My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,200 Breaking the Xinghai Dao

"The only thing that can be done is to analyze the anatomy of the stumps of these worlds, and perhaps restore the state of the Darkest Sea of ​​Stars in its lifetime."

"However, after all, it is an existence several levels higher than Xuanhuang's ordinary immortal world. Even a corpse can benefit a lot from it."

The aura of the holy fetus Li Fan suddenly changed.

Like magma erupting, his aura expanded several times in an instant as he was already at the peak of his divine transformation.

It's a pity that the Holy Fetus still hasn't escaped the restriction of the connection between the clone and the original body.

It was as if there was an invisible shackle, which severely suppressed the soaring aura.

Li Fan, the holy fetus, groaned and spit out a mouthful of blood.

In the small world where the black sword evolved in the body, there are countless black cracks emerging, as if they will be destroyed at any time.

But the eyes of the holy fetus Li Fan were full of excitement.

"Heaven and earth are incomplete, and Tao is weakened."

"Sure enough, in this dark sea of ​​stars, it is possible for the clone to surpass the original!"

Li Fan, the holy fetus, recalled the sudden surge of impact.

Such as arrogant and powerful force, forcibly breaking the shackles of heaven and earth.

"My motivation to overcome the challenge is still a bit lacking. I collapsed halfway through, but I suffered a backlash."

"If you accumulate a little more, you can break through that shackles in one go."

Li Fan suddenly remembered the scene where he practiced the method of swallowing the sky and eating the earth before, and finally broke through the [Heaven's Disaster] by force.

"This is called [Breaking the Dao with Strength]. If it were a normal big world, and it was not a true immortal, it would not have such a powerful power at all. But the Darkest Star Sea, the sky, and the earth are broken, so the requirements are greatly reduced."

"After my clone forcibly broke the bottleneck of Heaven's Disaster, I suffered a counterattack from Xuanhuang Tiandao and that giant palm. In this dark sea of ​​​​stars, even this kind of backlash may not come."

The holy fetus Li Fan was just like Zhao Xian just now, his heart was filled with the joy of sudden enlightenment.

"From one to ten thousand. Since this inherent way can be broken, can others be realized as well?"

"When a whale falls, all things come to life. The death of the Star Sea may be a once-in-a-million-year opportunity for the surviving monks."

"His ability to transmit the law far exceeds that of ordinary monks. In addition to the fact that the entire Xuanhuang Realm's new law monks are his cornerstone, it may have something to do with it."

"After staying in the sea of ​​stars for tens of thousands of years, I am afraid that I have become infinitely close to the legendary immortal."

Li Fan himself was also greatly shocked by the realization of the Holy Fetus in the Darkest Sea of ​​Stars.

The world of Xinghai is in tatters, and the discovery that would be of great benefit to the monk made him even slightly confused.

It attracted the attention of two Hedao elders, Hua Yueye and Zhang Xu.

"Fellow Daoist Sun?"

"It's okay, I just think of my beloved wife at home and feel distracted." Li Fan said with some shame.

The two guards looked strange and nodded to express their understanding.

After regaining his composure, Li Fan suppressed his desire to break out of the Xuanhuang Realm immediately.

"Opportunities and crises have always coexisted."

"Although today's Darkest Star Sea is a holy land for cultivation for monks, there is no doubt that it is also full of dangers."

"If it weren't for the Holy Embryo being the marvelous foundation of heaven, I'm afraid it would have perished on the way. Faced with all the weirdness in the sea of ​​stars, even my Five Elements Great Cave Heaven Derived World can't sustain it for long."

The invisible hole in the dark void, and the deadly black disease...

No matter which one, Li Fan today is not able to deal with it.

"It's the same with the help of the Holy Fetus to gain enlightenment."

Li Fan could only comfort himself in this way.

"If the sixteen members of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance leave the Xuanhuang Realm, they should be able to gradually discover this secret."

"I just don't know if they can come back alive?"

Li Fan is pessimistic about the outcome of these sixteen people.

Xuanhuang Realm monks are definitely just tool-like existences in the eyes of Chuanfa.

This summons should not be able to escape this fate.

"But I can find a way to secretly learn how to fly out of the Xuanhuang Realm without reverberating star power."

"The appearance of the Echoing Star Power in this life is purely accidental. There is no way to guarantee that it will reappear in the future. And since I already know the importance of the Darkest Star Sea, how can I miss it?"

"Even if it is top secret at this point in time, it is impossible to find out. But after a few decades pass, or when the Holy Dynasty starts to threaten the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and the two sides go to war, no one will have time to pay attention to these secrets, and it will not be difficult. Asked about it.”

Having said that, Li Fan always paid attention to these sixteen people.

Through the Tianxuan small mirror, the distractions left in the Sun family have been able to maintain their physical existence stably. With the recovery of the distraction strength, Sun Luyao in the Wuliang Mirror also became increasingly powerful, and his integration with the Wuliang Mirror became more and more obvious.

On this day, while spying on the Tianxuan Mirror, Sun Luyao suddenly plucked up the courage and said to Li Fan: "Senior, I seem to have sensed the location of another fragment of the Infinite Mirror."

"Perhaps after absorbing it, the ability of the Infinite Mirror will be further enhanced."

The Sun brothers had searched almost all over the territory of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance before, and the fragment they found really made a qualitative difference to the Infinite Mirror. If he recovers a little more, he might really surprise Li Fan.

However, Li Fan was distracted and pretended not to hear.

I just patiently finished spying on the Tianxuan Mirror, but I still couldn't find any information about the sixteen people recruited by the transmission method.

Then he looked at Sun Luyao coldly: "What position?"

Sun Luyao carefully transmitted the sensed information.


Li Fan was distracted and couldn't help but feel a little surprised when he saw the location pointed out by Sun Luyao.

It is located on the border of Shilinzhou, in the Baishi Cave.

The ruins of the Tianji Sect and the entrance to the Lingmu Realm are all in this continuous underground cave.

"I see."

Li Fan was distracted and only replied lightly, without showing any intention of looking for it.

Sun Luyao didn't dare to ask any more questions.

It was not until seven days later that Sun Luyuan came to the secret room again, and with Li Fan's permission, Sun Luyao eagerly told the matter again.

Completely opposite to Li Fan's indifference, Sun Luyuan was immediately overjoyed.

"If you can find another fragment, you may not have to suffer like this!"

Sun Luyao nodded in agreement.

"By the way, brother, what was the reaction of that old guy Fu when he found out about the Tianxuan Mirror clone?" Sun Luyao asked again.

Sun Luyuan frowned when he heard this: "The birth of human clones by Tianxuan Mirror is of great importance and needs to be dealt with slowly. I can understand that he has been silent for the time being. But the strange thing is that since the last time we met, I have been unable to contact him. Fuck him."

"could not be reached?"

"It's not just Fu over there. Even the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance can't be entered temporarily. It seems there is something extremely important."

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