My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,187 The Thousand-Year-Old Soul Returns Home

Even though the paper strength of the Holy Dynasty Daqi has expanded rapidly, it is still far from enough to challenge the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the Five Elders Association at this stage.

Therefore, the initial stage of the plan still focuses on penetration and erosion.

During the Xuanhuang turmoil more than half a year ago, the Immortal Alliance lost many grassroots monks. There are secret rumors circulating now, saying that the Immortal League will expand its enrollment to a certain extent during the entrance examination in the near future.

Li Ping has selected a group of good seedlings and is ready to take this opportunity to send them to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Although the grassroots monks may seem insignificant, they can slowly corrode the internal governance of the Immortal Alliance like moths. And as time goes by, the greater their cultivation and merit, the higher their position will be, and the harm and impact caused will gradually become greater.

The investment cost is extremely low, but the effect is excellent. The more the better.

"The existence of the golden source of power network not only allows them to sneak into the Immortal Alliance smoothly, but also controls them firmly from beginning to end."

“The exchange of information and even materials can be completed without meeting in real life.”

"This method of connection is far more concealed and safer than the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the Five Elders Association. It will be extremely difficult for them to discover it."

In addition to corroding the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance from within, reducing its potential must also be done simultaneously.

"In the Xuanhuang Realm, all the outstanding practitioners in the next hundred years must be controlled. If they cannot be used by me, they should be eliminated as soon as possible."

"You can even divert the trouble to the east and blame the assassination plan on the Wu Laohui."

"I sit on a mountain and watch tigers fight..."

While using various means to weaken the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, Li Ping will certainly not slow down the development of the Holy Dynasty.

When the number of You clan members reaches a certain scale and enough pure golden source power is collected, Li Ping will use it to transform the formation of heaven and earth.

Make the small world of Daqi truly an impregnable fortress, hidden and free in the void.

"I can feel that since Master Yin, Ou Daozi and other Xuanhuang heroes came to the small world of Daqi to serve me, the atmosphere of the Holy Dynasty, which was already stuck in a bottleneck, has suddenly ushered in the possibility of another breakthrough."

"This is [one is declining and the other is growing]. I have swallowed up the destiny that originally belonged to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance."

"It's just not enough to fully satisfy the promotion."

"In addition to usurping luck from the outside world, which requires time to accumulate, the status of Daqi's small world itself is also a major factor that restricts it. Maybe it's time to consider the upgrade of the small world."

With a thought in his mind, Li Ping returned to the Holy Emperor's throne.

Not long after, Sun Erlang, surrounded by a murderous aura, appeared in front of him.

The brave young man in the past has grown into a terrifying god of death in the Holy Dynasty.

He commanded the forbidden army of the Holy Dynasty and conquered all realms. I don’t know how many creatures in other small worlds have died tragically at the hands of Sun Erlang over the years.

"I've met Master!" Sun Erlang knelt down on one knee.

"How is the construction status of the All Realms Spirit Array?" Li Ping asked.

"Already completed, eleven. Still under construction, six." Sun Erlang spoke concisely and concisely, while passing on the specific information with his spiritual consciousness.

"In the recent period, the conquest has been suspended. The expansion has been too fast and needs to be digested. In those small worlds, anyone who has the intention to resist will be killed without mercy. I don't want to wait until the official war with the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance begins, and there will be a fire in the backyard. "

The meaning revealed in Li Ping's words shocked Sun Erlang.

Even though he knew that his master had great intentions, this was the first time that his plan to conquer the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was clearly expressed from his mouth.

This made conquering those small worlds like chopping melons and vegetables. Sun Erlang, who didn't feel any pressure at all and even felt a little bored, instantly became excited.

Li Ping could see what Sun Erlang was thinking at a glance.

"I have seen so many sheep that I think the world is full of sheep. Not to mention the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, even the small world hidden in the Xuanhuang Realm, some of them are not comparable to our current Holy Dynasty Daqi." Li Ping said calmly. Then he pointed towards Sun Erlang.

"Go and visit this place. It is the hidden place of the ancient Taiyan Sect. See if you can convince them to join our alliance."

"Taiyan Sect..." Sun Erlang's eyes flashed.

"Go. There is something special there. You will know it after you go there. Don't force it. My purpose is just to make you restrain your pride."

Different from the training strategy for Ou Shangtian, when Sun Erlang's path deviated slightly, Li Ping chose to take the initiative to help him correct it.

In addition to having a deeper relationship with Sun Erlang, Li Ping also needs a powerful senior brother to suppress all other disciples.

So it is inevitable that you will spend more time cultivating it.

"I hope this kid gained something from his trip to Taiyan Sect."

Li Ping thought so while sitting in the Holy Emperor's Throne.

Let us say that Sun Erlang followed the instructions of the Holy Emperor and came to Yi Xing's tomb.

After collecting Yi Xing's corpse and the white papers everywhere, Sun Erlang went straight to his goal.

"I didn't expect that there is such a tomb of an ancient cultivator in Daqi. I just don't know what the purpose of these papers that the teacher specially asked me to collect is." On the way, Sun Erlang studied it carefully and found nothing. Discover the mystery of this.

Suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Sun Erlang soon arrived at his destination.

Taihuazhou, Taixuan Mountain.

"Master said that the entrance to Taiyan Sect is hidden inside this mountain?"

After searching around, I couldn't find any trace of the space passage.

Sun Erlang couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

If it were brute force, it would not be impossible to forcefully carve out a passage in the mountain. However, this time he was here to be a lobbyist and persuade the other party to join the Holy Alliance, so he recklessly destroyed other people's sect's headquarters...

After thinking about it, Sun Erlang still didn't act rashly.

On Taixuan Mountain, I chose a geomantic treasure place.

A pit was dug and Yi Xing's bones were taken out.

Just when he was about to bury it...

A figure suddenly appeared behind Sun Erlang.

"Sure enough, it's here!" Sun Erlang thought to himself.

On the surface, he pretended to be facing a formidable enemy: "Who is it?!"

The figure ignored Sun Erlang and just stared at Yi Xing's body.

As if trapped in some kind of memory, he remained motionless for a long time.

Sun Erlang was not a reckless warrior, so he would not disturb this figure who seemed to have unfathomable strength.

Just wait patiently and silently.

"If you wait a few more years, brother, maybe everything will be different."

After a long time, the figure sighed and waved his sleeves at Yi Xing.

Yi Xing's corpse disappeared in an instant, and he turned to look at Sun Erlang.

"Xiao Langjun, why are you here?"

Sun Erlang looked at the face in front of him that seemed to be about the same size as himself. After hesitating for a while, he truthfully explained his purpose.

There will be another chapter probably around 12:30. . .

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