My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,172 Crossing the dust and emerging from Xuanhuang

"What a big mistake!" Before Shang Shaojun could reply, the holy fetus Li Fan refuted in a cold voice.

"The source of this power is not close at hand. It is deep in the sea of ​​stars!"


Hearing Li Fan's words, Shang Shaojun was stunned.

"I know Young Master doesn't believe it. But it doesn't matter. When I successfully get rid of the shackles of the Immortal Ruins and fly out of the Xuanhuang Realm, you will know that I am right!"

"Please young master, please give me a helping hand!" Li Fan, the holy fetus, bowed down and bowed with a solemn face.

How could Shang Shaojun dare to accept Li Fan's courtesy? He quickly stopped him.

"Brother Li, why are you like this? It's just a few supplies. Based on the friendship between you and me, it's just a matter of words."

"Yan Huan!" Shang Shaojun called his confidant to him and told him to handle the matter.

"Don't worry, everything will be ready in three days at most."

"Too slow! God-given opportunity, don't miss it anymore. One day!" Holy Fetus Li Fan said unceremoniously.

Shang Shaojun pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth: "Okay! One day at a time!"

Then there seemed to be a message conveying something.

After doing all this, he turned to stare at Li Fan and hesitated to speak.

"Young Master, if you want anything, it's okay to say it!"

"Brother Li, you really want to..." Shang Shaojun still seemed a little unbelievable.

The Holy Fetus Li Fan smiled slightly and explained his judgment to him: "The powerful force that caused this Xuanhuang shock came from the depths of the starry sky. It is completely different from the attraction of the Immortal Ruins that has always attracted the Xuanhuang Realm."

"If in the past, I rashly flew out of the Xuanhuang Realm without the protection of the world, let alone a Hedao monk like me, even if I were in the ordinary realm of immortality, I would have had to die. Perhaps only someone with the power of the Heavenly Master of Transmission Only by the presence of the enemy can we barely resist. But it’s different now..."

In front of Li Fan, a pool of water suddenly appeared.

In the middle of the water, a huge whirlpool was spinning rapidly, and the water was rushing and swallowing everything around it.

Li Fan, the holy fetus, pointed lightly.

Outside this vortex, another vortex of the same size suddenly appeared.

The forces of the two vortices interfere with each other, and the direction of the water flow becomes unstable.

Shang Shaojun instantly understood what Li Fan meant.

"But, these are all your guesses, Brother Li, right? If you guess wrong..."

"Hear the Tao in the morning and die in the evening." Li Fan, the holy fetus, had a calm face and no fear at all.

"If I miss this rare opportunity, I will regret it for the rest of my life even if I am still alive."

"So I must go." Li Fan said firmly.

"I want to see what kind of being can possess such great power." His eyes were shining with light.

Shang Shaojun remained silent.

Qingxuanjun's work efficiency is trustworthy.

In one day, all the supplies Li Fan needed were prepared.

"Beyond the star sea, there are many crises. Brother Li, why don't you make more preparations? Are you just going to cross the starry sky with these?" Shang Shaojun muttered in his heart.

"If we have enough time, it would be better to build a solid flying boat. But doesn't time allow it? We can only use the Immortal Alliance Dust Boat to reluctantly replace it."

Duchenzhou is the only designated flying magic weapon currently used by the Immortal Alliance to travel to and from the White Mist Realm.

In the 114th life, Li Fan followed Ji Hongdao and took this boat to the Abyss.

Duchenzhou is forged from many rare materials and comes with many formation protections. There are only two ships in the entire Eternal Immortal Barrier.

Being able to donate one of them shows that Shang Shaojun is really loyal.

"But as long as we can survive the most intense game point between the two forces outside the Xuanhuang realm, there should be no danger." The Holy Fetus Li Fan seized the last moment to transform Duchenzhou.

In fact, there is another point that he did not say clearly.

The greatest reliance for the Holy Fetus Li Fan to dare to cross the starry sky is not relying on any external objects, but his own foundation-building wonders, the wonders of the Black Sword Sky!

As the embodiment of the law, the black sword is far more indestructible than most things in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Moreover, unlike ordinary protective materials that will gradually be damaged, the black sword can continuously "temper" the sword body with the help of external forces, making itself more adaptable.

"Thanks to the new method of Chuanfa Tianzun. Even if I abandon my physical body, as long as the law of the sword is not destroyed, I can always survive in the void."

While full of confidence, the holy fetus Li Fan also considered various unexpected situations that he might encounter after flying out of the Xuanhuang Realm.

for example……

The strange laws of Black Sword Heaven are the embodiment of the laws of swordsmanship in the Xuanhuang Realm.

If you leave the Xuanhuang Realm, you will no longer have the support of the world. Will it suffer an immediate loss of strength? Becoming extremely weak?

Furthermore, the Heavenly Doctor once mentioned that outside the Xuanhuang Realm and in the void, one needs to worry about certain "diseases".

Li Fan had also seen this disease in Han Zhong.

Darkness decays, infecting the soul.

Even the Wuji Yingxu method to repair the soul has no relief at all.

Li Fan, the holy fetus, does not expect to be immune to this disease. He only hopes to use a large amount of precious materials to nourish his soul and prolong the time he can persist in the void.

Another day passed quickly.

The vibrations in the Xuanhuang Realm are about to stop visible to the naked eye.

The Xuanhuang Realm monks all looked lucky to survive the disaster. There are still many people who are still worried, fearing that this terrible disaster will happen again.

Outside the abyss, the holy fetus Li Fan is ready for everything.

The Du Chenzhou was completely different from its original appearance. Li Fan said goodbye to the Qingxuan Army and walked slowly into the flying boat.

Looking at Li Fan's back, Shang Shaojun hesitated to speak.

He even couldn't help but feel an urge to rush out of the Xuanhuang Realm together and explore the secret behind that mighty power.

As an immortal cultivator, how could you not be curious about that level of power?


He was not alone after all. There are so many things to worry about.

Shang Shaojun suddenly felt envious of the figure on the ferry boat.

"Young Master, at this moment, do you want to join me and put life and death aside?"

The other party seemed to be able to read minds. Before leaving, he suddenly asked through a voice message.

Before Shang Shaojun could answer, Li Fan, the holy fetus, smiled and said, "That won't work."

Shang Shaojun was slightly startled.

"Young Master, please don't forget that Xiao Xiao is still secretly hiding in the Xuanhuang Realm."

"If you and I leave, wouldn't we be letting those bad guys succeed?"

"I thought you would forget about it in the blink of an eye." Shang Shaojun cursed secretly.

The Duchen boat slowly lifted into the sky.

The voice of the holy fetus Li Fan echoed in Shang Shaojun's ears.

"The future of the Xuanhuang Realm and the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance depends on you, Shaojun."

"If I am lucky enough to survive the disaster, I will definitely come back to help you!"

Shang Shaojun followed Du Chenzhou all the way, left the white mist, and watched it disappear into the sky.

I felt lost in my heart.

Although he had only known Li Fan for a short time, he was deeply impressed by him both in terms of strength and demeanor.

"Stay alive."

Shang Shaojun said secretly in his heart.

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