My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 977 The Secret of the True Immortal in the World

My Simulated Road to Immortality Text Volume Chapter 977: The Secret of the True Immortal in the World "Did I cause the abnormal movement in the fishing pond? Fellow Taoist, you think too highly of me."

The golden figure first laughed at himself, and then began to introduce himself: "My real name is Baihua Taoist, and I am the sect leader of Tianlian Sect in Wansheng Realm..."

"But that was thousands of years ago."

Baihua Taoist's tone was a little sad: "Back then, the [No] Zi Jue suddenly broke out and swept across all realms. Although Wansheng Realm tried its best to resist, it was still unable to stop its spread. We had no choice but to abandon the realm and escape. Originally, I wanted to Find a safe place to take refuge, don’t want to..."

"Everywhere you pass is a scene of the end of the world."

The golden figure of Baihua Taoist flickered slightly, as if blown by the breeze, showing the extreme unrest in her heart. Even though such a long time has passed, every time I think back to the scene back then, I feel a sudden surge in my heart.

"Each world encounters different disasters. In the star field around our Wansheng world, the gray mold is like a raging sea, swallowing up everything in the world. And in some worlds, distorted creation appears, and is completely destroyed in the constant killing of each other, just like Bloody Purgatory.”

"If that's all, as long as we run far enough, we may still be able to find a glimmer of hope. But..."

"There is a [True Immortal] in the Immortal Ruins." Li Fan said in a faint tone at this time.

Taoist Baihua glanced at Li Fan and nodded slightly.

"Beyond the Sunken Star Territory, there are invisible barriers that prevent us from leaving. And within the Sunken Star Territory, there are true immortals who use the [Hunger] formula to gain enlightenment and ignore the life and death of the people..."

"Huh? Wait. You just said that there is a true immortal who uses the word "hunger" to gain enlightenment? What does this mean?" Li Fan's eyes flashed and he asked aloud.

"Aren't true immortals suppressed by the Hunger Jue?" Li Fan asked the question in his mind.

Taoist Baihua was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "It seems that fellow Taoists from the Xuanhuang Realm don't know much about true immortals, so they have some misunderstandings."

"According to the research of the surviving monks in our various immortal worlds at that time, the immortal seal characters such as [hunger], [chaos], [no], etc. that caused the disaster in our star field should all be written by a true immortal."

"This true immortal has the supreme power to embody the laws of the world into words. With just a few strokes, he can easily destroy a region and countless immortal worlds."

"So, all the disasters we suffered were all caused by this true immortal?" Li Fan's eyes flashed and he asked in a deep voice.

Unexpectedly, Taoist Baihua shook his head slightly and denied: "Didn't I just say that if that true immortal had really taken action, our star field would have been destroyed in an instant. The Hungry and Chaos tactics that broke out in the disaster, although they also have It will cause endless world-destroying disasters, but it is not worthy of comparison with the methods of a true immortal."

"That's..." Li Fan was startled for a moment, and then he thought of something.

"Imitation pen?"

"That's right. The surviving monks from all realms at that time, after synthesizing the records about true immortals handed down from all realms, all came to the same conclusion. The seal characters of the Immortal family that caused the disaster in the lower realm were all written by the same person, or in other words, the immortal , hand." Taoist Baihua said slowly, but there was no hatred in his tone, but full of powerlessness.

When Li Fan heard this, he couldn't help but be a little confused: "Our Xuanhuang world has experienced all kinds of disasters. We know very little about true immortals. But for no reason, why did that immortal create such boundless killings?"

"Immortals don't do meaningless things. Just like the immortal in the Immortal Ruins, he sat there for thousands of years and realized the word "hunger" to the extreme. Just to go one step further and achieve the realm of "Unnamed True Immortal" ." Baihua Taoist sighed infinitely.

"Unnamed True Immortal? I have heard something about this. It is impossible to know his name, and all records have disappeared..."

"Is it possible that immortals also have levels? Aren't all immortals like this?" Li Fan asked humbly.

"That's right. While the road to immortality is still open, monks like us can also ascend to immortality. After being baptized by the spirit of the immortal spirit and retreating from their mortal bodies, we can officially become immortals. Our strength will be turned upside down in an instant and expand hundreds of times."

"But compared with the [Unnamed True Immortal], there is still a world of difference. Every immortal is the ultimate seeker. After being able to completely master a way in the world, he will have an existence that transcends all things. Everything in the past is nothing. After being erased, no one in the world can know his name. He can only be commensurate with the path he has mastered."

"We respectfully call the nameless true immortal who inscribed the Tao with characters the [Inscribed Tao Immortal]."

Listening to Taoist Baihua's talk about the realm above immortality, Li Fan couldn't help but be fascinated.

The information about the immortals in the Xuanhuang Realm has long been lost in the long river of history, and even the people who teach it know very little about it.

Perhaps only the Five Elders Association, the remnants of the ten immortal sects, have some remaining information.

Today, by chance, I met the survivors of the ancient immortal tribulation and knew the secrets of the true immortals. It was definitely a big chance.

Of course, Li Fan did not fully trust this Baihua Taoist.

Just listen to it for now.

Taoist Baihua continued: "Mingdao Immortal has transcended, but he may have left behind a few authentic paintings of Mingdao."

"I don't know what happened to the immortal world back then. The immortal road collapsed and the immortals fled in all directions. These authentic artifacts may have been obtained by one of the immortals."

"He copied and wrote down the words hunger, chaos, and poverty, which caused cholera in the world. This must be related to the path he cultivated."

"The chaos did not destroy countless immortal worlds, but the word "hunger" was obtained by another immortal. Perhaps the word "hunger" fits the path of this immortal. He sat cross-legged at the passage of the former immortal world and understood it on the spot."

"It should be noted that ten thousand years may be extremely long for us. But for immortals, it is just a time of retreat."

"As for what consequences he will have when he comprehends the word hunger..."

"We and other monks from the lower realm are all ants in his eyes. Why would he care?"

When Baihua Taoist said this, there was a hint of resentment in his words.

After Li Fan absorbed all the other party's words, he thought slowly.

"These are all your guesses, right? Is there any substantial evidence?"

Taoist Baihua shook his head, but he was still very sure: "Our group of survivors who survived the catastrophe back then were the most powerful people in all walks of life. With the help of the remaining data from all walks of life, we can deduce..."

"Even if it's not the absolute truth, it's close to it."

"Especially those who copy the seal characters of true immortals and the characters of enlightenment and hunger are only in the realm of immortals. Although their strength absolutely crushes us immortal cultivators, they have not reached the level of unpredictability of the nameless true immortals." Taoist Baihua said in a sincere tone. There is a sense of arrogance.

However, Li Fan remembered that in the 115th life, the person in the Immortal Ruins suddenly opened his eyes after sensing his gaze. And through the avatar's induction, the word "hunger" was transmitted to the Xuanhuang world, thus destroying the world.

My simulated path to immortality

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