My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1444: Pretend to connect to the infinite sea

"The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is reflected in one thought. However, projection is only a projection after all. It is not easy to exert the power of the Great Dao in reality with a single move."

"Access to the infinite ocean and the infinite energy supply make it possible."

The Great Dao projection provides preview and theoretical support, while the infinite ocean is the actual support.

"If you get one of these two, you can exert far more extraordinary strength. If you do both..."

Wearing the skin of a true immortal, Li Fan, who reflected the Great Dao with his mind, looked at the Paradise City here and felt that he could turn it into ashes with a wave of his hand.

It's not an illusion.

"I always have a premonition. I am still too superficial in developing the infinite nature of the power of immortals."

"The infinite ocean is an existence that can be compared with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth..."

Li Fan narrowed his eyes and summoned the power of immortals at his fingertips again. His mind flew into and immersed in the mysterious infinite ocean.

Unfortunately, the many fragmentary memory fragments contained in the fairy skin are basically the past experiences of the owner of this fairy skin, and there is no part about fairy magic and magical powers.

"I don't know, if I use the Qingming Pearl to absorb this fairy skin, can I analyze the magical powers of the fairy skin owner in his lifetime?"

"After all, he once achieved the Tao of the Nameless..."

Although this thought flashed through Li Fan's mind, he remembered it firmly and waited for an opportunity and necessity to try it.

In a blink of an eye, another year passed.

Li Fan became more and more familiar with the fairy power in the fairy skin.

But then, he encountered a bottleneck.

No matter how many times he wore the fairy skin, in the "true fairy" state, it seemed that he really turned the fairy power in the fairy skin into his own energy.

But as long as he shed the fairy skin, his familiarity with the fairy power immediately dropped to the previous bottleneck line.

He could no longer move forward.

"It seems that I still took it for granted. If there were no restrictions, how could Master Zhu lend me this fairy leather so easily?"

Li Fan sneered.

But he did not give up and planned to obtain the power of the fairy spirit.

"As the saying goes, if heaven does not give, I will go and get it myself..."

A gleam of light flashed in Li Fan's eyes.

In the Xuanhuang Realm, Li Fan stroked a stone slab with both hands.

It was the key means for cultivators to ascend to the immortal realm hidden in the immortal platform in the past.

Although it was only a replica left by King Xuantian, it still seemed to have infinite power lingering on it.

"If I'm not mistaken, this stone slab must contain a method for newly ascended monks to access the infinite ocean. In this way, they can obtain infinite fairy power."

"However, this can only be achieved with the official permission from the fairy world."

"Even if Xuan Tian Wang ascended to the fairy world by chance, the host of the immortal platform had already fallen. Without the guidance of the fairy world, even a figure like Xuan Tian Wang could not obtain fairy power from this stone slab..."

This stone slab is called the [Key to Tao] by Li Fan. Only through the corresponding True Immortal Seal Characters can its true function be stimulated.

"In addition to the True Immortal Seal Characters, I'm afraid that other means are needed to open the method of infinitely connecting to the ocean."

Li Fan pondered.

The clone of Shuo Xinghai's divine thoughts put on fairy skin. A wisp of fairy power came to Li Fan's original body in an instant through the micro-Tao network.

However, this wisp of fairy power that came through the sea of ​​stars seemed to be filtered layer by layer. The originally faint starlight color became thinner. It is milky white like milk.

Moreover, Li Fan himself does not have the blessing of fairy skin. He is not the master of this fairy power.

As soon as this fairy power appears in this foreign time and space, it is like a wild horse running wildly. It wants to escape from Li Fan.

Li Fan himself is very alert. He uses the familiarity with this fairy power that he has cultivated for four years as a rein to barely control it.

In the surrounding fairy formation, there is also the fairy spirit released by the dissociation disc to assist.

Help Li Fan to subdue this fairy power.

After most of the day's hard work, this violent fairy power is finally barely controllable.

"Next, it is to use this fairy power to disguise your identity."

"Through the stone slab of the key of Tao, enter the infinite ocean."

Although the goal is clear, it is not easy to implement it.

After all, it is something that even the former Xuantian King could not do.

The first problem to be faced is how to stimulate the stone slab.

Li Fan used the immortal array as a knife to split the immortal power transmitted by the divine mind clone into tens of millions of parts. For experiments.

If you simply use this immortal power to touch the stone slab, the stone slab will only show a faint light circle, and then there will be no reaction. It seems to be waiting for Li Fan to take the next step.

Li Fan recalled the process of using this Dao Key stone slab to help Xuanhuangjie ascend to the fairyland. He knew that it was necessary to use the real immortal seal characters to trigger it accordingly.

"Could it be that it is still the immortal and mortal transformation characters?"

Li Fan's mind moved, and he controlled one of the immortal power and wrote on the stone slab.

There was indeed a strong energy fluctuation on the stone slab, but after searching around and not finding a suitable candidate. After a long time, this fluctuation disappeared by itself.

After ruling out this option, Li Fan started other experiments.

He tried the real immortal seal characters he knew one by one.

It didn't take long.

It's a pity that none of them matched.

"It should be the unknown true immortal seal script."

Li Fan frowned slightly.

When his attempt to access the Infinite Sea was blocked, Li Fan turned his attention to Bachelor Zhu again.

It is definitely not possible to ask directly. Not only will his true identity be revealed, but he may also attract the attention of the Shuo Xinghai Governing Council.

Li Fan's spiritual clone continued to familiarize himself with the power of the fairy power while waiting for the opportunity.

Soon, there were only seven days left before the date for Xian Shou to recruit new members.

This time the Governing Council issued an announcement that the number of monks to be recruited was twice as many as before. For a time, there was a lot of discussion in Shuo Xinghai, and people had mixed feelings.

Fortunately, the probability of joining the Immortal Hunter is much higher.

Worryingly, the reason why the Immortal Hunting Group recruited more members this time is said to be because they suffered heavy losses in the previous hunt for true immortals. Do it out of necessity. Obviously, after joining the Immortal Hunter, you can gain tremendous power. But correspondingly, the risks that need to be faced are greater than imagined.

But no matter what, becoming an immortal hunter is the lifelong pursuit of young heroes from all the major forces in Shuo Xinghai. Therefore, there are still many responders.

In Paradise City, Li Fan received a summons from Scholar Zhu.

"Seven days later, I will recommend you to participate in the selection as promised."

"However, as agreed in advance, I need to test it first!"

Li Fan straightened his clothes and walked slowly into the city lord's mansion.

When he opened the door, he didn't meet Bachelor Zhu.

Instead, he stepped on the air and seemed to fall into the endless abyss.

Falling downwards at a very fast speed, surrounded by endless darkness.

In the darkness, little stars of light flashed from time to time. It seems to be embedded on the cliff of the abyss.

The roaring voice of Bachelor Zhu rang in Li Fan's ears.

"The most important thing in the Immortal Hunting Assessment is the understanding of the Dao Network."

"The light spots you see are the Dao Network instructions that may be involved in the assessment. Try to reproduce them."

"This is the first level. If you can't pass it..."

"Then never go out!"

I wish Bachelor’s Jie Jie’s laughter echoed in the abyss.

Li Fan ignored it and just carefully observed the surrounding Dao Network command light spots.

The endless rapid fall and the technique of flying and floating have all inexplicably failed here.

Every Dao Network command passed by in a flash. It is extremely difficult to observe and reproduce these Tao Network instructions in such a short period of time.

Fortunately, there is a miniature Taoist network projection in Li Fan's mind.

Divine thoughts are like a curtain, reflecting all the light spots that flash rapidly around him.

If it is in the projection of one's own Tao network, there will be a corresponding one. Just flash spontaneously and respond.

If you are still in Li Fan's cognitive blind spot, just skip it.

Li Fan's consciousness is not used to identify or reproduce. Instead, it is replaced by a micro-channel network.

Both the reaction speed and the accuracy of reproduction are much faster.

Li Fan felt that with each successful reappearance, it was as if he was suddenly dragged by a rope, and his fall slowed down a bit.

And as the light points one after another reappeared, they were permanently illuminated above the endless abyss.

Li Fan finally stopped falling.

The darkness was gradually dispelled, leaving the endless abyss, and Li Fan came to a desolate wilderness.

A figure on the other side stood empty.

Although he didn't recognize his face, his aura felt slightly familiar to Li Fan.

It’s time to congratulate the bachelor!

Sure enough, Bachelor Zhu's voice rang out from the figure: "The second test can be used as a weapon."

"Immortal hunting, Immortal hunting. The goal is to hunt real immortals."

"Can you... okay?"

Before he finished speaking, Academician Zhu pointed his finger towards Li Fan.

"A true immortal uses the great avenue of heaven and earth as a blade to control infinite power."

The wilderness with no visible edge curled up like a ball following Bachelor Zhu's finger.

Li Fan seemed to be in an urn, watching the rising earth around him, unable to escape.

Not just the ground, but all the laws between heaven and earth have turned into oppressive forces. Stretching out from the cage, it seems like facing the whole world!

Li Fan's expression remained unchanged and he did not put on the fairy skin.

But in an instant, thousands of arms appeared behind him.

Each arm seems to be writing something quickly.

Every time he finished writing, a light spot lit up in front of Li Fan.

Slowly, these bright spots woven into a web.

Li Fan pressed his hands lightly on the net, like playing a harp, constantly playing with the strings.

With every movement, a large piece of the wasteland rolling around him disappeared for no apparent reason.

The sound of plucking was constant, and the wilderness was riddled with gnawing holes in an instant.

When he arrived at Li Fan's side, there was no threat anymore!

Returning to the dark void, Li Fan and Zhu Xueshi faced each other from a distance.

Scholar Zhu stared at the miniature Taoist net woven in front of Li Fan with a look of deep contemplation in his eyes.

"With the strength of your current body, it is more than enough to join the Immortal Hunter."

"But...I still want to test your background!"

Bachelor Zhu sneered.

In the darkness, billowing clouds came, accompanied by thunder.

Li Fan was surrounded in an instant.

Li Fan squinted his eyes and seemed to see countless towering figures in these black clouds.

"These are all my former slaves."

"Let me see what you can do."

The figure of Bachelor Zhu suddenly disappeared.

One after another, terrifying creatures with hideous faces emerged from the black clouds like a tide.

Attacked Li Fan.

Li Fan seemed to be stunned, standing still for a long time without any reaction.

But those immortal creatures had no intention of holding back.

Just when they were about to rush to Li Fan.


Li Fan shouted softly.

Countless creatures, at the same time, seemed to be frozen and fixed in place.

And then...

Just like the rolling black clouds in the sky, they disappeared!

Zhu Xueshi, who was hiding behind the black clouds, revealed his true face.

He looked at Li Fan with full of doubts.

"I also had countless slaves. What do you think, Master Zhu?"

Li Fan smiled faintly.

As he spoke, countless gloomy black clouds appeared in the void here, pressing over.

In the clouds, human figures moved.

It was the countless immortal servants that were dispersed by Li Fan's words!

But now, they have changed their masters.

They attacked Zhu Xueshi.

"How dare you!"

Zhu Xueshi was furious.

The sky and the earth seemed to be hit by an invisible giant, and a piece of it collapsed out of thin air.

And all the creatures in the collapsed area were also wiped out.

Bang, bang, bang.

The strange sound kept ringing, and these countless creatures were crushed casually like flies being slapped.

Not long after, the creatures that besieged Zhu Xueshi were all destroyed.

But compared with Li Fan's elegance of destroying the world with just one word, it was obviously inferior.

Li Fan did not manifest countless creatures again, but just smiled at the other party.

"Interesting. Interesting."

"I believe you can bring some surprises to these guys."


After staring at each other for a long time, Zhu Xueshi finally spoke.

The scene around Li Fan disappeared in an instant.

Back to the outside of the city lord's mansion.

In front of him was the door that had not been opened.

Li Fan bowed his hands and turned to leave.

"How could I be accompanied by these immortal creations after being trapped in Paradise City for so long?"

"If I hadn't insisted on summoning them out, I wouldn't have been able to see the truth for a while."

"It's just a scene similar to the Eternal Memory, which is extremely illusory and real. In this case, even a strong man like Xie Subai is not my opponent. Not to mention the abandoned nameless immortal."

Li Fan sneered and returned to his mansion.

What he had to do next was to sneak into the Immortal Hunting and steal the most core secrets of the Shuoxing Sea.

"The essence of the test just now was a battle of Taoism and thoughts."

"Although I used [True and False Changes] to suppress Master Zhu. But his means of crushing like an invisible giant should not be underestimated."

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