My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 927: The legacy of teaching the Dharma

Although Li Fan had never seen the middle-aged monk who made an impassioned speech in Wei Qizheng's memory.

But for some reason, this person's behavior and manner of speaking made Li Fan feel vaguely familiar.

Especially the cold light that flashed in his eyes from time to time made Li Fan certain that he must have had contact with this person in a certain life.

While watching, Li Fan looked for similar characters from the scenes recorded on the fossil.

"The Immortal Alliance and the Five Elders have been facing each other for thousands of years, with each winning and losing. Monk Xuanhuang was affected by the war and suffered terribly."

"In order to completely end this situation, many ancestors worked hard and finally came up with an ingenious method."

Following the words of the middle-aged monk, the miniatures of the states of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance appeared in front of the young people.

"As we all know, there is a stone statue of Tianzun in every floating city in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance. Most people in the world believe that this was built to commemorate Tianzun's great achievements. But have you ever thought that these stone statues may actually be... Is there any other use?”

As soon as these words came out, all the young people looked strange.

"When you entered the headquarters of the Immortal Alliance, you should all have sensed the remaining aura of the Heavenly Master of Transmission."

"And the construction of these stone elephants was also under the instruction of the Heavenly Lord Chuanfa."

"Even the location of each floating city was designated by Him in advance."

"In every stone statue, there is a remnant of Tianzun's legacy. If it is triggered, it can activate the power equivalent to Tianzun's glance..."

When the middle-aged monk reached this point, he deliberately slowed down his speaking speed.

And those young people were also tricked, and when they heard it was just [a glance from the Heavenly Lord], they all couldn't help but feel a little disapproving.

No matter how powerful the Heavenly Master is, if he just glances at him, what can he do?

The middle-aged monk saw the expressions of the young people and smiled as expected.

Then he looked solemn and said loudly, "One glance from the Heavenly Lord can withstand a full blow from an ordinary Immortal Realm!"

The words continued to echo, and the thirty-three monks present slowly widened their eyes.

"How is that possible?" A young monk on the spot couldn't help but retort.

"No matter how powerful the Heavenly Master is, he is still in the realm of immortality. We are both in the realm of immortality, so why is there such a huge gap?"

"If Tianzun is really so powerful, why didn't he just unify Xuanhuang back then? Instead, he left such a mess?"

The audience immediately exploded.

Ignoring the authority of the middle-aged monks, the young people argued with each other.

The middle-aged monk glanced over, and under Li Fan's familiar cold light, the young people were forced to become quiet again.

"How can we understand Tianzun's thoughts? There were naturally reasons why the Xuanhuang Realm was not unified back then. But this time is different from the past. We have received clear instructions from Tianzun."

"It's time for the Xuanhuang World to have only one voice."

The middle-aged monk was full of murderous intent.

"And you are the key to accomplishing this great goal."

The middle-aged monk pointed casually, and the scene in front of everyone changed again.

The scenery of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance territory slowly disappeared, leaving only nearly a thousand shining spots representing the Celestial City.

Then, streaks of silver light connected these bright spots.

"Did you see anything?" the middle-aged monk asked.

Wei Qizheng was the first to speak and blurted out: "This... this looks exactly like the meridians of the human body?!"

The other young people looked at Wei Qizheng one after another, and then stared at the increasingly obvious intertwined dots and lines in front of him.

It dawned on them all.

"Could it be that……"

An unbelievable thought couldn't help but emerge in their minds.

The middle-aged monk opened his mouth and confirmed their guess: "The memory of the Heavenly Lord is distributed on the land of the Immortal Alliance according to the special rules of the human body's meridians. If it can be induced by secret methods, it can be summoned from the void. The archetypal dharma.”

"The memory of the Heavenly Lord is equivalent to the source of power that drives the Dharma."

"If I could inspire them all..."

The middle-aged monk took a deep breath: "The Five Elders Association will be destroyed soon!"

Thirty-three young people were all stunned at the moment.

"And you are the key to unlocking this powerful power..."

The young people were attracted by the middle-aged monk's narration. His eyes were full of longing and eagerness to try.

The power of Tianzun's legacy is too huge, and it is impossible for only one monk to activate and inherit it.

It can only be divided into thirty-three domains.

Every domain needs a unique talent to preside over it.

When these thirty-three immortals are chosen, they can achieve the point where their minds and hearts are united.

If you continue to become familiar with Tianzun's legacy, you can work together as a seesaw to activate the power of Tianzun's legacy!

"The first time you summon the Dharma of the Heavenly Lord, it will definitely not last too long."

"You must seize this opportunity to understand and understand the mystery."

"Moreover, during this process, none of you can be distracted in the slightest. You know, at that time, it is equivalent to the thirty-three of you jointly controlling the Dharma."

"If there are differences among you, it may lead to the collapse of the Dharma."

The middle-aged monk introduced various matters concerning the Dharma of the Heavenly Lord to the young people in detail.

These thirty-three monks are all high-spirited young heroes. They all have their own arrogance in their hearts.

How difficult is it for them to keep their minds in one place?

So the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance prepared a series of training for them.

Within a transparent sphere filled with silvery white light, there seemed to be countless different worlds that were rapidly evolving.

The consciousness of these thirty-three people was thrown into the world and experienced various hardships.

There is a chaotic world in the world of mortals, and there are ordinary people in the world.

There are adventures in the ancient world of immortality and possible scenarios in the future.

But without exception, all thirty-three of them were forcibly bound together. We got together for various reasons.

Only when we achieve a state of one mind and one mind, as if we are one body, can we finally be freed from reincarnation.

And as long as any one of them has different intentions, reincarnation will start again.

Even with the deliberate guidance of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, this is still a very long time.

I don’t know how many years have passed in the virtual world, when these "young people" finally got out of trouble.

The greenness on their faces has disappeared.

His eyes are full of vicissitudes of life.

Looking around, his face was a bit wary and confused.

"Pa bang bang..."

Amidst the constant clapping of the middle-aged monks, their past, suppressed memories finally revived.

"Very good, now let's start the second lesson." The middle-aged monk said without any concern for the young people's thoughts.

Next, Wei Qizheng and the others went through even more brutal training.

They were all naked and locked into a confined space filled with endless darkness.

There is nothing else in the space except the simulated aura of the Heavenly Lord who transmits the Dharma.

The eyes cannot see and the ears cannot hear.

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