My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 951: Fan Jie Han Hai’s Worry

"By the way, I might be able to get something useful out of the Heavenly Doctor's mouth during the meeting."

Thinking like this, Li Fan separated another ray of consciousness and entered the blue light ball.

As if affected by Li Fan's provocation just now, the black light flowing on the blue and white bead in the vast sea was several times faster than before.

It was like a violent storm had set off, and the blue and white beads became a little chaotic.

Therefore, the frequency and intensity of shock waves released by the vast sea are constantly increasing.

"It seems that it is indeed the long-term torture of nightmares and the desire for revenge that lead to such unstable emotions."

Like the compassionate doctor who saved the world, Li Fan began to think about how to solve Hanhai's illness.

All medical treatments are similar.

Throughout the ages, it is not uncommon for people like Han Hai to be unable to extricate themselves from the hatred of the past.

It didn't take long for Li Fan to find a solution.

When the shock wave of the explosion subsided, Li Fan's consciousness rushed into the black storm on the ball again.

It's still a nightmare scene that keeps reincarnating.

However, it seems that because of Han Hai's extreme emotional instability, the pictures Li Fan saw from the first perspective were all covered with a black and yellow filter.

And it is always in constant vibration.

It made those already horrific and abnormal scenes of slaughter appear even more ghastly and horrifying.

Li Fan lurked secretly, quietly waiting for the "plot" to develop.

Soon, the time came when Hanhai "uncovered" the true identity of the murderer.

Hanhai's body shook slightly, with an expression of disbelief on his face: "Heavenly Doctor? Are you a Heavenly Doctor!?"

The murderer was also very cooperative and showed a weird smile: "Hehehe, that's right. I am the heavenly doctor!"

After receiving the answer, Han Hai's veins popped out all over his body and his eyes widened with anger.

My mind was just about to be swallowed up by rage...

At this moment, an extremely cold voice suddenly sounded in his heart.

It was vague and uncertain, but like a downpour, it instantly extinguished the endless anger in the sea: "Don't be deceived by the other party!"

"If you take a closer look, who is he?!"

"This man has no conscience and is extremely cruel. How could such a villain admit his true identity so easily?"

"Wake up! The responsibility of revenge rests entirely on you! There can be no mistakes!"

Hanhai couldn't help but shiver as he kept whispering.

"Not bad……"

"How is it possible that he admitted it as soon as I asked?"

"There must be something weird about this..."

"Who is it? Who are you!"

Hanhai murmured and looked at the murderer in front of him.

What shocked him was that because of his suspicion, the other party's appearance and breath changed again.

He no longer looks like a heavenly doctor, but has turned into a serious and rigid-looking Lord Heavenly Mandate!

"No, how could Lord Tianyu do such a thing?!"

Hanhai shook his head wildly, as if to throw this terrible thought away from his mind.

And as his doubts grew, the appearance of the murderer kept changing.

"Venerable Tianyou? Venerable Tianyin? Tianyi..."

The only thing that remains unchanged is that the murderer represents the aura of authority in the heavenly realm.

The enemy is close at hand, but he has no ability to take revenge. This is already extremely tragic.

However, what is even more tragic is that the true identity of the enemy is not even clear.

If you want to have a specific target for revenge, you can't find it.

The surrounding scene shook more and more violently, and cracks appeared in the black and yellow filter.

Finally, Hanhai could no longer bear this torture.

The scene shattered.

The powerful energy burst out, burying everything in this nightmare.

"It's done!"

Li Fan thought this before disappearing.

Hanhai residence, outside the blue light ball.

As Hanhai's spirit temporarily collapsed, the shock waves that were sent out from time to time to destroy the seal and restrictions finally stopped.

"The unforgettable hatred has now turned into confusion of not knowing who the enemy is. I think Hanhai will be able to calm down for a while."

"But as time goes by, he will definitely find new targets for revenge."

"Hmm... I guess he will still be the [Celestial Doctor]."

Over the course of thousands of years, the Heavenly Doctor had obviously healed Han Hai more than once. Otherwise, based on the level of nightmare torture he experienced, it would be impossible for him to remain awake to a considerable extent.

But every time, it comes back to the conclusion that the Heavenly Doctor is the murderer...

"Maybe it's because in Hanhai's subconscious mind, among the sages in the Heavenly Dharma Realm, only the [Heavenly Doctor] was most likely to do such a terrible thing."

Li Fan pondered for a moment and determined the reason why this phenomenon occurred.

As for Hanhai's understanding, Li Fan can actually understand it.

Gein, some of the methods of healing by heavenly doctors recorded in "Bu Tian Lu" and "Heavenly Doctors and Immortals Sutra" are really contrary to the three views of normal people.

It is much more extreme than "fighting fire with fire".

The ultimate goal of everything is to cure the disease and achieve the goal. As for what methods are used in this process...

None of them are within the scope of the Heavenly Doctor’s consideration.

Take Li Fan's "treatment" of Han Hai this time. The treatment process can almost be summed up in the word "coaxing".

Although Hanhai no longer feels the suffering caused by hatred, he is still immersed in endless confusion.

It's cured, but not completely cured.

But at least, the "symptom" that Li Fan initially targeted and needed treatment has indeed been resolved.

This is the way of heavenly medicine that runs through the whole process.

There may be some conflicts with ordinary people's three views.

But Li Fan had no mental barriers when using it.

"Heavenly Doctor..."

Li Fan's eyes flashed slightly and he slowly gathered his thoughts.

After making sure that his treatment is effective, Hanhai will not attack the seal again in a short time.

Li Fan just started the work of repairing the ban.

The restrictions of [Hidden World and Hidden Space] are extremely complicated.

Regarding the prohibition, Li Fan had only dabbled slightly in his previous reincarnation.

But if one method can be used, all methods can be used. Formations and restrictions have many similarities.

What the Heavenly Doctor taught was also extremely detailed.

Throughout the whole process, there was nothing wrong.

Half a month later, the loose seal was finally re-strengthened.

Yunshui Tiangong once again fell into absolute silence.

"Perhaps falling asleep forever is the best outcome for them."

Li Fan sighed in his heart and gently placed a pot of wine at the feet of the Qin Tang stone statue.

Then he flew away and quietly left the place.

Outside the Yunshui Celestial Palace, the vision that had been revealed in the sky had disappeared.

The peace of the past was restored.

Li Fan couldn't think of a way to contact the heavenly doctor for a while.

So he just arched his hands toward the sky and saluted, indicating that he had completed the task.

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