My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 972 The Secret of Lingyuan Sect

Nowadays, the greatest resource Li Fan has, apart from the experience, strength, and experience brought by [Huan Zhen]'s repeated reincarnations, are the countless mortals in that small world.

Under the day and night transformation of [Heaven and Earth Furnace], all these mortals are possible monks in the future.

And he is still a monk who can be used by Li Fan.

Now we are almost only one step away from creating a true Federation of All Realms. The only obstacle is the scarcity of exercises due to the inability to practice them together.

Before abducting Yan Fajue, Li Fan had already thought of an alternative plan.

That is the "Lingyuan Gong of Common People" of the Lingyuan Sect in the past.

The more people who practice at the same time, the faster the practice of this technique will be. It is enough to offset the negative effects brought about by practicing Falun Gong.

The Dharma of the previously transmitted Dharma Goddess came to Jiu Shan Prefecture and leveled the Jiu Mountains at a glance.

The Lingyuan Sect headquarters was destroyed as a result.

However, there are still members of the Lingyuan Sect who know the "Lingyuan Gong of Common People" in the world.

Because the number of monks practicing Lingyuan Gong has dropped sharply, the beneficial effects of the technique cannot offset the negative effects of being unable to practice together. So these people all changed their techniques one after another.

The believers of the True Immortal of Mercy in the World also spent a lot of effort to find out the information about one of the hidden followers.

Previously, the clone Li Qing had quietly gone and brought him back to the Lingmu Realm for interrogation.

"Even if ordinary people can't last long in the bloody river, if there are cultivators from the small world who continue to risk their lives..."

"After all, all the hidden history can be revealed."

Li Fan's thoughts surged, and his eyes fell on the creation history book again.

"Of course, if I want them to sacrifice their lives for me, simple oppression will definitely not work. I can still induce them..."

With this in mind, Li Fan made secrets with his hands and rebuilt the protective formation that enveloped this small mountain temple.

Previously, because the treasure fishing pond could not be moved at all, Li Fan simply arranged a formation here.

Although the History of Creation book is also hidden now, its status is lower than that of the fishing pond after all.

And it does not rule out the possibility that if it is discovered, it can be forcibly transferred by some old monsters in the Xuanhuang Realm.

Li Fan, who already regarded it as his own, would certainly not allow this to happen.

The final dissociation disk in his mind emits a faint white light, and the latest iteration formation is arranged and formed by Li Fan.

"Without the input of new formation data, the derivation and evolution speed of the dissociation disk has reached a bottleneck."

"Either there is a brand new formation, or we are waiting for news about the nine dissociation disks from Mo Rubin in this world."

As the materials stored in the cave are slowly consumed, the highest level of formation that can be derived from this final dissociation disk is gradually coming to the world.

The level of the formation is two generations higher than that of today's Xuanhuang Realm. Compared with it, the protective formation of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is as crude as one built by a child with toys.

"This formation can be called the [Final Taixu Formation]." After completing the formation, Li Fan took a deep breath.

The end, as the name suggests, has extended the formation method to the end of the end.

Taixu represents the nature of the formation.

Referring to the prohibition technique of [Hiding the World and Hiding the Sky] taught by the heavenly doctor before, and combining it with countless concealment formations, the concealment ability of this Taixu Formation may have reached the ultimate level in the Xuanhuang Realm. The place covered by the formation can almost be said to be a world of its own.

Even if the Hedao monks investigate carefully, they may not be able to detect any clues.

If a strong person in the Immortal Realm just glances at it with his spiritual consciousness without checking it carefully. I'm afraid it will be the same result.

In addition to the concealment function, the terminal Taixu Formation also has basic functions such as protection and counterattack. It's just a bit weaker than its concealment ability, so I won't go into details here.

"All followers of the Mercy Immortal in the mortal world can face the long river of time. If you bring back a fragment of time in it, you can receive the gift of a true immortal..."

Li Fan had already made up the rhetoric in his mind in an instant.

"Now that the furnaces of the empire and Lijie have been set up, we can try to start this plan soon."

As the saying goes, those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard govern others. With a better and more efficient way, it is naturally impossible for Li Fan to take risks in the bloody river himself. Sending monks from all over the world to work for you is the right path.

"In the long river of blood, the lost history is restored. This is called [Mending the Sky]."

Li Fan was quite proud of himself and chose a name that sounded extremely domineering.

Mending the sky and the earth, Li Fan would not be at ease even if he only had peerless formations to protect him.

After calling Tianyang and ordering him to take care of him, Li Fan left.

Of course, before leaving, he did not forget to tell Tianyang not to try to see the bloody river.

Perhaps only Tianyang would not become curious and insist on trying to die because of this.

Tianyang just sat quietly on the ground, guarding the creation history book as if in a daze.

He has no interest in the treasure that records all the history of the Xuanhuang Realm.

In the Spirit Wood Realm, Zhong Shentong and Taoist Liuli, who had just arrived here, were already shocked by the magnificent scenery of the Federation of All Realms headquarters.

Lin Ling, who had not returned for a long time, was also very surprised by the changes in the spirit wood world.

When Lin Xin, the matriarch of the tree people, appeared in front of her in person, Lin Ling's expression was even more shocking, and a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

All these subtle changes did not escape the eyes of Li Fan, who was at one with the world of Lingmu Realm.

"I guessed it right. This little guy really had other thoughts."

Li Fan sneered.

It's not quite appropriate to say it's rebellion, it's just an unwillingness to surrender to Li Fan.

After all, when she was enlightened by Li Fan and willing to admit her master, she was confused and confused. There is no clear understanding of the world.

Li Fan's strength at that time was not much weaker than hers, but he still surrendered sincerely.

However, in these years, she has been in constant communication with the ancient trees of the earth, and her mind has grown rapidly.

Moreover, Li Fan did not show his true strength in front of him. In her eyes, Li Fan was just a stronger Yuanying realm monk.

Some small thoughts are actually normal.

Li Fan had noticed this a long time ago, which was why he didn't go immediately after receiving her summons before.

But Li Fan didn't care what Lin Ling thought.

As long as she doesn't betray and still faithfully carries out Li Fan's orders, then everything will be fine.

if not……

Li Fan sneered in his heart and flashed to the central underground chamber.

"Haven't you been questioned yet?"

The clone Li Qing's face looked a little serious: "It's okay to ask, it's just a bit strange."

"I can't practice this [Cang Sheng Ling Yuan Gong] at all."

"It's not that it's ineffective, but it's just that you can't even get started." The clone Li Qing emphasized.


There is still one chapter left, so I’ll finish it during the day tomorrow. I can’t stand it o(╥﹏╥)o

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