My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,191: A Dream Flashes a Thousand Years

Sun Erlang really didn't expect that Senior Chen of the Taiyan Sect, who had paved the way for the power of so many transformation stones, would end up giving him this transformation stone that had been lost for thousands of years in Yi Xing's tomb.

"Thank you, senior!" However, Sun Erlang was not stupid. He was afraid that the other party would regret it, so he immediately took the treasure.

After holding it in his hand and observing it happily for a long time, Sun Erlang's expression gradually changed from surprise to embarrassment.

"Senior, this transformation stone..."

"Why doesn't it seem to be working?"

Chen Tianhai said: "If you want to experience the wonders of the Dao Transformation Stone, you need to use the secret method of our sect [Hua Dao Shenyi]!"

Sun Erlang suddenly became alert and said: "Senior, I already have a disciple. I cannot join your Taiyan Sect..."

Chen Tianhai chuckled: "Young Master, you are too worried. I have given you the Tao Transformation Stone, so how can you care about this secret technique?"

As the opponent pointed his finger in the air, Sun Erlang, who was shrouded in illusory blue light, suddenly felt that there was more information about [Hua Dao Shenyi] in his mind.

Slowly operating the secret technique, the blue gem in Sun Erlang's hand was absorbed into his body like bursts of light.

And in his sea of ​​consciousness, a bright crystal of the same shape was slowly taking shape.

Sun Erlang suddenly felt that the world was getting brighter.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through my mind at the same time. His thoughts surged like a storm, and all the memories he had experienced since childhood, some of which had even been forgotten, began to resurface.

And thinking about the doubts in my heart before, why does Senior Chen of Taiyan Sect look at me so differently. Sun Erlang, who originally had only vague guesses about this, now deduced several possibilities in his mind.

His goodwill towards the great enlightenment of the Holy Dynasty and his master, and his special physique are beneficial to Taiyan Sect.

And Taiyan Sect can achieve some kind of control through the Taoist Stone. This is part of the conspiracy...

Many possibilities are listed in sequence.

At the same time, the inferences are constantly adjusted based on the information obtained from the outside world.

"Is this the Tao Transformation Shenyi?"

After a long time, Sun Erlang came back from the shock and couldn't help but sigh.

He couldn't help but look at the Transformation Stone Mother in front of him.

Just such a small fragment possesses such powerful calculation ability. So how powerful is this Taoist Stone Mother?

"Senior gave me the Transformation Stone, but is it related to the [simulation] you just asked me about?"

Staring at the Stone Mother of Transformation with his eyes, Sun Erlang suddenly felt blessed and asked suddenly.

Chen Tianhai nodded inexplicably: "In addition to the future of the Xuanhuang Realm, there are many other fictional worlds in the Transformation Stone Mother."

"Not only to make full use of the stone mother's ability, but also to better correct the established reality."

"You can think of them as some sort of drill."

Sun Erlang nodded thoughtfully.

The moment he completely absorbed the Taoist Stone, he couldn't help but think about reporting the incident to his master when he went back and what happened after that.

Compared to the past where it was just a simple thought, this time all the expressions and reactions of the people I will come into contact with in the future emerge instantly.

"This is the future of simulation. However, my calculation ability is not enough, so I can only deduce the parts that are strongly related to me."….

"As for the Huandao Stone Mother, in addition to deducing the Xuanhuang Realm, she even has the energy to simulate more."

While Sun Erlang was thinking, Chen Tianhai continued: "These fictional worlds are mostly created based on the original materials of the Xuanhuang Realm. So you may encounter many specious existences..." "But don't worry, it is real enough. It allows you to truly experience a complete life.”

"Have you ever heard of such a saying? To govern the world, the talents of a county are enough. Although this principle is spread in the mortal world, it is also applicable to our world of immortality. The man who dominated the world back then The core of Xuantian Sect is just twelve monks who are close to King Xuantian."

"Xuantian Sect?" This was the first time Sun Erlang heard this word and he couldn't help but be curious.


He Chen Tianhai did not mean to say more, but continued his reasoning: "There is no shortage of talents in this world. What is lacking is just the space and opportunities for them to grow up."

"In the world of Hua Dao Stone simulation, we have set up such a stage. It can allow characters like Xiao Langjun to grow quickly."

After all, he was still young, so Sun Erlang couldn't help but feel proud when he heard that Chen Tianhai praised him so much.

But then he frowned and asked, "How long will this simulation last? Will it keep Master waiting?"

"A dream lasts for a thousand years, and a thousand years lasts for an instant. Young Master, are you ready?" Chen Tianhai suddenly shouted loudly.

At the same time, a blue halo of light bloomed on the Huandao Stone Mother.

In the aperture, countless different scenes of the world are vaguely visible. A figure wrapped in blue light also flew out of Sun Erlang's sea of ​​consciousness and threw it directly into the stone mother's aperture.

When he saw clearly where Sun Erlang finally ended up, Chen Tianhai had a strange look on his face.

"Ancient Xuanhuang, a world where the Immortal Tribulation did not happen. Interesting..."

What Chen Tianhai just said didn't actually tell the whole story.

Yes, to govern the world, one county's talents are indeed enough.

But it's just enough.

Although there are many talents in the world, there are always some people who are unique.

They may be temporarily buried for some reason, but as long as they get a chance, they can take advantage of the situation and turn their destiny upside down.

The Huandao Stone Mother has simulated and iterated countless worlds. Whenever such a person appears, it can have a very strong impact and change the direction of the world's destiny.

"Countless futures have countless branches. The existence or disappearance of certain living beings will not have any impact on these possible branches. They are all insignificant people, ordinary members of all living beings."

"But certain characters, because of their disappearance, will lead to major changes in the future, and even directly eliminate a large number of possibilities. Such people are [focus variables]."

"Huadao Shimu has conducted statistics and analysis on many focus variables that have appeared in the simulated world, and summarized a set of effective prediction methods. This Sun Erlang meets certain characteristics of focus variables."

Chen Tianhai's thoughts were racing, which was why he was very kind to Sun Erlang.

Now that Taiyan Sect has been discovered, it is inevitable that it will "enter the world" and be involved in future variables.

Naturally, preparations need to be made in advance.

He narrowed his eyes, as if to see clearly what was happening in Sun Erlang's world.

"Just as I expected, after three years of dormancy and a sudden rise, the momentum is established and unstoppable."

"Fortunately, looking at what he did, order and rationality are still there."

"It's not an [extreme variable]."

Give Sun Erlang a chance to simulate, and at the same time give Taiyanzong a chance to see Sun Erlang clearly as a person.

There’s still another chapter left around 12:30



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