My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1167: Missing the Yin Yang Pearl

As the leader of the Qingxuan Army, Shang Shaojun suppressed the mighty Abyss for hundreds of years, and was able to remain calm even in the face of such terrifying waves of world-destroying demonic sounds.

But now, he truly felt the deep-rooted fear that he had not experienced in a long time.

There are really too many death monks in this frozen sea.

Young Master Shang could hardly imagine where these monks came from?

I'm afraid there are more monks buried here than in the entire Xuanhuang Realm!

Holy Fetus Li Fan also pretended to be frightened by the scene in front of him, his body trembled slightly and his face looked horrified.

"Young Master, don't act rashly, be careful."

After a while, he seemed to come back to his senses and comforted Shang Shaojun.

Shang Shaojun's face was still ugly, and he looked around from time to time, as if there were some unknown enemies hidden around him.

"There's something...something wrong here. Did you hear anything?" Shang Shaojun asked via voice transmission.

"Sound? What sound?" Li Fan, the holy fetus, was a little stunned, but this was not an act.

Shang Shaojun said with a gloomy face: "Maybe it's because I've been in the Abyss for a long time, so I'm more sensitive to any sound. Ever since I came to this maze, I've always heard some kind of whisper. Sometimes it disappears. Now, didn’t you hear?”

Li Fan, the holy fetus, narrowed his eyes.

This isn't his first time here.

He even guided various monks to come here.

But no one like Shang Shaojun could hear inexplicable sounds in the dead silence of the frozen sea.

With other thoughts in his mind, Li Fan said solemnly: "What do you think, Young Master? There must be a huge secret involved here. But at the same time, if you want to delve into it, you will definitely have to take huge risks. It's better to take advantage of the situation." If you are discovered, leave first; or should you find out?"

Shang Shaojun did not answer Li Fan immediately. Instead, his ears moved slightly, as if he was distinguishing the sounds he heard.

After a while, he sent a message to explain: "Brother Li, come with me. I have a hunch that tracing the source of this sound may solve part of the mystery here."

Li Fan, the holy fetus, nodded slightly, unsheathed his sword and guarded the two of them.

"Caution comes first."

The two traveled through the endless frozen sea.

Li Fanshi already knew the overall structure of the [Reversal of Death and Life Formation].

However, since he was pretending to be here for the first time, even when he saw Shang Shaojun leading him around in the formation, he didn't break it.

He just followed behind him in a muffled voice.

But as Shang Shaojun stubbornly continued to move in a certain direction, the holy fetus Li Fan also discovered the subtle changes in his surroundings.

He even hid the analysis of the final disintegration disc before and was ignored by him!

"There is actually such a hidden change in the great formation? It is indeed a formation that can prove immortality." Li Fan was secretly shocked.

keep going.

It seemed like they were standing still, except that the frozen coffins in the Dead Sea were constantly rotating around them.

The deeper you go, the faster the surrounding scene rotates.

"Brother Li, be careful. It seems that the source of the sound is in front!" Shang Shaojun's voice was also a little nervous.

It was like passing through a long and narrow space-time tunnel. Due to the rapid speed, all the images turned into circles of overlapping lines.

After breaking through the end of the tunnel, countless circles return to one point.

Then it exploded in the field of vision.

suddenly see the light.

It's just that the surrounding air is getting colder and colder.

Even the two holy fetuses, Li Fan, felt a little stiff from the cold.


Arouse the spiritual power in the body, trying to dispel the biting cold.

The two looked around carefully.

There seemed to be nothing inside the silver-white ball of light, except for the somewhat blurry boundaries that could be seen.

Looking back in the direction they came from, what they saw made their pupils suddenly shrink.

Like a yin-yang fish, a constantly rotating ball floats quietly in the air.

From the dark parts, Li Fan could vaguely sense the breath of the dead and frozen sea.

And inside this white ball of light, there are actually eight small yin-yang balls like this!

There are nine pieces in total, forming a special shape.

Shang Shaojun swallowed hard.

It was just one of the yin-yang balls, and the number of dead people inside it was countless.

If this number is multiplied by nine...

The two looked at each other and both could see the fear in the other's heart.

Even voice communication has become cautious.

For fear of disturbing the nine yin and yang balls here.

"Shaojun, the sound you heard before..."

"No more. After entering here, it stopped suddenly and disappeared inexplicably. Wait..." Shang Shaojun was suddenly stunned and turned his head to look in the opposite direction of the Yin-Yang Ball.

The holy fetus Li Fan followed his gaze, but saw nothing.


Shang Shaojun only gave a careful reminder and stopped talking.

The body stiffened and stopped moving. The breath also became extremely weak in an instant.

At this time, Li Fan, the Holy Fetus, realized that there seemed to be some invisible existence arriving in this space.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Although there was no specific sound, the heavy footsteps really stepped on Li Fan's heart.

The distance is getting closer.

He didn't pay attention to the two rash intruders, but went straight to the vicinity of the nine Yin-Yang beads.


The sound of gentle blowing was heard.

The space near the Yin-Yang Pearl also showed waves of distortion and fluctuation.

As if being boiled in boiling water, the yin and yang parts of the nine small balls rotate around each other and become more distinct.

Shang Shaojun and Li Fan clearly saw that there seemed to be strands of frozen corpses entering the nine yin and yang beads as the unknown existence blew.

The whole bizarre process didn't last long.

The oppressive footsteps gradually faded away, and the silver-white space here slowly returned to normal.

The nine yin and yang beads also slowly settled and became calm again.

After a long time, the two of them communicated through sound transmission.

"Just now, what on earth was that?"

"The sense of crisis is like needle pricks all over the body, and the spiritual sense in the heart is warning wildly. It seems that a disaster will be imminent at any time... This kind of feeling, even the Immortal God, may not be able to bring it, right?"

After just a few words, the two fell into an extremely oppressive silence.

"The sound I just heard should be the echo of the unknown existence's footsteps here." Shang Shaojun guessed, "Even if it has left, the sound still lingers."

"The countless frozen corpses in the Yin Yang Pearl seem to be that guy's handiwork. But I still can't figure out where so many corpses came from? Also, what could be outside this silver space? "

Li Fan, the holy fetus, could not answer these questions.

I originally thought that this was just the dojo of the deceased god. But he didn't expect that in this life, by accident, he would discover a deeper secret hidden behind it.

There is still chapter 12:30. After spending the past two days catching up on the Heavenly Doctor episode, I finally finished it. No more updates. . . Point coins will be returned the same way.

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