My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 712: The Giant of Ten Thousand Corpses

This young garrison monk looked upright, but he never thought that he would be a spy of the Five Elders Association.

And he himself had even participated in the arrest of Wu Laohui spies before...

It seems even more ridiculous.

He left these words lightly, along with a [Kong Ming Stone Mother], and left quickly. Didn't attract anyone's attention.

Xu Bai also remained calm and quickly put away the filled stone mother.

After checking it, he found that the types and quantities of supplies were exactly what he requested.

"In this regard, the Five Elders Association does have some merits. At the very least, it is much more reliable than the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance." Xu Bai thought to himself.

Despite some twists and turns, the desired real inducement was finally achieved.

But now Xu Bai still can't leave Tianliang Prefecture.

Because the series of incidents caused by Wang Qiupo have not yet been officially concluded, as the initiator, he is naturally obliged to continue to cooperate with the investigation.

However, at this time, most of the public's attention was focused on the liquidation of Wang Qiu's broken party and the overt and covert competition for vacant positions. He was temporarily forgotten and left to relax.

At the same time, in the vast white mist.

"What happened? When I looked at it yesterday, only five of the dissociation discs were exchanged. Why has the number changed back to six now?" Fugen Mazhou was quickly escaping through the fog. , Huangfusong suddenly exclaimed in surprise.

Dongfang Yao's face changed greatly: "Is it possible that we have entered some strange and mysterious realm again? Time has flown back to one day ago?"

Li Fan was silent for a moment, and then said helplessly: "It should be under the influence of Wang Qiupo. One of the four people who redeemed the dissociation disk should be related to Wang Qiupo. He is suspected of being a spy, and the dissociation disk It is naturally impossible for such a valuable treasure of the Immortal Alliance to fall on him. It must have been taken back."

The three of them just came out of the Lost Realm not long ago and resumed communication with Tianxuan Mirror. So I am aware of the recent major event in the Immortal Alliance.

Dongfang and Huangfu reacted immediately after hearing this.

"Brother Li, your mind is quick." Dongfang Yao chuckled.

Huangfusong was slightly relieved: "Originally, I was a little worried. With our progress, we wouldn't be able to get the dissociation disk. Now that there is an extra one out of thin air, it should be stable."

The three of them unanimously focused their attention on their Qingxuan Point.

"36,000 points."

According to previous experience, as long as one or two more explorations of the Mystery Domain are completed, the remaining 14,000 points can be made up.

"Nowadays, in the white mist, no matter how remote the area, you can occasionally encounter the figure of a monk. It seems that people from the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance have swarmed in. It is really outrageous! The areas that have been explored for us The map is useless at all." Dongfang Yao complained.

"Yes, fortunately Brother Li has extraordinary abilities. He can hear the inexplicable sounds from the Lost Realm through the white mist." Huangfu glanced at Li Fan without trace.

"Speaking of which, Brother Li, what kind of sound did you hear? Can you describe it for us?" Huangfusong asked tentatively.

Li Fan sneered in his heart and was about to answer.



That ghostly voice sounded in Li Fan's ears again.

"There is a Mysterious Realm nearby." Li Fan, who had gradually become familiar with this, not only did not feel frightened in his heart, but instead stopped the speeding Samantabhadra and concentrated on identifying the direction from which the sound came.

Only this time, it seems a little different from before.

Because the wailing sound like a "heavenly doctor" is getting louder and louder.


There are areas of confusion that are quickly approaching the same!

Li Fan's expression suddenly changed, and his mind quickly expanded outside the white mist, trying to figure out the surrounding situation.

But the white mist is like deep water in a clear pool, without any fluctuations.

We have no idea where the crisis came from.



The voices of anger and resentment became increasingly clear.

It can be clearly heard that it is indeed the word "heavenly doctor".

Coming from all directions, they are like countless irrational ancient ferocious beasts, constantly roaring and approaching.

The shock caused Li Fan's eardrums to hurt.

He glanced at Huangfu and Dongfang who were standing aside.

It was discovered that even so, they did not seem to hear this terrible noise.

"There seems to be something wrong around here?" Dongfang Yao was the more alert one and suddenly asked.


The sudden sense of crisis in my heart became stronger and stronger. Li Fan made a prompt decision.

Samantabhadra's true boat accelerated violently, trying to break through the fog.

At this moment, a huge palm suddenly stretched out from the white mist below.

The five fingers are bent to form a cage. We must hold Samantabhadra's true boat in our hands.

"What the hell is this?" Huangfusong suddenly changed his expression, and while letting out a scream, he moved his hands slowly.

Throwing out an apricot formation flag, it flew towards the giant palm like a flying arrow.

The formation flag exploded and turned into yellow silk ropes, binding the giant palm and causing its movements to pause slightly.

"Let's go!"

Huangfusong shouted quickly, his tone was very panicked.

Without waiting for him to say anything, Li Fan had already activated the Samantabhadra Mana with all his strength and fled in the direction he came from.

It's no wonder that none of them had any intention of fighting. The sudden appearance of the palm was really too terrifying.

Li Fan once saw Gu Tianzun's severed palm in the Eternal Immortal Base outside the Abyss.

But even the shock brought by Gu Tianzun's palm was far less than the giant palm they just saw!

Because, this so-called palm is actually made of the corpses of monks, stacked and patched together.

In that shocking glance, Li Fan could even clearly see their twisted bodies and faces, as well as a strange black thread connecting their bodies together!

What makes Li Fan even more horrified is that although these monks can't feel the slightest bit of life in them.

But they still kept opening and closing their mouths, roaring from the depths of hell.



The giant palm was temporarily trapped by Huangfusong's [Thousand Thousand Thousand Thousand Threads and Baige Formation], but another one suddenly appeared from the depths of the white mist.

He roughly pulled the yellow silk rope apart.

The three of them were able to see clearly that it was still an extremely weird and huge arm made up of countless corpses connected together.

It was as if there was a corpse giant hidden in the white mist, watching and chasing them.

"Isn't this guy the Immortal Alliance's [Sky-Splitting Cannon] should deal with!" Dongfang Yao yelled, his voice trembling.

He gritted his teeth and punched the giant behind him.

The black crack exploded like a sword. It was the magical power that Dongfang Yao realized in the great whirlpool of world splitting.

However, this killing move, which can even slightly tear apart space, fell on the corpse giant and could not even slightly slow down its movements.

The corpses of the monks that made up the body were smashed to pieces by the black evil deeds, and immediately another one crawled out from the depths of the corpse pile and took its place.

This terrifying scene made Huangfu and Dongfang feel terrified.

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