My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 969 The Lost Fishing Pond

My Simulated Road to Immortality Text Volume Chapter 969 The Lost Fishing Pond "Enter the small world of the Dharma preacher, the monks can also enjoy the characteristics of immortality. Even Feng the Dharma preacher who is least interested in collecting talents, that is, The body I occupy has thousands of true geniuses in its little world."

"It can be imagined how profound the background of the other practitioners is."

Mo Rubin sighed.

After hearing this, Li Fan couldn't help but have a picture appear in front of his eyes.

The Xuanhuang Realm is like a field. For thousands of years, the monks have been like crops in the field, growing one crop after another.

The mediocre ones were harvested, while the real essence was carefully preserved by those who taught the Dharma.

"No wonder the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance's trump cards seem to be endless, and they can bring me surprises in every life."

"This is just the lineage of those who teach the Dharma. There are also two parallel lines in the Immortal Alliance: the Mirror Master and the Huanzhen Sage..."

"Compared with this, the Five Elders Association seems a bit..."

Li Fan thought so, but he snorted coldly: "What do you think of the monks in the world? They really deserve to be killed!"

Mo Rubin also nodded and agreed: "If King Xuantian returns, they must all be eliminated!"

Li Fan did not agree, but pretended to be confused: "King Xuantian, King Xuantian..."

"What a familiar name..."

Mo Rubin felt helpless when he saw that Li Fan was a little confused again.

"Fortunately, it is only intermittent and does not affect major events."

With this in mind, Mo Rubin went to great lengths to "wake up" Li Fan and explained the relevant matters if there was any further progress.

Only then did he leave Li Fan's consciousness space.

After a long time, Li Fan recovered from his disguise.

"Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma, must have returned with the gray mold stains. No wonder he didn't wait for the attack. It seems that there was no danger."

"However, Jiang's nature seems to have been transformed by the immortal weapon left in the Xuanhuang Realm. There is currently no good way to prevent it. Even if you know it in advance, you are not immune to its influence..."

Even though Li Fan had the Xuanhuang Immortal Heart Curse to protect his body, the nature of Jiang, the one who taught the law, seemed to have directly changed his own attributes and nature.

Instead of causing mental and cognitive confusion to others, because the protective effect of the Immortal Heart Curse was not triggered from beginning to end.

"Before the great catastrophe, all the immortal weapons stored in the Xuanhuang Realm were instantly missing. Unexpectedly, some of them were transformed into humans."


Since it has not been exposed, there is no need to tell the truth.

The plan for this life will continue.

But Li Fan did not relax his vigilance, and his mind was still not disconnected from the spirit wood world.

Maybe Jiang, the preacher of the Dharma, even deceived his own people. Is this his strategy of being suspicious?

Li Fan decided to take another look.

All that needs to be done now is one word and so on.

In the conversation with Mo Rubin just now, he mentioned the possibility of strengthening the [Xuantian Suoyou] formation to further force the Xuantian Mirror.

Neither "Sun Xingwang" nor Mo Rubin are good at formations, and the group of people in the Formation Hall of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance may not be really reliable.

So we need to use external objects.

Perhaps considering that there would still be a need to repair the [Floating Starry Sky Formation] in the future, Mo Rubin only pondered for a while and felt that what Li Fan said was reasonable.

After agreeing to go back, I looked for any rare treasures that could deduce the formation.

"If I can absorb the nine-disc dissociation disc that merges into one, my formation derivation ability will once again undergo a qualitative change."

"When the time comes, I'm afraid I can easily break through the [Reversal of Death and Life Formation]. Maybe then I can find the true identity of the Death and Life Heavenly Lord."

Li Fan's plan to remain stationary in the Lingmu Realm was forced to end half a month later by Lin Ling's sudden summons.

Although he was already a strong man in Hedao, Lin Ling's tone was as panicked as a child's: "Master... Master, Senior Shi... Shi Ban is missing!"

"The small pond also disappeared!"

Li Fan was shocked and stood up suddenly.

Both the Treasure Fishing Pond and Senior Shiban are gone?

How is this going?

Li Fan suddenly felt a little anxious in his heart and was about to rush towards the small temple in the mountain immediately.

However, when he recalled some of Lin Ling's previous performances, Li Fan suddenly stopped.

He said in a deep voice: "Why panic! With Senior Shiban's strength, who in the Xuanhuang world can hurt him?"

"Tell me the situation in detail."

"Yes, Master." Lin Ling still panicked and described the situation when the abnormality occurred.

But it was said that Senior Shiban had been as motionless as a sculpture ever since he sat in the fishing pond and realized the Tao.

Originally out of respect and fear for Senior Shiban, Lin Ling and the little Taoist boy Liuli always kept a distance from each other.

But as time went by, they became bolder.

After realizing that even if they were very close, there would be no reaction from Senior Shiban, they would get close to each other from time to time.

I want to take a closer look at this strange slate senior.

Lin Ling was a little scared at first, but after being pulled by the little Taoist boy Liuli, she also realized that nothing would happen.

It's becoming more and more "unbridled".

"Sister Lin Ling, the closer you are to Senior Shiban, the more benefits you will get." The little Taoist boy Liuli sat down on the ground and looked up at Senior Shiban with greedy eyes.

And Lin Ling also felt that there was a different kind of Taoist fluctuation around Senior Shi Ban.

As if it can resonate with other laws in the world, after just a moment, many pictures naturally appeared in my mind intermittently.

Mysterious and mysterious, involving different principles of heaven and earth.

Even for her, a monk with strong fighting ability, it was of great benefit.

"I realized later that it was the most critical moment for Senior Shiban to understand the way of [fishing]. Therefore, it resonated with the principles of the world..."

“But I was so immersed in the benefits of enlightenment that I didn’t notice it.”

"Until not long ago, the rhyme fluctuations suddenly became exciting. That feeling..."

"It's like a calm surface suddenly stirred up by huge waves!"

There was a hint of fear in Lin Ling's tone.

"There seems to be something pulling hard in the fishing pond."

"Senior Shiban was pulled one step closer without any warning."

"The expression on Senior Shiban's face was very strange at that time. There was surprise and fear."

"It was like there was an invisible thread tying him to something in the fishing pond. They were wrestling with each other and neither of them wanted to let go."


Lingling paused and said with horror: "Suddenly, Senior Shiban seemed to be dragged into a fishing pond. He disappeared out of thin air in front of our eyes!"

"What's even more frightening is that we later found out that the fishing pond didn't work either."


There is another chapter which should be around two o'clock.

My simulated path to immortality

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