My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 981 The right choice

"What's the difference between the stone statue and the real person?"

Hearing what Master Baihua said, Li Fan couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart.

The faceless immortal stone statue that had been standing quietly seemed to move in an instant.

Looking at Li Fan with his slightly mocking and dark eyes...

However, when Li Fan looked again, all the strange images disappeared in an instant.

It becomes like an ordinary stone sculpture again.

The information revealed in Baihua Taoist's words is really too scary. Li Fan was so horrified that he had to tell the truth right on the spot!

But today's Grand Master Li is no longer the little foundation-building monk who was forced to find him in a panic by the Heavenly Doctor following his clone contact!

If you are so frightened by someone else's words that you don't know whether they are true or not, that is a real joke!

Li Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, and images of this life's experiences flashed quickly in his mind.

Then I feel at ease.

The faceless immortal stone statue is related to the faceless immortal who saved King Xuantian back then, and the stone statue also has part of the power of the true immortal. This is what Li Fan already thought when the image of believers praying appeared in his mind. A sure thing.

With the help of stone statues and contacting believers, you can even reward cultivation directly out of thin air, and then absorb the golden wish power...

In this way, it would be unreasonable to say that it was just the function of the stone statue without the power of the faceless immortal.

But Li Fan was lucky after all.

He doesn't have the courage to face the True Immortal directly, but he still has the courage to use the power left by the True Immortal to pluck the wool.

"I still underestimate the strength of the True Immortal. As long as the power reaches me, I will come in person..."

Or Li Fan fell into a misunderstanding of thinking, trying to speculate on the power of a true immortal from the perspective of an ordinary monk.

In the original view of Li Fan, this true immortal stone statue was equivalent to a magic circle that could strengthen the induction of phaseless murderous intent. Through him, the true immortal could sense many things happening around the stone statue at any time.

Now the conclusion has been overturned.

This stone statue is equivalent to the arrival of a true immortal!

Thinking of this, even though Li Fan was mentally tough and far beyond ordinary people, he couldn't help but feel the invisible heavy pressure.

After all, lying to one's superiors and seeking death under one's nose are two completely different concepts.

But after thinking about it for a while, Li Fan still withstood the pressure and did not act rashly.

There are three reasons.

First, even if the stone statue is like a real immortal, Li Fan has never revealed the secret of his possessions from the time he dug up the stone statue until now. In the eyes of the True Immortal, he is just a stronger Nascent Soul cultivator, seeking benefits in the name of the Mercy Immortal in the mortal world. Even if you reach the realm of immortality, you may not be able to enter the eyes of a true immortal. Not to mention Li Fan? Would any mortal wonder why a flying ant in an ant nest is stronger than another? If the faceless immortal can really perceive everything that happens here, and Li Fan is still alive and well, it is the best proof that he has not attracted the attention of the immortal yet.

Secondly, this is not the first time that faceless stone statues have appeared in the Xuanhuang Realm. During the reign of Xuantian Sect, stone statues were almost everywhere in the Xuanhuang Realm. Then the ten major immortal sects rebelled, the Xuantian Sect was destroyed, and countless stone statues were damaged, leaving only the last one to be collected by Mr. Bai. During this process, the Faceless Immortal remained indifferent and did not show any of his power to show punishment. This shows that he is actually indifferent to the things happening in the Xuanhuang Realm. In other words, as long as you don't show immortal-level power, you may not be worthy of being "seen" by a true immortal. So despite Li Fan's commotion, in fact, to the true immortal, he is nothing at all.

The last point is also the main basis for Li Fan's final decision not to tell the truth for the time being and to continue to wait and see.

That is the existence of Xianxu Immortal and others.

The Immortal of Immortal Ruins has been sitting in the Immortal Ruins for nearly ten thousand years and has been enlightened.

In his 115th life, Li Fan used the Medicine King Cauldron to rush into the Immortal Ruins, which was able to interrupt his enlightenment process and make him open his eyes.

If there really is someone with the same power as him in the Xuanhuang Realm not far from the Immortal Ruins.

How could the Immortal Xu Immortal be able to achieve enlightenment stably for such a long time?

The principle of not allowing others to sleep peacefully on the side of the couch does not apply to Li Fan if he reaches the level of an immortal!

Then there are the high walls.

No matter whether the high wall was built by the immortals of Xianxu, or it was built outside the wall.

The filtering and blocking functions of the High Wall Immortal level have been determined.

Being inside and outside high walls, perception will definitely be affected to a certain extent. It certainly won't feel like a real person.

"If the faceless immortal senses something unusual and comes across the high wall..."

"I'm afraid it won't immediately arouse the vigilance of Immortal Xuxian."

"When two tigers meet, there will be a fight. I also have enough time to return the favor."

In an instant, Li Fan made a decision after weighing it.

"It looks very dangerous, but because the strength gap between the two sides is so big, it is not as dangerous as imagined."

"As long as it's not exposed."

"But then again, if I hadn't carried it myself, I wouldn't have thought that there really is such a treasure in the world that can turn reality into fiction and reverse everything."

His thoughts slowly gathered together, Li Fan looked at the frightened Taoist Baihua in front of him, smiled slightly and said: "Taoist Baihua only knows one, but not the other."

"How can a true immortal be interested in paying attention to mundane things in this world?"

"There are many issues in the Xuanhuang Realm, and I can take care of them for the True Immortal."

Li Fan said lightly, and as if to prove it, the robbery body filled with golden wish power slowly flew out of his body.

Then he pointed lightly at Taoist Baihua's forehead.

The moment the golden robbery body appeared, Taoist Baihua's body shook violently like a lake surface blown by a hurricane.

Li Fan noticed many emotions such as "fear", "greed" and "fear" from her.


With this thought in his mind, Li Fan slowly controlled and injected a trace of the golden wish power in his body into Taoist Baihua's body.

As the golden wish power entered his body, Taoist Baihua couldn't help but let out a groan.

The face that was originally unclear suddenly appeared as if the clouds were clearing and the sun appeared, and a face that captivated the country and the city suddenly appeared.

It's just that the original nobility has disappeared, and his eyes are blurred and he is looking at the fingers of the golden body between his eyebrows.

The feeling of begging and longing came gurgling.

This feeling and scene are beyond words.

Even Li Fan's mood was slightly disturbed.

He seemed to see a nationally colored peony, more gorgeous than any other flower in the world, blooming slowly in front of him, releasing its beauty to the fullest.


Facing the prayers of Taoist Baihua, Li Fan strengthened his mind in an instant and put away the golden body.

There were countless empty and resentful looks in the eyes of hundreds of flower Taoists, and Li Fan gave her a cold look as a warning.

Then he said slowly: "It seems that the gift of the true immortal will be of great help to you."

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