My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 930: A strong man emerges from desperate situation

"This trick is really amazing!"

The power of the five Heavenly Lords will indeed be restored soon.

At that time, all the advantages established in the face of immortality will be wiped out in an instant.

But if before that, all the people from Wu Laohui are captured...

All that was left to the five Heavenly Lords was a vast empty land.

Although he didn't know much about the realm of immortality, Li Fan was sure that even the most ordinary monks would be useful to these five deities.

Maybe a little less won't make any difference.

But if you control the territory yourself, the monks and even the mortals will all be in vain...

It was definitely a big blow to them.

"Is it possible that the Five Elders Association is really going to be defeated like this in this life?"

Li Fan couldn't help but think so.

In the next few days, the battle went smoothly.

The balance of victory continues to tilt towards the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

But after all, it is a behemoth that has been passed down for thousands of years. When it was about to be forced into a desperate situation, the Five Elders Association finally broke out with a powerful resistance.

The picture of Tianxuan Mirror suddenly switched to a place in the sky.

From the oval-shaped fuzzy door, a group of monks flew out.

They are obviously not from the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

But the dressing style is different from today's Wulaohui.

The clothes are all embroidered with the same mysterious patterns.

These monks looked at the uniform queue in black clothes not far away, with excited smiles on their faces.

"This is... the Supreme Sect?"

Li Fan looked at the somewhat familiar sect logo and frowned slightly.

The picture of Tianxuan Mirror changes again.

Doors appeared one after another, and many ancient sects that were said to have perished reappeared in the world at this time.

and join the battlefield.

Not only that.

The Tianxuan Mirror focused again and recorded an incredible scene.

I saw a female cultivator wearing a white tights and a graceful figure. I don't know where she was.

In the void ahead, there was a closed golden door filled with ancient sacred aura, and he slowly knelt down.

Then the door suddenly opened, projecting a dazzling golden light.

When the light disappeared, what appeared in the mirror were more than a dozen figures exactly like the female cultivator in white.

The appearance is exactly the same, but there are slight differences in age and strength.

It's just like……

Female nuns in white clothes of different ages.

Without saying a word, these female nuns in white galloped away into the distance.

"This is……"

"The arsenal of the Immortal Sect?" Li Fan's eyes flashed.

The information collected before about the Xianzong arsenal came to mind.

The Immortal Sect Arsenal is an existence similar to the Tianxuan Mirror of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

There, various techniques, classics, and treasures originating from the ancient Immortal Sect can be exchanged by the monks at will.

The required resources are not contribution points, but soul points.

Li Fan knew before that there were still real illusions of many sects in ancient times in the Immortal Sect's arsenal.

What creates the real illusion is a power very similar to the Fallen Fairyland. There, the Wu Laohui monks can travel to many ancient sects that have become extinct. There are still many images of ancient monks in the sect. Most of them have no minds of their own and are just simple bodies. But in actual combat, the power of his movements is almost the same as that of a real person.

The Wu Laohui monks can consume soul points and continuously compete with these ancient monks to improve their own combat power. And within the [Immortal Sect Arsenal], all injuries will not affect the real body, and will only cause slight injuries to the soul. What's even better is that this kind of soul injury can also be cured by consuming soul points.

Theoretically speaking, if you have enough Soul Points, even a mortal who has just practiced martial arts can become extremely powerful in every fight.

"These summoned ones are the projections of myself left in the Immortal Sect's arsenal by consuming soul points?"

Li Fan instantly figured out the origin of these clone-like monks.

Obviously, Li Fan's guess was not wrong.

Similar scenes happened all over Wulaohui.

As the golden ancient gate continued to project projections, the remaining resistance power of the Five Elders Association instantly expanded more than ten times.

Moreover, these monks who can leave projections in the arsenal of the Immortal Sect are all veterans of hundreds of battles.

They have extremely rich combat experience, and their appearance caused great damage to the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

Moreover, it seems that as long as the deity does not die. After a period of rest, they can summon their own projections from the Immortal Sect's arsenal again by consuming the power of their souls.

It is almost equivalent to infinite resurrection.

In this way, the numerical advantage of the black-clothed monks of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance was also offset.

The Immortal Alliance's attack slowed down.

Shortly after the stalemate emerged, another force joined the battle.

The picture of Tianxuan Mirror changed.

When he seemed to be disturbed by something, the picture displayed in the mirror turned out to be a little blurry.

It seems like a continuous city built on the sky.

All the monks in the city were sleeping.

Trembling slightly, the monks all woke up.

There was no confusion like waking up suddenly after a long sleep, but the sullen look on his face after a sweet dream was disturbed.

They cursed and didn't see any movement, and the clothes on their bodies turned into fully-covered, liquid metal-like battle armor.

Flying away towards the battlefield.

The picture of Tianxuan Mirror suddenly changed.

It seems to have been forced to interrupt.

"There is……"

Li Fan was a little stunned: "Worry-free Paradise?"

The Worry-free Paradise is the most mysterious place in the territory of the Wu Laohui.

It is the dreamland of all monks, and only those who pass the test can enter it.

And once you go to the land of worry-free paradise, you rarely return.

And in that shocking glimpse just now, Li Fan also saw many interesting things in that illusory city in the sky.

For example, there are high-rise buildings and neon lights like a modern city.

For example, it looks like a rainbow-like skyway connecting many buildings.

Such as the shuttle that constantly shuttles and flies around the city.

"Wuyou's power covers almost the entire Xuanhuang Realm. Wuyou Tianzun should be the strongest among the five of them."


It looked very much like the scene of the future world of immortality that Li Fan had seen in his time.

"If it's possible, I can use my clone to travel there."

Li Fan had a feeling in his heart that he should be able to find something interesting in the worry-free paradise.

The addition of the monks from the Worry-Free Land completely turned the tide of the war.

Although their cultivation level is not very good, the magic weapons they carry are really powerful.

That metal robe can absorb almost most attacks and then bounce them back.

Moreover, every monk carries almost endless energy beams.

In a flash, it unfolded behind him.

Then they began to bombard the monks of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance.

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