My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 939: One thought and all ghosts are born

There was a faint black light glowing in the empty eye holes of the skull.

It seemed that through the layers of barriers, he was looking at the holy fetus Li Fan.

However, Li Fan did not feel any coldness or fear, but instead felt a little kindness and warmth.


He and the owner of this skull seemed to have known each other before.

"Strange, this feeling..."

The Holy Fetus stared at the skull for a long time and did not leave.

Unlike other exhibits in the Shrine Museum, there is no detailed description of this skull.

Only the skull of the first monk infected with Immortal Miasma serves as its identity.

And it seems that it is precisely because of being infected with the immortal miasma during his lifetime that it is no different from the bones left behind by mortals after death.

Compared with the shining white bones left behind after the death of some powerful monks, the difference is immediately visible.

According to the commentator, perhaps no one except the director of the Jinzo Museum knows why this object was placed in the center of the Jinzo Museum.

But since it can be displayed in the center of the entire museum, it is enough to illustrate its value.

Whether it is actual value or commemorative value.

Sensing the slightest emotion from the deity, the Holy Fetus also knew that this skull seemed to be equally important to him.

But apparently it's not time to take it away yet.

Finally, he took a deep look at the skull. Just as the Holy Fetus Li Fan was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something.

Looking back again, I carefully memorized the entire appearance of the skull up and down in my mind.

"Perhaps we can reconstruct the monk's appearance based on the shape of his head."

It is for this reason that I gave this instruction.

Although Li Fan himself has not mastered this technique, there are always monks in the huge Xuanhuang world who can do this.

Next, the Holy Fetus wandered around the Museum of Divine Collection for a long time.

After he was sure that he had mastered all the contents of the [Three Disasters and Hundred Calamities Mingshen Law] at the same time, he pretended that he still had more to say and left the Divine Treasure Hall.

The receptionist monk was still waiting outside the door competently.

It wasn't until the Holy Fetus was finally sent out of the Immortal Alliance headquarters that he disappeared.

The holy fetus Li Fan sensed the monks who were secretly following him, and sneered in his heart.

Without any hesitation, he decisively chose to commit suicide.

His own Nascent Soul Cave suddenly exploded like a blazing ball of light amidst the huge roar.

When the tracking monk noticed something was wrong and hurriedly caught up.

The holy fetus Li Fan has no bones left and turned into ashes!

The tracking monk was dressed in black, with the word "Dharma" also engraved on his forehead.

He looked at the sky with an ugly expression.

Surprisingly, no vision of the monk's death appeared.

"Elder Zhen's guess is correct, it is indeed a clone!"

"It's a pity that I didn't expect to be so decisive and careful, and the clue was cut off!"

"It seems that we can only trace it from the [Jade Plate]."

There was a trace of unwillingness in the eyes of the monk in black, but after repeatedly investigating the scene and still not finding any clues, he could only leave in frustration.

In the spirit wood world.

Li Fan is studying the "Three Disasters and Hundred Calamities Mingshen Law" carefully in the secret room.

He had previously issued an "oracle" through the faceless statue, asking the monks of the Federation of All Realms to find someone who could restore their original appearance based on the skull.

I believe it won't be long before the results come out.

"If we can determine the identity of the other party, we may be able to know what the eternal memory that has great appeal to [Huan Zhen] is."

Putting this matter aside for the moment, Li Fan now focused all his attention on the skill in front of him.

Because the derivation blueprint is "Three Dangerous Ghosts and Gods", and Li Fan's requirement is that the performance and characteristics after running the technique are similar to it.

Therefore, this [Three Disasters and Hundred Calamities Mingshen Method] can almost be said to be a low-quality imitation of Ming You Lu.

The Three Dangerous Ghosts and Gods Mingyoulu cultivates countless thoughts within the body into ghost-like existences. Each ghost and god can actually be seen as an independent individual. It's just created by the ontology and controlled by the ontology.

After the Three Disasters and Hundred Calamities Mingshen method is refined, countless "ghosts and gods" will also exist in the body.

But it is not a separate individual formed by cutting one's own thoughts, but a creation of divine thoughts that is tempered and cultivated.

Strictly speaking, those ghosts and gods are still part of Li Fan's mind.

It is nothing more than a unique concrete manifestation.

Although the upper limit of power is lower, there is no risk of losing control.

On the contrary, you can make your own Taoist heart more pure by turning distracting thoughts into creations of consciousness.

Of course, for Li Fan who possesses the [Xuanhuang Immortal Heart Curse], he does not have many distracting thoughts.

Therefore, in order to practice this technique, Li Fan needs to specially develop many thoughts.

Half a month later.

In front of Li Fan, a deformed transparent creature that looked human but not human, with two heads and seven arms, suddenly appeared.

After looking at the creation of his mind for a moment, Li Fan always felt that something was not right.

Although it is also a creation of the mind, it seems to be quite different from the one transformed from the "Three Dangerous Ghosts and Gods".

After thinking for a long time, Li Fan suddenly realized.

"My mind is focused, and the creations created by my thoughts are inevitably somewhat majestic and upright."

"It's not like Mingyoulu, which is so gloomy."

After Li Fan noticed the reason for the difference, dark thoughts soon emerged in his mind.

The subsequent creations of thoughts also became full of evil.

Li Fan then followed suit.

Generally speaking, generating creations with thoughts is not a day's work.

It needs to be cultivated slowly based on the insights gained from the disasters one has experienced.

Over time, you can cultivate an army of thought creations.

But how could Li Fan be an ordinary person?

He has experienced too much in his various reincarnations.

The historical trends of the many branches of the Xuanhuang Realm, and all kinds of knowledge therein, are all turned into materials for building the creations of the mind.

It even benefited from having witnessed the destruction of the Xuanhuang Realm at the sight of a true immortal. The final expressions of fear and despair of countless monks when the world was destroyed made some of the creations created by Li Fan look terrifying and terrifying.

With the blessing of [Wuji Yingxu Dharma], my own will is even more powerful.

But more than ten days later, a ferocious army of "ghosts and gods" filled with evil and resentment took hold of Li Fan.

Feeling his masterpiece, even Li Fan couldn't help but frown.

"I'm afraid if I let go of my thoughts, a ghost will really come."

With a thought in his heart, Li Fan appeared in an empty space.

It was the enhanced Liangyi dust formation used to trap Yan Fangzhou!

At this moment, Yan Fangzhou seemed to be unable to bear the inhuman torture.

His eyes were dull and he was sitting on the ground blankly. Like a walking corpse, with no life left at all.

There is a huge difference from the high-spirited image of the past when he first came here.

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