My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,189 The Legend of Immortal World Yantian

"Is it possible that your master was a member of the Shenmu Sect back then?" Chen Tianhai seemed to have thought of something and was a little surprised.

""Sitting on the Mountain"?" After hearing these three words, Sun Erlang's heart moved slightly. It even gave rise to a sense of familiarity.

"No, no." But before Sun Erlang could answer, Chen Tianhai shook his head and rejected it.

"It's just that the breaths are somewhat similar."

"Besides, it is said that "Sitting on the Mountain" is a technique practiced by the sacred tree of the Shenmu Sect. It is based on years of practice. When ordinary monks practice, it is extremely difficult and their progress is extremely slow. Xiao Langjun is already very young. Nascent Soul Dacheng. Obviously not worthy of it." Chen Tianhai smiled mockingly, looking at Sun Erlang, his curiosity became even more intense.

"It is true that this junior is not practicing the "Sitting Mountain Jue", but the Mysterious Technique personally taught by Master. The reason why I practice so quickly is that this Mysterious Technique accounts for most of the credit." Sun Erlang said solemnly.

"Okay, maybe I did see it wrong." Chen Tianhai did not argue with him anymore and ignored it.

"Senior, was this Shenmu Sect one of the ten immortal sects of the time?" Although he clarified the origin of the techniques he practiced, Sun Erlang was still a little curious about the "Sitting Mountain Technique". So he asked directly.

Sun Erlang discovered that this Taiyan Sect was very different from the ancient Immortal Sect with strict rules in his impression.

There is almost no distinction between superior and inferior, and he is called a young man affectionately to him, an extremely young outsider.

Although I don’t know what caused such an atmosphere, it is undoubtedly a good thing for Sun Erlang, and he simply follows the local customs.

Chen Tianhai also knew everything and answered. After asking Sun Erlang to sit down, he said: "Shenmu Sect is older than our ten sects of immortality."

"In the same era as the Shenmu Sect, there are ancient immortal sects such as the Desolate God Sect and the Reincarnation Sect that have long been destroyed."

"Before the Immortal Road was cut off, some of them had completely disappeared due to various reasons."

"The Shenmu Sect is said to be named after an extraterrestrial sacred tree within the sect. This sacred tree is said to have been given by the Immortal Realm. After taking root in the Xuanhuang Realm, it has shown all kinds of incredible magical powers. But it is precisely because of this sacred tree that the [Gen Huan Huan] Huan Hengyuan]’s dissatisfaction eventually led to defeat. It’s really unpredictable.”

"The meaning of the five characters [䘘湹桓hengyuan] is [something that has appeared since ancient times and will continue to exist forever. Standing on the river of life, like a wall supporting the sky]. It is black and yellow A native ancient tree that has been with heaven and earth since the birth of the world, and even holds the power of immortality."

"It is said that one mountain cannot tolerate two tigers. The growing growth of this sacred tree outside the world will inevitably pose a threat to it. So there was the destruction of the Shenmu Sect..."

Chen Tianhai casually recounted ancient anecdotes.

Since Sun Erlang entered the path of cultivation, apart from practicing, he also killed. This was the first time that he had the honor to know these ancient secrets, and he listened to them with gusto.

"These Huangshen Sect and Shenmu Sect, just by their names, they seem to be different from other sects." Sun Erlang sighed.

Chen Tianhai smiled: "That's natural. These are sects that have been born since the creation of the Xuanhuang Realm, and they are inextricably linked to the Immortal Realm. When the Immortal Realm exists, their status is naturally unshakable. But if The world of immortality has suffered great changes and the path to immortality has been cut off, so they should no longer be prosperous."

Sun Erlang nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

"Does Young Master know the origin of our Taiyan Sect?" Chen Tianhai suddenly changed the topic and asked.

"Junior doesn't know." Sun Erlang answered honestly.

"Our Taiyan Sect is the direct descendant of a true immortal. We have received the [Nine Volumes of Yantian] from the [Great Master Tiandu], and we can have a glimpse of all possible changes in the next thousand years." Chen Tianhai said proudly.

"Unlike the second-rate sects of the Tianji Sect who pretend to be gods and ghosts, we do not rely on any mysterious and mysterious Qi sensing, but rely on our powerful calculation capabilities to conduct a realistic preview of the future."

Sun Erlang suddenly thought of the word "simulation" he heard from Yi Shu before.

"Little Langjun, please look!" Chen Tianhai waved his hand, and a blue ball suddenly appeared in front of Sun Erlang.

Sun Erlang looked carefully and saw that there seemed to be countless overlapping images appearing simultaneously in the small blue ball.

The pictures are all scenes of him and Chen Tianhai talking here.

However, Sun Erlang keenly discovered that his expression and movements were different in every scene.

There are even some scenes of him suddenly taking action here and then being easily killed by Chen Tianhai.

"This is all the possible futures we have deduced after your arrival, Xiao Langjun. However, during the time I have been in contact with you, I have a clearer understanding of your temperament and strength. So among them Some futures have lost their meaning before they have been deduced to the end.”

Following Chen Tianhai's words, about four-fifths of the picture in the blue ball suddenly dimmed.

The rest of the scene was exactly the same as what Sun Erlang was experiencing at the moment.

Sun Erlang looked at this scene and seemed to understand something.

But when I thought about it carefully, I suddenly felt confused and unable to understand.

Chen Tianhai continued: "As we are talking, based on the content of the topics we are talking about, there are fewer and fewer inference results that are consistent with the future direction."

"In the end, when Xiao Langjun left, our deduction of this matter came to an end and became one with reality."

"A new derivation happens again."

The blue ball completely dimmed.

After a moment of silence, another burst of bright blue light burst out.

The sphere disappeared and turned into blue mist, floating in front of Sun Erlang.

What Lan Wu demonstrated was the entire Xuanhuang world and countless possibilities in the future.

"The essence of calculating the Xuanhuang Realm is the same as calculating the trivial matter of meeting you. As long as we have enough information and correct the deviation of the derivation results in time, we can simulate a future Xuanhuang Realm."

"You can also see further in the long river of time than outsiders."

Chen Tianhai flashed his hand, and the blue mist that gave rise to various future scenes retracted into his body in an instant.

Chen Tianhai, who was originally an extraordinary person, suddenly turned into a dreamlike being made entirely of blue crystals.

This scene made Sun Erlang slightly stunned.

"Our Taiyan Sect has been calculating the future trajectory of the Xuanhuang Realm without any major errors for more than a thousand years."

"but now……"

Chen Tianhai stared straight at Sun Erlang.

"Just like in this room where you and I are meeting, a mysterious man suddenly appears out of thin air, kills you, and then runs away."

"This is completely outside common sense and something that would never happen under normal circumstances..."

“We call it [Beyond the Variables].”

The blue light on Chen Tianhai gradually subsided and he returned to his normal appearance.

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