My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 920: Broken Bone Face Yishin

"In addition to the [one mind] that proves immortality, the attributes of [all] have also become more and more obvious."

Li Qing observed while walking.

"Boy, did you enjoy playing in the fantasy world?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly attracted his attention.

Li Qing looked around and saw that the person who spoke was a sloppy old man lying on the ground as if there was no one around.

Unable to figure out the other party's intention, Li Qing cautiously did not answer.

"Haha, don't be so nervous. It's not good to be too restrained!"

"Just use the way you behave in the illusion! We lack your kind among us!"

The old man praised Li Qing without hesitation.

However, following the old man's words, Li Qing faintly noticed that there were constant unkind eyes on him.

"By the way, let me tell you a little secret."

"In order to have fun, not only were you sealed in the illusion, but I was also."

"Only when the illusion is about to be shattered will the self-awareness awaken."

"At that moment, the memories of everyone in the illusion burst out in an instant!"

There was a trace of intoxication on the old man's face, as if he had drank a pot of old wine!

"Two hundred and thirty-six thousand eight hundred times..."

"Two hundred and thirty-six thousand, eight hundred times!"

The old man repeated the number again.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"Your feeling of pleasure is not as good as mine!"

The old man shook his head.

When Li Qing heard the number "two hundred and thirty-six thousand, eight hundred", she was slightly stunned at first. I couldn't figure out what this meant.

But he soon understood and his expression became a little strange.

When he looked again, the sloppy old man had disappeared.

"This body seems to be that of a Hedao elder from the Dao Dao Sect back then."

Li Qing recalled the memories in the fantasy world and thought to herself.

Continue towards the sect hall at the top.

Li Qing also heard many quarrels along the way.

"Why did you castrate him? Isn't it a good start?"

"You have objections now? You agreed at the beginning!"

"I don't think there's any problem with a little punishment. The crux of the question is, why did you give him the [Inverse Ethics Scripture]?"

"You have to try out the effects of the newly developed techniques. Who would have thought that this kid can do so much. Tsk tsk..."

"Haha, I think you did it on purpose."

"That being said, I can't use this [Inverse Ethics Sutra] next time."

"No, how can such a good thing be banned?"

"I object!"

"I object too!"

No one could be seen.

But the sound of conversation kept appearing in Li Qing's ears like a ghost.

It was like there were countless figures staring at Li Qing and whispering.

Li Qing looked calm on the surface, but actually she felt a little chill in her heart.

These voices intertwine like countless thoughts in my mind.

The mind splits into countless parts.

As Li Qing got closer and closer to the sect hall, there were more and more voices coming and going. Xinbiquge

The content of his words became increasingly crazier.

It became like the ravings of a demon, piercing into Li Qing's mind like needles.

Suddenly, Li Qing's feet stopped.

He noticed that his face was slightly moist, and when he touched it gently, he discovered that blood was constantly flowing out of his nostrils and eyes.

The surrounding vision also became a little blurry at some point.

Li Qing wiped the blood clean and quickened her pace while her body still had strength.

But the demonic sound in my ears not only did not stop, but intensified.


Li Qing coughed suddenly, and even the fragments of the internal organs in her stomach were coughed out.

After walking dozens of steps upward, the body finally failed to hold on.

Under the vibration of countless noisy sounds, it turned into a puddle of mud.

But soon, as the flesh and blood squirms in the void, the new body will be reshaped.

However, those ubiquitous magical sounds seemed to have no intention of letting Li Qing go.

Before the body fully appeared, it was crushed again.

So on this long staircase, an extremely strange scene appeared.

A lump of rotten flesh with no discernible human shape, squirming and climbing upwards with difficulty.

With each crush, it reappears.

The total amount of physical body seems to be less.

Although Li Qing never gave up, in the end, only a small ball of deformed flesh was left, struggling and tumbling clumsily.

Even though it was so miserable, the surrounding voices showed no sign of weakening.

On the contrary, he became more and more excited. The voice was sharp and no longer sounded like a human voice. Instead, it was like all kinds of meaningless noises between heaven and earth.

Just when the last piece of Li Qing's flesh and blood was about to disappear completely.

A shadow of a black sword suddenly appeared.

There was a slight sword cry.

In an instant, the sound of the surrounding demons dancing around was suppressed for a short time!

Seizing this only moment, the speed of the black sword phantom suddenly exploded. It turned into a dotted line and rushed straight into the sect's main hall.

Although the door of the main hall was open, looking from the outside, the inside of the main hall was completely dark.

Like an abyss, nothing can be seen.

After that moment of silence, countless voices suddenly erupted.

Like mountains roaring and tsunami roaring, ghosts crying and wolves howling!

"I just said he can do it!"

"Hehehe, interesting, interesting!"

"Why did you let him go on purpose? Why? Why didn't you let me crush him into a pulp inch by inch!"

"Stop pretending. Is it fun to lie to yourself?"

It was completely different from the noisy and terrifying environment outside the main hall.

It was unusually quiet in the main hall of the Daodao Sect.

Except for the headmaster's seat at the highest point, there is nothing in the vast hall.

Senior Sister Zhao sat quietly on her seat.

Like a child, sit upright with your back straight.

Put your hands on your thighs.

The expression on his face was also frozen, motionless.

Li Qing quietly glanced at Senior Sister Zhao.

Her appearance seems to be frozen in her teenage years.

Exactly the same as what I saw in the fantasy.

"I have seen [Yixin Tianzun]."

Although the atmosphere in the venue was a bit strange, Li Qing still bowed respectfully.

"What's your purpose here?"

Senior Sister Zhao's beautiful voice sounded.

But it was not coming from the body on the seat, but coming from all directions in the sect hall.

Li Qing didn't hide anything, and said directly: "I came here for the exercises taught by Xuantian in the past."

"The Ode to the Interaction between Heaven and Earth," "Eternal Self-Improvement Technique", "Soul-Destroying Divine Art", "Heaven's Sorrow and Earth's Mourning Sutra"..."

"This book originally belonged to our Xuantian Sect. Today it should be returned to its original owner."

Li Qing said seriously.

There was silence in the hall for a moment.

Then Senior Sister Zhao kept laughing as if she had heard some extremely funny joke.

"Aren't all the Xuantian Sect members dead yet?"

"How do you know that I have obtained these skills?"

"I have many others besides these. Do you want them?"

.yetianlian.. .yetianlian.

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