My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 949: True and False Heavenly Medicine Bureau

Faced with Han Hai's bloody questioning, the "Venerable Tian Jue" finally turned around and "looked" over.

His eyes still didn't open, and his voice was quite strange.

Intermittent, sometimes big and sometimes small.

"who I am?"

"……you guess?"

While saying this, he clenched his left hand violently.

Yunshui Tiangong, which had long been in deathly silence, with no other survivors except Hanhai and Taiyi, suddenly heard the painful wails of all the disciples before their death.

Han Hai, who was nailed in the air and unable to move, saw transparent figures rising from the corpses of his disciples.

As if they were still stuck in the moment before death, their faces were full of fear and despair.


What the "Venerable Tian Jue" did was not just a simple "kill"!

But to let the disciples of Yunshui Tiangong live in the painful torture of the moment before death forever!

What kind of hatred does it have to do such a vicious thing?

With extreme grief and anger in his heart, Han Hai burst out with all his strength, trying to break free from control.

But he couldn't shake the black light that penetrated his body at all. On the contrary, the shock caused him to bleed from all his orifices, making him extremely miserable!

Hanhai could only watch helplessly as the man in front of him transformed all the dead disciples into miserable existences that looked like life but not life, and seemed like death but not death!

"Venerable Tian Jue, master of the way of killing."

"Such a method is definitely not something He can do."

"No, no..."

Hanhai's eyes were blank, and he was murmuring.

After a moment, as if he thought of something, Hanhai's body trembled slightly: "Heavenly Doctor? Are you a Heavenly Doctor!?"

As Hanhai shouted these words, the figure that tortured the disciples of Yunshui Tiangong also paused slightly.

Then a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Heavenly Doctor..."

"Hehehe, that's right. I am the Heavenly Doctor!"

As soon as these words came out, the world in Hanhai's eyes suddenly changed.

The perpetrator who originally looked like "Venerable Heavenly Master" suddenly turned into the appearance of a heavenly doctor!

His eyes are full of compassion and sanctimonious. What he did was so appalling!

And those black sword lights that trapped Han Hai turned into thin black needles!

"it is as expected!"

"Why! Heavenly Doctor!"

Thinking that he had explored the real vast sea, he let out an earth-shattering roar.

"why why!"

He kept questioning.

But the Heavenly Doctor turned a deaf ear, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

But those cloudy eyes looked at the Yunshui Tiangong disciples who had "resurrected from the dead" with a hint of appreciation.

It's like looking at your own masterpiece.

The new disciples were confused at first, looking at their somewhat transparent bodies, and then looked around.

But gradually, they also slowly realized what happened to them.

Hanhai's roar made them understand who the culprit of all this was.

"Heavenly Doctor!"

"Heavenly Doctor!"

One after another, vicious roars resounded throughout the Yunshui Heavenly Palace.


But the heavenly doctor seemed to be listening to some wonderful music, with an intoxicated look on his face.

This made it even more difficult for everyone in Yunshui Tiangong to control their emotions, and they wanted to eat the flesh of the heavenly doctor.

But they were still under the control of the Heavenly Doctor and could only scream in vain.

But he couldn't make any move to resist.

I don't know how much time passed, but the Heavenly Doctor seemed to have heard enough, and his expression suddenly changed.

Following his cold snort, endless darkness swallowed up everyone in Yunshui Tiangong.

The picture is cut.

When the light appeared again, it was back to the time when Hanhai and Taiyi were talking to each other in the hall not long ago.

"It seems that this nightmarish memory is the source of torment for Han Hai."

Li Fan thought to himself.

After watching this memory several times from the perspective of Hanhai, and confirming that there were no other abnormalities, Li Fan wanted to leave this place.

But what Li Fan didn't expect was that he couldn't find a way out!

The scenes here, in a continuous cycle, have become extremely close to real time and space.

If you can still wake up from dreams and memories.

But how can we return from reality to reality?

Contact with the outside world has been cut off. Li Fan tried many methods to leave, but all ended in failure.

Li Fan did not panic.

After all, what came here was just a ray of consciousness that he had separated.

For this deity, the injury caused by losing this ray of spiritual consciousness can be healed in less than one breath.

According to common sense, since there is no hope of escape, no harm will be caused to the deity.

Li Fan's ray of consciousness could simply annihilate itself.

But due to his instinct to survive, Li Fan still wanted to try again with this ray of consciousness.

See if you can find a way to break the situation.

"Not even me, a foreign object, can escape from this eternal nightmare. Let alone Han Hai, the owner of this place."

"But the reasons for the current situation are worthy of careful discussion. Is it because Hanhai himself was so stimulated that he couldn't free himself. Or..."

Although Li Fan was shocked, he continued to experience the nightmare from Hanhai's perspective.

I experienced the hellish scene again, with the cold snort of the Heavenly Doctor, and when darkness struck.

Li Fan concentrated his attention and looked into the darkness.

The darkness only lasted a few breaths.

At first glance, it appears to be pure darkness caused by a lack of memory.

But Li Fan was keenly aware that the time shrouded in darkness was divided into two different parts.

In the previous paragraph, Hanhai was forcibly obscured from his perception of the outside world.

What follows is the beginning of the nightmare cycle.

However, the expressions are all in the form of deathly darkness, so Hanhai, who is in a state of madness, cannot distinguish between the two.

Only Li Fan, an outsider, could faintly detect the subtle differences.

Even if Li Fan was not used to the tragedies in the world, his heart was as solid as a rock, and he was not shaken by the tragic situation that happened in the Yunshui Palace, and he could still maintain an absolutely calm state.

It was difficult for him to notice the difference between the two.

With the entry point in place, Li Fan's spiritual consciousness continues to wait in the nightmare cycle.

Trying to penetrate the darkness and witness what is happening in the outside world.

"It seems that the [Celestial Doctor] didn't stop because he was tired of hearing. That sudden subtle change in his face..."

"Someone is coming."

Li Fan suddenly realized.

I patiently went through hundreds of reincarnations, capturing the subtle light and shadow bit by bit each time.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, Li Fan finally pieced together what happened at the moment when it was obscured by darkness.

Not long after the "Heavenly Doctor" suppressed everyone in Yunshui Tiangong, a figure quickly flew from the horizon.

The "Heavenly Doctor"'s eyes showed a mocking look, his figure became pale and disappeared.

And the figure that appeared later also looked like a heavenly doctor!

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