

"I wonder if this sword formation can be hidden?"

"If he discovers it, he will definitely be dead!"




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