My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,156 The Sword Points at the Fishing Pond

Chapter 1161 The sword points at the fishing pond

After suffering such a big loss from Mo Rubin and Tian Xuanjing, it is impossible to say that Li Fan has no intention of revenge.

However, as one of the Dharma Kings of Xuantian Sect, Mo Rubin's abilities are too mysterious. Even sneaking into the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was like entering an uninhabited land.

Although he later died in the Netherworld without any explanation, Li Fan is not 100% sure that he can defeat him now.

As long as there is no fundamental conflict of interest, Li Fan has no plans to provoke him in this life.

"Perhaps we can secretly learn how the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance dealt with this Dharma King of the Xuantian Sect."

According to the normal historical trajectory, Mo Rubin will be dug out by the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance without waking up.

Perhaps there are some special methods hidden within the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance to deal with members of the Xuantian Sect. After taking a preemptive strike, Mo Rubin may indeed have lost the power to resist.

At that time, Li Fan will be able to imitate Mo Rubin in the same way from now on.

But if Mo Rubin is like the 119th generation, he just pretends to be subdued, but actually takes the opportunity to sneak in...

Then Li Fan would not take the initiative to become an enemy of Mo Rubin before he found a definite way to deal with him.

As for the Tianxuan Mirror.

Carrying the origin of the Tianxuan Mirror, he is already in an invincible position.

Now I have a way to peek inside...

If God does not take it, he will suffer the consequences!

Li Fan thought quickly in his mind.

"The Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is looking for Mo Rubin in the ruins of various major sects in order to promote the discovery of the final method to clamp down on the Tianxuan Mirror. There should be a silent push from the mirror masters behind this."

"Cang, Fu, haha. Neither of these two are good friends."

"But it is also my opportunity."

As his thoughts surged, Li Fan turned into a ray of virtual light again and escaped into the infinite mirror.

Use it internally to continue building formations to stabilize control.

While waiting for Sun Luyuan to return to the secret room, he also studied the remaining traces of the Immortal Level Formation in the Infinite Mirror.

Daqi, Shengjing.

During this period of time, Wang Xuanba traveled all over the Xuanhuang Realm tirelessly.

In addition to Master Yin, Ou Daozi and his son, Ximen Yu and other "Xuanhuang Stars" selected by Li Ping were all deceived into the Holy Dynasty by Wang Xuanba relying on the words of the Holy Emperor Professor.

Of course, not everyone on this list has been impressed. Not only did they reject the invitation, some even killed Wang Xuanba's clone.

Wang Xuanba was not angry, he just wrote down the names of these people and reported them to the Holy Emperor.

Then skip it and go ask the next person.

After the Xuanhuang stars arrived at Daqi, under the personal reception of Li Ping, they all settled down in the Holy Dynasty like the people of Yin.

They have their own careers.

For example, Ximen Yu, Li Ping promised to help him conduct in-depth research on the power of earth veins. And also revealed some important news about the ancient trees of the earth line.

For example, Ou Daozi will be responsible for the construction of Daqi's new Holy Capital. And in the future, every small world conquered by the Holy Dynasty will be overall transformed by Ou Daozi as the chief planner.

More importantly, Li Ping could tell at a glance that Ou Shangtian was carrying two rare items: the Kungan Bone Hand and the Book of All Deaths. Then he accepted Ou Shangtian as his direct disciple. ….

Ou Shangtian did not feel the slightest malice from Li Ping.

Moreover, the various interesting secrets of the world of immortality and many mysteries mentioned by the Holy Emperor in his conversation really attracted the young Ou Shangtian deeply.

So I became a disciple willingly.

A person's whole life is nothing more than seeking fame, profit and heart.

And these, Holy Emperor Li Ping can satisfy them.

As for those who cannot come...

Their outcome has been decided in Li Ping's heart.

Under the throne of the Holy Emperor.

It's deeper than Master Yin's underground chamber.

The Holy Dynasty's secret intelligence agency called Jian Tiansi has been gradually established. As the central node of the great formation of heaven and earth, under the shroud of the formation, all affairs in the small world can be seen clearly.

Waiting for the Holy Dynasty to start the road of conquest in the future, and other small worlds will be included in the territory. They will also be strictly monitored by the Supervisory Office.

Not only that.

In Li Ping's expectation, the title of Supervising Heaven was not just for those small worlds.

Even the Xuanhuang Realm must be included.

Du'e Sect Paper Figure, Tianxuan Mirror...

With these as the basis, it is not difficult to build a rough intelligence system.

Supervisor Tiansi Anzi will be selected by Li Ping himself.

The impact of the change of heaven and earth on the small world of Daqi has begun to appear. In recent times, among the babies born in the Holy Dynasty, many of them have been born with supernatural powers.

There are holy medical clinics all over the place. As soon as all babies are born, Li Ping will immediately feel their constitution.

They will receive personal training from Li Ping since they were young. When they grow up, they will either go to Supervisor Tiansi or participate in Master Yin's new law derivation plan...

Make the best use of everything.

The growth of talent or empire takes time.

The Great Qi of the Holy Dynasty is developing at an extraordinary speed, but at the moment, the most attractive thing in the Holy Dynasty is a massive competition.

Fishing tournament.

It was organized by the Holy Emperor himself, and anyone who is interested in it nationwide can participate. Regardless of previous fishing experience.

Each region will determine the winner first, and then go to the Holy Capital to participate in the final competition.

When the time comes, the Holy Emperor will also appear and have fun with the people.

The top 100 people in the competition will receive generous rewards, enough to make an ordinary family have enough food and clothing for a lifetime.

And for those who perform well in the competition, it is said that there will be additional unique rewards from the Holy Emperor.

The news has been out for half a month, and there are countless people responding.

If it weren't for the help of the holy masters from all over the country, I'm afraid all the fish in the river would have been caught. Thus falling into the embarrassing situation of having no fish to catch.

In addition to ordinary people, disciples of the Holy Emperor will also participate.

This has greatly stimulated people's enthusiasm.

As we all know, the Holy Emperor has said in public more than once that he has no offspring now and will not have any offspring in the future.

The Holy Emperor has no heirs.

His disciples are undoubtedly the successors of the Holy Dynasty.

If he could be noticed by the Holy Emperor in the fishing competition and accepted as his true successor...

The fish leaps over the dragon gate, right now!

Inspired by various rumors, today's Daqi people are even crazy about "fishing".

It is even more important than reading and practicing.

And Li Ping naturally saw all of this.

The reason why he let it go, or even added fuel to the flames, was naturally because of the treasure fishing pond.

This immortal weapon even exists beyond the Xuanhuang Realm.

There are countless opportunities.

Maybe he has a way to break the situation.

Of course he would not let go of the opportunity to obtain a large number of divine items at no cost.

Any secret treasure fished out of it may greatly increase the Holy Dynasty's combat power.

Just one chapter today. . .

Kavinka is awesome. .




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