My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 958: Li Fan sits in heaven

"Sitting in Heaven Jue!"

Li Fan's eyes flashed: "Yes, this is my path! Investing in monks is nothing more than a Taoist ear. Only by absorbing the feedback brought about by the changes in the world and even the upgrading of the world is the real power!"

Li Fan's heart surged as he hadn't in a long time, and the more he thought about it, the more excited he became: "It's as powerful as passing the law, but it's also a power that defies heaven and earth, and becomes part of the world's laws. Only then did he have the transcendence that followed."

"It can be seen that the great power of the world is indeed beyond the reach of monks."

"The Xuanhuang Realm has been completely eroded by the spread of the law. It can be said to be riddled with holes. Even if I want to Huitian, it will be extremely difficult."

"It can't be said to be able to protect itself. I also want to use Xuanhuang's feedback to practice..."

Li Fan shook his head and gave up this idea for the time being.

"But the many small worlds captured by Xuanhuang are my perfect testing ground."

"Just like what happened to the Spiritual Wood Realm, Shang Tianci transported the mysterious scenery, coupled with the addition of external materials and spiritual energy..."


Li Fan stood up suddenly and took a long breath.

"Sure enough, it is the most suitable technique for me, and it actually coincides with my long-standing plan in this life."

"It is true that there is a destiny in the dark. It can be said that knowledge and action are unified, and the heart is formed by nature."

Becoming more and more convinced of the fit between [Sitting in Heaven Technique] and himself, Li Fan has decided on the path he wants to work on in the future.

The only problem at the moment is how to deduce and promote [Sitting Immortal Technique] into [Sitting Heaven Technique].

"Of course you can obtain the method through Yanfajue again, but..."

Li Fan thought for a moment and suppressed the temptation of getting something for nothing.

"To put it bluntly, the Yanfa Jue is nothing more than a miraculous thing from heaven."

"It is very likely that the exhaustive method is used to deduce the skills. Of course, the desired target skill can be obtained as quickly as possible. However, that skill is only the most suitable one for the fictitious master of the skill in Jue's derivation. of."

"Not me in real reality. Unless, I am willing to let go of all the secrets in my body and soul, so that Yan Fajue can see them all."


It is naturally impossible for Li Fan to do such a thing.

"So if I want to seek perfection in [Sitting Heaven Technique], I still have to rely on myself."

Li Fan came to this conclusion.

To be honest, although Li Fan's understanding is pretty good, he wants to deduce a heaven-defying technique that relies on the power of world change and upgrading...

Still far from qualified!

But Li Fan was not worried at all that he could not do this.

If one life doesn't work, then ten lives. Not even ten lives...

He can also learn from others!

The geniuses in the Xuanhuang Realm are like the crucian carp crossing the river. As long as they can deduce and think of it, everything is about magical powers and skills. In the end, they all belong to Li Fan!

As long as they return to the anchor for one year, everything they have exhausted their thoughts and thoughts will be the secret that Li Fan enjoys alone.

"In order to deduce the Zuitian Jue, I will not hesitate to share the Zuitian Jue with others."

"Of course, you must choose the person with the highest understanding and the most suitable person."

"It just so happens that I have already planned my next life. I will really hide behind the scenes and verify my conjecture..."

Li Fan already had a plan in mind.

"Well, in this life, while helping Wanjie to upgrade, I can collect data."

Comprehensive understanding, suddenly enlightened.

These eight words can exactly describe Li Fan's state of mind at this moment.

"The monks will bring feedback on cultivation. What surprises will the world's feedback bring me..."

Li Fan couldn't help but secretly look forward to it in his heart.

My mind was immersed in fantasy, and I don't know how long it had passed.

A thought from the Demon God of [Three Disasters and Hundred Calamities Mingshen Law] was transmitted to him.


Li Fan quickly located the god and demon.

It occupies a Nascent Soul monk named Feng Qiran.

This person is cautious in doing things, and has never revealed it in front of others since he obtained this secret method of [God's presence].

Just practice on your own.

But some things cannot be avoided by being careful.

On this day, Feng Qiran passed by a young monk in Tsing Yi.

A moment later, he was shocked to find that he had lost control of his body.

He couldn't even release the incarnation of gods and demons.

The monk in green looked at Feng Qiran carefully and showed a look of both laughter and laughter.

Then without saying anything, a thin line like an abyss and a bright mirror appeared between Feng Qiran and the young monk.

Under the dim light, it didn't take long for the young monk to look exactly like Feng Qiran!

He stretched out his hands towards Feng Qiran, who was inexplicably horrified, and the thin thread exploded with a bang.

The two merge into one.

At the same time, Feng Qiran passed through the god and demon left by Li Fan in his body.

A reverse connection with Li Fan was achieved.

There were no formal words, just a dark and mysterious force, following the invisible connection in the void, invading Li Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Li Fan had already noticed the abnormality, so how could he not take precautions?

In an instant, thousands of gods and demons appeared.

Gloomy ghosts descended on the sea of ​​consciousness, and five strange blood moons appeared in the sky. Li Fan revealed his ferocious face and stared down at Feng Qiran, who was surrounded by countless demons.

"How dare you invade my sea of ​​consciousness..."

"It's really asking for death!"


Li Fan laughed wildly and was about to attack immediately.

He has already figured out that the Feng Qiran in front of him is actually the Dharma King of Xuantian Sect, Mo Rubin.

I don’t know why he changed his identity as a young preacher and went out alone.

However, he has not revealed his identity at this time, so he might as well try out the quality of this Xuantian Sect Dharma King first.

Without mercy, thousands of ghosts and gods roared and sprayed black light towards Mo Rubin.

Those are all manifestations of consciousness attacks.

It's not just Li Fan's power alone, but also the spiritual power of countless monks who practice [Divine Presence].

Coupled with Li Fan's own extraordinary spiritual strength...

Li Fan believes that even if the opponent is the Immortal Lord, he will still be hit hard!

"Wait a minute..."

Sure enough, before Mo Rubin finished speaking, the incarnation of divine consciousness was swallowed up by the terrifying destructive power.

Unable to resist even for a moment, he was wiped out and expelled from Li Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

I am very satisfied with my victory. Although it feels like a sneak attack, after all, I have repelled the invasion of an immortal powerhouse head-on.

Feeling the fatigue coming from the monks who were inhabited by thousands of demon gods, Li Fan couldn't help but feel a little regretful: "It's a pity that it only has the power of one blow and cannot last long."

Without withdrawing his attention, Li Fan was still waiting for Mo Rubin's return.

Just as Li Fan thought, it was just a fading of consciousness.

Mo Rubin did not give up getting in touch with Li Fan.

The dark and unpredictable power once again followed the connection in the void and came to Li Fan's sea of ​​consciousness.

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