My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1,205 The Bones of the Archmage

The First Sect, along with Tianjian and Daodao Sect, was one of the top ten immortal sects in the past.

The sense of presence is relatively weak.

Not only is there basically no contact in the Fallen Fairyland, but it is also difficult to find relevant records in this era.

It was as if he suddenly evaporated from the world.

Except before, I accidentally learned from Senior Shiban that the Five Elements Cave Heaven he used to achieve Nascent Soul was the handiwork of Yi Shi Zong.

Li Fan never knew much about it anymore.

Unexpectedly, today, traces of Shi Zong were discovered three thousand feet underground in this rift valley.

But it's just a trace.

The entire ruins are deserted.

Except for a collapsed building in the center of the ruins, there is a stone tablet vaguely engraved with the word "The Beginning".

You can no longer find anything of the style of the top ten ancient immortal sects here.

"It seems that this Shizong is doing very poorly."

After asking Sun Luyao, they learned that this was indeed the ruins where they discovered the Infinite Mirror.

It's just that what they broke into at that time was only a small part of the area.

Now, for some unknown reason, the formations that separated different areas have disappeared, causing the entire First Sect to reveal its true appearance.

"The immeasurable Hongmeng can be seen from one side!"

Li Fan was distracted and whispered.

Quietly, the Wuliang Mirror once again emits a faint light that is imperceptible to ordinary people.

In an instant, it enveloped the entire Yishi Sect ruins.

As a result, the complete structural map of the ruins suddenly appeared in the infinite mirror simultaneously.

Even where there are still spiritual fluctuations, where there are hidden secret rooms, and the degree of danger in each place...

All the information is available.

All of this was accomplished by Wuliangjing right under Ji Hongdao's nose.

However, this formation master, who was already one of the top formations in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, was not aware of it at all.

Li Fan couldn't help but recall in his mind that in his 114th life, Yu Cong Yunhai went to Tianyu State to learn formations, and Ji Hongdao personally gave lessons to thousands of formation heroes from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

In his opinion at the time, let alone Ji Hongdao, even Huangfusong's formation level was beyond his reach.

However, after more than a dozen reincarnations, his formation level had reached a level that Ji Hongdao could not understand at all.

"I keep moving forward in every life, but they always stand still..."

"The gap will only get wider in the future."

Li Fan looked at Sun Luyuan and Sun Luyuan who were still walking step by step and exploring carefully, and shook his head slightly.

Not having the patience to wait any longer, he directly ordered Sun Luyao to guide the two of them to the only place where the Shizong was still valuable.

"Brother Sun, be careful, the formation aura here is the most complete..." Ji Hongdao reminded, opening the way ahead.

Sun Luyao was speechless in his heart, but it was hard to expose it.

The two of them moved forward extremely cautiously, passed through the wall covered by the formation, and entered a secret room.

In the innermost part of the secret room, there are two statues, one large and one small.

The big one is sitting cross-legged on a futon, holding a fly whisk.

The smaller one stood behind him with a smile on his face.

This strange statue immediately attracted their attention.

Don't act rashly, watch carefully.

"It seems to be just a simple stone statue with no mystery." After a long time, Ji Hongdao made a judgment.

Sun Luyuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

At the same time, in the infinite mirror.

Li Fan looked at the scene that Hongmeng had scanned and drawn before, and then looked at the secret room.

My heart sank.

"Can you see those two statues?" Li Fan asked Sun Luyao.

"Statue? What statue?" Sun Luyao was stunned, a little inexplicable.

"Ask your brother, don't touch it." Li Fan did not explain, but directly ordered.

After being reminded by Sun Luyao, Sun Luyuan stopped Ji Hongdao's move to find out what happened out of trust in his younger brother.

"Brother, what's so dangerous about this thing?"

However, he looked at the stone statues repeatedly for a long time and could not see anything special about them.

"I have accidentally seen records similar to these two statues in ancient books before. They seem to be the source of the ten inheritances, the Great Master of Tiandu..." Sun Luyao relayed Li Fan's judgment.

"Master Tiandu?" Sun Luyuan and Ji Hongdao took a step back together.

They had heard about this legendary existence.

It is said that it is half a step into the realm of true immortality.

And anyone who can get along with a true immortal has to be feared.

The higher your cultivation level, the more you understand the gap between monks and true immortals, the more so.

In the infinite mirror, Li Fan was distracted and his thoughts were running rapidly.

Before, he suffered a severe loss from the Faceless Immortal Stone Statue.

It took six reincarnations to eliminate the influence of the Faceless Immortal on him.

Although the Great Master of Tiandu and the Faceless Immortal are not on the same level, he also left a mark on himself at the beginning.

Have to be more cautious.

"The inheritance of the original sect comes from the Great Master of Tiandu. There is a stone statue of the Great Master in the sect, which seems reasonable."


"There seems to be no stone statue of the Archmage in the other ten Immortal Sects."

"Moreover, even if you want to worship, it should be placed in the solemn hall in the center. Why would you place it in a dark underground chamber?"

Li Fan intuitively told him that there was something weird in this.

"Yishi Zong doesn't look like a good person who respects teachers and principles. According to Senior Shiban's description, as early as the great catastrophe of the Xuanhuang Realm first appeared, they had already prepared the Five Elements Cave Heaven, directly swallowed Xuanhuang, and created The plan to create a new world of immortality. But it was blocked later."

"The one who stopped Yi Shi Zong was undoubtedly Mr. Bai."

"Before Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth were completely opposed to the monks, the monks still respected the way of heaven. They were born and raised by the earth, just like the monks' parents."

"But when the First Sect harvested the essence of heaven and earth, they showed no mercy. They are no different from the New Law cultivators."

"Master Tiandu..."

Li Fan once again used the Hongmeng Jian phalanx to scan the stone statue of Master Tiandu.

There are one big stone statue and one small one.

According to rumors, it was the one sitting there who taught countless techniques and secret techniques to the ten sects.

But a deep intuition told Li Fan that the boy standing might be something more than simple.

So Hongmeng saw that the phalanx focused on the smiling boy statue.

The infinite light swept over the area where the stone statue was located again and again.

After each detection, some lines slowly emerge in the picture shown in the infinite mirror.

But at the same time, these lines are slowly disappearing over time.

Li Fan squinted his eyes and accelerated the scanning speed of the infinite mirror.

Lines can slowly accumulate again.

"Brother. Help me."

Some couldn't bear the overload of use, so Sun Luyao asked his brother for help.

After waiting for the support of Sun Luyuan's essence and blood, Wuliang Mirror was finally able to see clearly the true face of the stone statue in the secret room.

Those are two bones.

It was as if some kind of creature had all its flesh and blood stripped away, leaving only two limbs in its body.

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