My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1402 Xuan Huang Slices

"Moreover, the destruction of the Heavenly Law Realm happened a long time ago. Even I have become a little vague about it. This person in front of me can actually restore it..."

"And he directly said that it was made for me? Does he have the power to see through people's hearts?"

"The True Immortal's methods are really incredible."

In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Tianyi's mind.

In the end, they all turned into a bitter smile: "Senior, why bother to tease..."

However, the other side seemed to be able to see through Tianyi's thoughts and thoughts, and directly stretched out his hand and interrupted Tianyi's words: "It should be your honor to tease you."


"If you don't like it, then destroy it."

Tianyi saw that the smile on the young True Immortal's face, which was originally there, was restrained in an instant.

The eyes became extremely indifferent.

That was truly the silence of treating all things as ants.

In fact, it was several times colder than Tianyi's own attitude towards the sentient beings in the Xuanhuang Realm!

The intimacy that did not exist between the two of them during their previous conversations and laughter also disappeared. Tianyi seemed to see a bottomless crack suddenly stretching across the middle of the two. The young immortal on the other side of the crack, the ground beneath him continued to rise, and finally reached the clouds.

The young immortal, looking down at Tianyi from a high position.

As if being stared at by an ancient prehistoric beast, Tianyi's heart suddenly jumped.

Then, he saw that when the young immortal waved his hand, his hometown and Tianfa Realm, which he had been dreaming of, turned into ashes in an instant!

Even though he knew in his heart that the Tianfa Realm in front of him was fake.

Even though he knew that he was facing a true immortal.

When he saw the Tianfa Realm being destroyed again in front of him, Tianyi couldn't help but have the idea of ​​fighting to the death with the high and mighty young immortal.

But after all, it was just an impulse born of passion.

Moreover, it seemed that he had noticed the content in Tianyi's mind again. In the void after the destruction of the Tianfa Realm, the scene changed again.

It was the current Xuanhuang Realm!

The only difference from the scene in the Tianfa Realm was that countless figures were moving in the Xuanhuang Realm.

They seemed to be real creatures, practicing and living in the world.

The young True Immortal smiled again, and in the eyes of the Heavenly Doctor, the gap between himself and the True Immortal disappeared in an instant.

While walking on the land of the Xuanhuang Realm, he talked to the Heavenly Doctor who was forced to follow him: "Originally, you were not qualified to talk to me."

"I am not interested in communicating with any mortal. Even if you have already stood at the top of the lower world, as long as you have not taken that step, it is the same."

The Heavenly Doctor's expression changed slightly, and he opened his mouth, as if he wanted to explain. But in the end, he just said helplessly: "This point, the junior knows it."

The young True Immortal nodded. He seemed very satisfied with the Heavenly Doctor's reaction. Then he sighed softly and repeated with emotion: "Originally."

"But, in the catastrophe, too many immortals died. How many survived in the entire mortal world? It's really too lonely."

"Not good. Not good." Li Fan sighed.

"So, for those of you who have the opportunity to become my kind, I will change my attitude a little. I may even lend you a hand and break through the shackles of immortals and mortals..."

"Who knows."

After Li Fan finished speaking, the Heavenly Doctor was shocked again.

Before he could think about it, he wondered whether the young immortal's remarks were serious or just a joke.

Li Fan pointed at the Xuanhuang Realm that was transformed by the immortal formation and said lightly: "Your method is quite exquisite in the mortal world. But in my opinion..."

"It's really ridiculous."

"Thousands of years of hard work. If it was spent on self-cultivation, maybe I would have reached the immortal realm long ago. Once I reach immortality, what can't I accomplish?"

Looking at the arrogant look of the young True Immortal, Tianyi wanted to say something but stopped.

But thinking of the cultivation level of the True Immortal opposite, he swallowed everything back.

The young True Immortal did not intend to let him go so easily on this issue.

I saw Li Fan's expression was inexplicable, his tone was blurred, and he slowly said: "Resurrection from the dead, how can it be so inconvenient?"

"Even creating something out of nothing is just a thought!"

In white clothes, Li Fan came to Tianyi like a ghost.

Stretching out his right hand, he pressed it on Tianyi's white-haired head.


In front of Tianyi, the vivid Xuanhuang Realm condensed. It paused for a moment, then shrank rapidly. In a flash, it turned into a palm-sized frozen crystal.

It seemed to have returned to the void of the sea of ​​stars again, and the surroundings turned into endless darkness again.

Tianyi just stared at the "Xuanhuang Crystal" in front of him, in a daze.

He trembled and reached out to pick up the Xuanhuang Crystal.

This was just a small space, but it seemed to contain a complete world!

Touching this sacred crystal, Tianyi had a vague premonition in his heart. There was no need to rely on the Xuanhuang Realm in reality. Even if only relying on this crystal containing a world in front of him, the Tianfa Realm could be resurrected!

"This method..."

Tianyi's mind was in chaos.

Li Fan's voice sounded in his ears again.

"The temperament of the true immortals is different."

"The one guarding outside the Xuanhuang Realm now..."

"Hehe, he won't be as friendly as me. In her eyes, even if she is the only one left in the world, it doesn't matter."

The Heavenly Doctor recalled the true immortal who was in the Immortal Ruins, regardless of the life and death of all living beings in the sea of ​​stars in the lower world, and was about to exterminate the sea of ​​stars when he realized the Tao. I couldn't help but vaguely agree with Li Fan's statement.

"So, if you want to truly save your hometown, then become a true immortal!"

"This crystal of the world should be considered a gift to you."

Li Fan's voice gradually calmed down.

The scene in front of the Heavenly Doctor, after a period of distortion, returned to the continuous Great Wall of the Remnant Realm.

The young true immortal has long since disappeared.

Only the Xuanhuang Realm Crystal in his hand reminded the Heavenly Doctor that what just happened was not his imagination.

The Heavenly Doctor looked at the miniature Xuanhuang Realm in his hand again. It seems to be working again.

All living beings in the world continue to live without any awareness.

He even turned a blind eye to a line of large characters floating on the sky.

"By the way, my patience is not very good."

"It lasts for a thousand days. If by that time, you still show no signs of breaking through..."


The young true immortal's extremely cold laughter echoed in the heart of the Heavenly Doctor.

The Heavenly Doctor's breath suddenly stopped.

It was as if he was facing the extremely cold eyes of the young true immortal again.

Clenching the Xuanhuang Realm Crystal tightly, the Heavenly Doctor looked at the countdown on the sky. I felt heavier than I had ever felt before.

From the brief contact, the Heavenly Doctor has already deeply understood the moodiness and unpredictable methods of this young true immortal.

Not to mention the immortal formation that suddenly trapped him and couldn't find a flaw at all.

It is the hand in front of me that generates the power of the entire Xuanhuang Realm out of thin air, and then crystallizes it. These are all the current heavenly doctors, which are unimaginable.

"Thousands of days to ascend to the True Immortal?" The Heavenly Doctor frowned and began to think about countermeasures.

"Perhaps, the only hope is the invisible wall..."

The Heavenly Doctor couldn't help but look at the void not far away.

In the long years before, with his unremitting insights, he was not far away from truly understanding the secret of the high wall.

It was just an inexplicable warning and in order to resurrect the heavenly law world, the heavenly doctor did not put all his energy into understanding the high wall.

But now it seems that I have no other choice.

When Tianyi was struggling.

Li Fan himself has arrived in front of the Dharma Master.

It seems that even in a complete fairy-level illusion formation, you can still quickly detect the flaws in it, and you are constantly looking for a way to break the situation and teach the method.

Li Fan couldn't help but frown slightly.

"As expected of a [Heavenly Demon]. His ability to withstand the phantom formation is even better than that of a Heavenly Doctor."

On the Heavenly Doctor's side, Li Fan naturally removed the blockade of the Immortal Formation on his own initiative.

There is not much practical significance in just playing with the Xinghai Supreme.

Letting it play its due value is what Li Fan wants to see most.

And things turned out exactly as Li Fan expected, under the shock of the immortal formation and the complete Xuanhuang Realm crystallization.

The Heavenly Doctor was temporarily deceived.

The Immortal Formation was naturally created by the Immortal Formation Dissociation Disk.

And that Xuanhuang Realm crystal...

It was the creation of the feedback power that instantly erupted from Li Fan's Dantian when the Xuanhuang Realm sublimated into the Immortal Realm in the previous life.

Originally, during the boarding process, the majestic power of feedback was equivalent to dozens of times the total energy of the Xuanhuang Realm in the critical state of sublimation.

And when the Xuanhuang Realm was completely promoted to the Immortal Realm.

Li Fan's dantian is now filled with black and yellow clouds that are constantly flashing.

It's like the flashing images on the copper coins in the fairy world.

The light and shadow in the clouds and mist change, and every moment, a black and yellow world seems to be derived.

Of course, Li Fan knew that this should be his illusion.

The reason why the black and yellow clouds and mist keep flashing like a revolving lantern. It's because the total amount of feedback power is too huge. Arranged in order, from stillness to vividness.

Although the number is extremely large, it is far from reaching the category of "infinite".

According to Li Fan's own estimation, the energy gathered in his Dantian at this moment is approximately 100,000 times the total energy of the Xuanhuang Realm under ordinary conditions.

This is a huge force that, in Li Fan's opinion, is completely unimaginable. Even at first, there was a terrifying fantasy of this black and yellow cloud exploding in his body for a moment.

However, after the initial shock, Li Fan discovered that this was actually no different from the infinite power of the sea of ​​stars. Even worse.

Quantitative changes cannot be accumulated and turn into qualitative changes.

Slowly, Li Fan didn't care much.

Cut out a slice and turn it into a black and yellow crystal. Give it to the Heavenly Doctor as a small gift.

For Li Fan, it's not even a matter of effort.

Moreover, in order to always maintain control over the Heavenly Doctor, there is also a trace of the residual power of the Immortal Formation hidden in this black and yellow slice.

It can explode again at any time and trap the Heavenly Doctor.

His thoughts left the Heavenly Doctor and returned to the Heavenly Master in the formation. Li Fan was not as casual as he was with the Heavenly Doctor.

Because judging from various signs of past reincarnations, it is very likely that the Heavenly Lord of Transmission was the reincarnation of King Xuantian, who was then seized and controlled by the demon.

Heavenly Demon is a strange thing that takes over the creation of heaven and earth. The way of inner demons merges with the way of heaven in the world. Even in the ancient world of immortality, it was extremely rare.

Even King Xuantian...

Li Fan, who is also in the semi-immortal realm, can deeply understand the power of "immortal".

Therefore, we are becoming more cautious.

At the end of the previous life, when the Xuanhuang Realm was successfully promoted to the Immortal Realm, the strange behavior of the Dharma Master was still vivid in his mind.

How could Li Fan despise it?

This is also true. On the Heavenly Doctor's side, the Immortal Formation just differentiated into a phantom. But here is the reason why Li Fan himself is in charge of teaching the Dharma.

Li Fan looked solemn. In response to the special situation of the Heavenly Master, the Immortal Formation Dissociation Disk also made gradual fine-tuning of the Immortal Formation.

At this moment, the world in Chuanfa's eyes was divided into left and right halves.

On the left was the Xuanhuang Realm that he was extremely familiar with.

On the right is the hometown of Tianyi, Tianjue and other venerable people who preached the Dharma.

The left and right world is like the shadow of a lamp in the wind, constantly flashing and changing position.

Gradually, the face of the Heavenly Lord Chuanfa, which had always been extremely calm, began to show an expression of extreme pain.

It seemed like something was trying to break free from its body.

But the power of division seems not strong enough.

Finally he shrank back.

Seeing this, Li Fan activated the immortal formation again to speed up the jump frequency of the two worlds.

On the other hand, he ejected golden threads one after another and silently pierced into the body of Chuanfa.

Once upon a time, Li Fan had seen the Heavenly Doctor's method of controlling the transmission of magic.

With his current vision, he wants to do the opposite and crack the method of control...

Not difficult.

It just takes trying again and again.

Anyway, with the Immortal Formation Dissociation Disk in charge, there is no fear of escaping by passing on the method.

The double world changing before his eyes, and the excitement of the golden thread that kept attacking secretly, the transmission method let out a roar that shook the sky.

But it's like a caged bird.

No matter how hard you struggle, you can't change your destiny.

"found it."

After a long time, Li Fan's eyes lit up.

With a little force, he pulled the golden thread.

At the end of the golden thread, a transparent body was slowly dragged out.

The moment the transparent figure appeared, the body of Chuanfa seemed to have lost its backbone.

Instantly collapsed to the ground.

And after leaving the body where the Dharma was transmitted, the legendary demon also became calmer.

Floating silently in the air.

Seems to have fallen into a deep sleep.

It's just that the demon's own state and resistance to the phantom formation are even better than during the period of possession.

The dissociation disk is running rapidly, analyzing the demon's flaws.

No matter how strange it is, it is still ordinary.

It won't be long before he is finally captured.

Li Fan started to check first and got up to spread the law.

"Have your own sense of autonomy."

"It's just that he has been suppressed by the demon for too long and has become extremely weak. For a while, there is no sign of waking up."

"Let me take advantage of his weakness to find out."

"Look at Xuanhuang Realm, the true identity of this Dharma-transmitting Heavenly Lord who has been suppressing the world for thousands of years!"

With some hope, Li Fan manipulated the magic array.

The scene inside the formation began to evolve on its own based on the memory of the passed method.

On the vast plains, smoke curls up.

"Goudan, go home for dinner!"

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