My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 1478 The Origin of Mo Sha

Or to be more precise, it was the small figure trying to wrap up the chanting shadow that was still chanting sutras, and trying to escape in front of Li Buren.

"The soul changes in a thousand steps, and the soul changes in a hundred twists and turns."

"Infinite, limitless, blameless."

Surrounded by mysterious sounds, Li Buren discovered that the two figures were really fading away, trying to escape his own catastrophe.

Li Buren had a very strange feeling. The two were obviously close at hand, but the desire to hunt in his heart was far less intense than before.

He even felt that he was dispensable towards the target of the search.

Obviously, even Li Buren's Taoist body could not resist the influence of the phantom's chanting.

It's a pity that although this Xuanyin has the magical effect of avoiding disasters, it is not a universal wishing machine.

With a little use of the power of Shouqiu's shadow, Li Buren instantly escaped from being surrounded by the sound of chanting.

It is no longer the vagueness that comes from the horizon and penetrates deep into the soul. But it is just like the chirping of mosquitoes, which can be ignored at any time.

Li Buren stretched out his hand to grasp, and the shadow of the child, the so-called Great Master of Tiandu, was like a rooster with its neck strangled. Suddenly lost his voice.

But what surprised Li Buren was that the reciting shadow next to the Archmage was barely affected. It was just like ripples in the water, shaking for a moment, but still continuing.

Affected by the Xuanyin around him, Li Buren was keenly aware that the Archmage he was holding tightly in his hands was slowly escaping from his fingers.

This kind of escape has nothing to do with the strength.

And represents a trend.

It's like a conceptual law: avoid disaster and avoid blame.

Li Buren had a feeling in his heart that with the power of the two nameless immortals he had at his disposal, he was still unable to ignore this conceptual trend.


Maybe the power of the five Shouqiu phantoms has exploded, and they can still give it a try.

If Li Buren had used all his strength from the beginning, he might have allowed the Archmage to slowly escape from his hands.

Fortunately, in his eyes, the Archmage was only in the semi-immortal realm, and he only used a very small part when he first started. When he found that he could not change the tendency of the prey to gradually escape from his hands, he slowly increased his grip strength.

It is not suppressed directly with force.

Instead, use the trend to fight against the trend!

There is an upper limit to the power Li Buren can use. One day, the Archmage will successfully escape with the help of the phantom of chanting sutras.

But before that, he was stood in place as if under a immobilizing spell.

Can't move!

Li Buren slowly approached, and after blocking the influence of reciting Xuanyin, he finally saw clearly the famous Tiandu Master in the history of Xuanhuang Realm.

It really looks like a Taoist boy sitting under the throne of a saint. He is dressed in simple clothes and has a childish face, just like a boy. But those eyes were dark and deep, as if they could see the truth of the world, the rise and fall of success and failure. There was an aura of indifference all over his body, and even if Li Buren approached, his expression remained unchanged.

He even looked like he hadn't seen Li Buren at all.

Li Buren ignored him for the time being, but first looked at Xuanyin, who was chanting sutras beside the great mage.

After seeing Daowang, Shouqiu, Yuanshi, etc., his vision has long changed.

With such a close observation, one can naturally see clearly what is going on with this phantom.

"The remnants of detachment..."

"It's just that this remnant is not used as a pillar to support Dao Yan, but it still continues its original path."

"No wonder the Archmage always turns a deaf ear to it no matter what happens and refuses to leave with this phantom."

A strange color flashed in Li Buren's eyes.

"After the nameless little detachment, the path he combined should have disappeared from the world. But if there are any remnants left, after a few years, there may be a new evolution of this path in the world."

"It's equivalent to starting to grow again from an early stage. It's many times faster than evolving from scratch!"

Li Buren stared closely at the shadow, trying to penetrate the reciting mysterious sound and see clearly its inner essence.

“When there is trouble, avoid it.”

"If anyone asks for a teacher, he will teach you the scriptures."

Thinking of all the rumors about the Great Master of Tiandu in the Xuanhuang Realm, an idea slowly emerged in Li Buren's mind.

"It's not about responding to requests, but about evolving yourself according to changes in the outside world."

"Making the best of the situation, we can make extreme changes."

"This is..."

"[The Way of Fantasy Life]!"

This is a path that has long since disappeared in the original possibility, leaving only the remnant of this new life in the shadow.

The path of fantasy life is obviously not under [Yuanshi], [Wuwei], etc. Li Buren had already gained a lot from his first few glances.

It was at this time that he discovered that a brand new path represented more than just a single path. Rather, one can vaguely glimpse a series of shadows of the path related to it!

Even most of these paths no longer exist in this world.

But after all, they are both one of the three thousand avenues. With the understanding of the Tao, these "lost Tao" can be "brained" to a certain extent!

"The Archmage is really lucky. Even if this [Huan Sheng Dao Shadow] were placed in the immortal world, it would still be a treasure that would be fought over by the immortals. But he can occupy it for ten thousand years with a mere half-immortal body." Li Bu Ren couldn't help but sigh.

And the reason why the Archmage has been hiding above the source of the Tao, refusing to leave or come out.

The fundamental reason is that he cannot control the coming and going of [Huan Sheng Dao Shadow]. Before you can completely refine and master it, you can only follow it step by step!

"So I did something wrong before. I knew that the chanting sound was very mysterious, so I subconsciously spent a little more energy on it. I shouldn't target the Illusionary Dao Shadow, I just need to capture the Grand Master."

"It can't feel the threat or disaster, so it naturally won't develop a means to avoid disaster."

With a thought in his mind, Li Bu Ren adjusted the distribution of the binding force. The full force of the binding was transferred to the Grand Master who looked like a Taoist child.

The Grand Master's expression, which had always been calm, finally changed.

"After all, sitting in front of the Illusionary Dao Shadow for so many years, it is still useful." Li Bu Ren realized that there was indeed some vague connection between the Grand Master and the Illusionary Dao Shadow.

The means imposed on the Grand Master inevitably affected the Dao Shadow.

However, the power to avoid disaster that was manifested was still much weaker than before.

In other words, Li Bu Ren had more time to slowly cook up the Grand Master of Tiandu.

However, no matter what secrets the great wizard hides, they are ultimately inferior to this phantom Daoying. Therefore, Li Buren was not in a hurry to ask, and his attention was always focused on Daoying.

After a long time...

"The way of phantom life, in short, is to develop the four words [survival of the fittest] to the extreme."

"Turn all disadvantages into advantages for oneself. Theoretically, perhaps even the catastrophe of Daoyan can be developed into a countermeasure."

"But it's just a theory. The premise is that it has not been swallowed by Daoyan before the characteristics are developed."

Li Buren thought about it, but suddenly thought of Mo Sha in Xuanhuang Realm.

"There are countless connections between Mo Sha and Daoyan."

"Perhaps it is an attempt by the experimental field to completely solve Daoyan. However, Daoyan is related to all things, and there is no such thing in the world..."

Thinking of this phantom Daoying, why did it come to Xuanhuang Realm.

Li Buren looked away and looked at Yuandaozhou below.

"The successful shaping of the Soul of Heaven and Earth, Mo Sha, should have had some infusion of the power of illusion."

"This infusion of power did not even disappear with the transcendence of Huansheng Wuming. It still exists in the Xuanhuang Realm."

"It has become the only power of illusion in the [original] possibility, except for the illusion of Daoying. It is precisely because of this connection that Daoying came here."

Li Buren's thoughts turned rapidly, and the Daowang divine thoughts swept across the land of Yuandaozhou. And deep underground.

Since being swallowed by Moming for ten years, Li Fan has never set foot in Yuandaozhou again. Even after ascending to the realm of semi-immortals and mastering the worry-free dream, he was also concerned about the existence of the great magician and avoided this state.

Therefore, this place is an absolute blind spot for him.

Now, with the blessing of Shouqiu's virtual shadow, the shadow of the blind spot has finally been swept away.

Thirty-three thousand feet underground in Yuandaozhou.

An inexplicable space that seems to be independent of the Xuanhuang Realm.

A ball of ink-like heart was faintly beating.

Every time it beat, it was extremely strange.

It didn't seem like a continuous and smooth movement, but it seemed to be composed of intervals of pictures.

The closer Li Bu Ren's mind got, the more familiar it felt.

This was what the master brought after using the immortal soul of heaven and earth, Mo Sha, to merge with the Tao.

Li Bu Ren was cautious and continued to approach without disturbing it.

He already knew what this thing was.

"Although Mo Sha is the soul of heaven and earth, it is not inherent and original in Xuanhuang Realm."

"It was transformed and generated after birth."

"Unlike other souls of heaven and earth, the law of Mo Sha has not been integrated into the heaven and earth of Xuanhuang Realm."

"This area under Yuan Daozhou is the sole source of Mo Sha."

The ink-like shadow seemed to be extremely alert to the approach of foreign objects from the outside world. When he discovered Li Bu Ren, he suddenly became a little anxious.

In the intermittently changing photos, the ink shadow was tumbling.

Li Bu Ren had a feeling that if he approached again, he might be attacked.

Although he was not afraid, it might affect the subsequent process of exploring the mystery of the origin of Mo Sha.

Therefore, Li Bu Ren stopped decisively.

"This matter needs to be done by me."

Li Bu Ren suddenly turned around and continued to confront the great magician.

However, Li Fan's body condensed the power of Mo Sha Xian Po in his body and split into a figure.

It went down vertically and horizontally, directly into the underground of Yuan Daozhou.

In a moment, it had arrived at the place that Li Bu Ren had explored before and saw the ink-like shadow.

Compared with its vigilance against Li Bu Ren, the shadow obviously regarded Li Fan as "one of its own".

It only thought that it was Mo Sha Tiandi Po who went out to perform the Xuanhuang Tiandao mission.

But Li Fan still felt that countless observant thoughts were vague and a little curious.

It seemed to question the "difference" of Li Fan.

Although it was promoted to Xian Po, its essence was still the power of Mo Sha.

Li Fan finally blended into the group of black shadows safely.

Compared with the phantom shadow just now, he observed more closely.

Li Fan was surrounded by countless black colors. He was in the sea of ​​black.

He was neither sad nor happy, just observing quietly.

"Well... it comes from the destruction of Dao Yan."

"The power of change of the phantom shadow."

"In addition to these two, there is..."

Just like taking a sip of good tea, Li Fan tasted it very carefully.

Obviously, it is another way that has disappeared in the possibilities now.

Regardless, although Li Fan had never come into contact with it before.

But because it has a strong correlation with [The Way of Illusionary Life], Li Fan had vaguely glimpsed traces of its way in the disappearing shadow of Tao that he had just glimpsed.

"If the Way of Illusionary Life is to evolve [Change] to the extreme."

"Then this way is its opposite."

"Eternal order..."

Li Fan stared carefully at the center of the churning ink sea.

As a creature that can destroy and devour everything, what is it that maintains the survival of Mosha itself?

In the entanglement of the power of destruction and change, it is precisely because of the eternal and unchanging power as a connecting link that [Mosha] can exist in the world.

"Change. And unchangeable."

"Two completely opposite and mutually opposing forces come together."

"The restraint comes from the source of destruction of Daoyan."

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Fan's eyes: "Illusionary Life, Eternity."

"These two ways are not inferior to Yuanshi. They once worked together to experiment..."

Eternity is the cornerstone of survival, and illusionary life is the support for derivation.

After an unknown period of evolution in the ink-like shadow here, the ink killer of today has emerged.

If the experimental field here is still in a normal state, perhaps the ink killer can be even more magical and close to the goal that the experimental field wants to achieve.

But the experimental field has long been abandoned for unknown reasons. Moreover, due to various reasons, the Xuanhuang Realm, which is the embryonic bed of the ink killer, has been in a state of self-preservation for many years.

It is simply unable to support the next step of the evolution of the ink killer.

Only after Li Fan promoted the Xuanhuang Ascension Realm in his previous life, a new variable was brought to this long-stagnant experiment.

After a period of observation and hesitation, the ink colors around Li Fan seemed to confirm Li Fan's "advancedness". It was like boiling, and they spontaneously imitated.

Want to become like Li Fan.

But after all, it is a change brought about by promoting the transformation of a realm. How can the ink colors around him imitate it so easily?

Like a group of noisy children, they kept tossing and turning, but they never found the right way.

Li Fan observed this scene and suddenly felt something in his heart.

"The accumulation is enough."

"What is lacking is only energy."

And this point, Li Fan has no shortage.

His mind moved slightly, and the large amount of feedback power from the previous life after pushing Xuan Huang to ascend was poured into this ball of ink through the Mo Sha incarnation.

Although from the perspective of the outside world, the shape and size of the ink ball remain unchanged.

But only Li Fan who is inside can see clearly the earth-shattering changes.

Directly skipped the intermediate process required for Xuan Huang to ascend to the fairyland.

After knowing the result presented by Li Fan to them, they can directly imitate it!

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