My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,164 Insects Transform into the Five Elements Heaven

The abundant spiritual energy in the Five Elements Cave is the best breeding ground for the infinite reproduction of Taoist insects.

Dramatic changes in the world took place quietly in the five caves.

Ordinary creatures may not be able to detect the fundamental changes in spiritual energy.

But the life form at the top of the cave reacted immediately.

The most conspicuous among them is the towering tree in the wood attribute cave.

The branches and leaves are moving without wind, as if they want to fight against the invisible enemy.

Dense greenery gushed out from the giant tree, forming a barrier to prevent the infestation of mutated spiritual energy.

But it is a pity that the giant trees here have obviously not reached the point where they can form a cycle of their own.

The bigger the body is, the more nutrients it needs to absorb from the outside world every moment.

It didn't last long before the green barrier collapsed on its own.

Invisible mutated spiritual energy swarmed and gnawed away at the giant tree.

Li Ping, who was far away from the cave, could clearly sense the entire process of the giant tree being transformed and devoured by the Taoist insect.

If you look carefully, you can see the giant tree in the Wood Attribute Cave Sky, and the leaves on it have traces of countless small insects crawling across it in an instant.

On the tree trunk, a human face was formed by the wriggling movements of several insects.

He was ferocious and terrifying, his eyes were facing Li Ping in the void!


Li Ping nodded slightly.

After struggling for a moment, the human face on the tree was slowly pulled into the tree and disappeared. However, if you look at it from a microscopic perspective, this giant tree has completely transformed into countless combinations of insects!

It’s not just this giant tree.

All existences in the five caves are inevitably undergoing changes of the same nature.

Li Ping called it...


If it is said that it is currently unknown, the various phenomena and changes brought about by the mutated Taoist insect are all within the expectations of Holy Emperor Li Ping.

Then the scene that happened next caught him a little off guard.

When the entire Five Elements Cave Heaven is more than one-third worm-infested.

It seemed like a certain existence had suddenly awakened.

It is different from the pure consciousness of heaven and heaven in the small world. It is hatched by the common consciousness of billions of insects with the help of the body of the heaven in the small world!

Compared with the world of heaven under normal circumstances, the world consciousness of this newly born Five Elements Cave Heaven is the same as that of a mutant Taoist.

Full of aggression and endless greed and devouring desire!

Nine lavender flying dragons suddenly appeared and guarded Li Ping.

As the only Destiny Holy Emperor with a small world around the Five Elements Cave, he felt the slightest sense of crisis being locked in this "worm-turned-cave".

"A newborn calf dares to swallow a tiger."

Li Ping snorted coldly, not panicking at all.

Although the overall insect transformation of Five Elements Cave Heaven exceeded his expectations.

But since he dares to let Taoist Baihua move the Five Elements Cave to this place, it means that he has enough confidence to deal with various problems.

"The good fortune of the Holy Dynasty has turned into a dragon. Billions of people are at my disposal!"

Li Ping groaned, and behind him, the shadow of the prosperity of countless people living and working in peace and contentment emerged in the Holy Dynasty.

Even though the size of Daqi's small world is far smaller than that of the Five Elements Cave, it is precisely because of the existence of countless creatures with firm beliefs that it can still not be at a disadvantage even when faced with a giant creature that is a hundred times larger than itself!

The holy pilgrimage scene is filled with a faint purple aura, as if it were real.

Li Ping carried the faith and democratic destiny of hundreds of millions of people in Daqi, and with a flicker of his body, he stepped onto the worm-shaped Five Elements Cave Heaven.

Step down hard!

In the void, a sharp cry like a beast from ancient times suddenly sounded.

It echoes for a long time.

The huge Five Elements cave sky roars and trembles. The alienated spiritual energy in the cave sky was boiling and boiling, and all kinds of weird black beasts suddenly appeared.

They were extremely angry and fearless of death. They rushed out of the cave world and attacked Li Ping.

The target is not only Li Ping, but also the Holy Dynasty behind him!

"The Holy Emperor of Destiny will benefit you forever!"

The phantom of the Holy Dynasty behind him suddenly bloomed with infinite lavender light, covering Li Ping's body.

Li Ping's body is also illuminated by the purple light of luck, and grows in the wind.

But in an instant, it had become bigger than the entire Daqi Small World.

He is really like the giant in the myth who stands tall and stands in front of countless creatures in Daqi, fighting against the black insect-shaped alien beast!

At this moment, the huge figure of Holy Emperor Li Ping also appeared on the sky at the beginning of the Holy Dynasty.

Countless people subconsciously knelt on the ground and chanted the kindness of the Holy Emperor.

With this help, Li Ping's figure expanded several times again.

The lavender color on his body gradually solidified, and then Li Ping swung it out, turned into a thunderbolt, and hit the strange beast hard.

Roaring sounds continued to sound in the void, and the speed at which the insect-shaped alien beasts evolved could not keep up with the speed at which they were destroyed by Li Ping.

The Holy Emperor of Heaven, who had freed his hands, raised his fist, and then slammed it on the Five Elements Cave Heaven.

One punch, two punches!

Although it was the simplest attack method, it was forcibly blasted into the cave sky with a trace of purple energy.

The ferocious nature of the insect that transformed into the Five Elements Cave Heaven was slowly suppressed.

The primitive Taoist insect that was previously sent into the cave to be corroded was cultivated with a ray of consciousness from Li Ping.

In a sense, these countless mutations to Dao Yizhong are all his descendants.

After briefly suppressing the instinctive consciousness of insect transformation at this moment, Li Ping gradually gained control of the insect transformation cave through this connection.

The rebellious Five Elements Cave Heaven slowly calmed down.

The black beast that originally bared its teeth and claws and wanted to kill Li Ping was now like a flattery, flying close to Li Ping and constantly trying to please him.

Li Ping still maintained his purple giant form, sensing the completely different Five Elements Cave Heaven.

After being transformed into an insect and then tamed, the cave sky seemed to have formed another body of his.

Not only everything in the cave is well understood.

He can even control insects to transform into caves, move and attack!

"The world is transformed into insects..."

Li Ping fell into thinking while adapting to this new body.

"If the ordinary caves and small worlds are compared to static existences like grass and trees, then after being transformed into insects, they are endowed with beast-like abilities."

"The aggression is greatly increased, and they can even hunt and prey spontaneously."

"But it's not all good..."

Li Ping frowned slightly: "After transforming into an insect, the lifespan of the Five Elements Cave Heaven has also been greatly shortened."

"It may only last less than a thousand years, and it will inevitably fall into decline."

Heaven and earth have their own time limit for existence.

Taking billions of years as a unit, compared with mortals, it can almost be said to have existed forever.

But after transforming into an insect, it was shortened by an unknown number of times.

“The harm far outweighs the good.”

"But it can never happen again."

Li Ping, who calls himself a man of destiny, made this judgment.

But Li Fan himself had a different thought in his heart.


There have been two recent events.

The first is to make a wish and update. If you fail to achieve the goal, the reward coins will be returned in full, so don’t worry and you can give it a try.

The second is the pit-filling extra episode. I wrote about Heavenly Medicine, and I will meet you all when the time comes.

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