My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 992 The Secret of the Twins

In Lu Xichan's memories of the first half of his life, his master, Lu Xia, was almost the only figure.

The rest is endless knowledge of formations.

Therefore, when Li Fan, who transformed into Master Lu Xichan, his soul collided with Lu Xichan himself, there was not much resistance.

On the contrary, Li Fan felt full of fear from Lu Xichan.

Countless pictures flickered in Lu Xichan's soul, true and false, false and true.

The faces of Lu Xia and Li Fan kept changing, faster and faster.

In the end, only Li Fan's face was left, which was firmly engraved in the depths of Lu Xichan's soul.

With the power of the silver light of the real lure, it was completely dissolved.

Lu Xichan's body also slowly returned to calm after a violent twitch.

Li Fan took back the power of the soul and transported the soul on a large scale for a long time, which consumed too much.

Even with the characteristics of infinite regeneration of the soul of [Wuji Yingxu Method], it was a bit too much for a while.

Fortunately, the matter is settled.

In the fusion of souls just now, Li Fan glimpsed many secrets in Lu Xichan's memory.

For example, Lu Xichan's master, Lu Xia, was actually not very satisfied with Lu Xichan.

Until his death, he had no hope that Lu Xichan would be able to inherit his unique formation skills in the future.

At that time, he accepted Lu Xichan as his disciple, including the promotion of her position as the chief of the Formation Hall.

There are some special factors in them.

Although Lu Xia never said it clearly until her death, Lu Xichan guessed that she might be the daughter of her master Lu Xia.

But after all, she didn't have the guts to verify this guess.

And as Lu Xia's body was reduced to ashes, it was impossible to verify whether this speculation was true.

Lu Xichan still has many secrets.

For another example, because she lived under the high-pressure discipline of her master all year round when she was a child, she has been under great psychological pressure.

In the process of thinking of ways to relieve stress, she discovered a quite effective way.

And the reason why she often comes to Xuan Suchang is precisely for this reason.

Thinking of this, Li Fan's expression changed slightly: "It turns out that Lu Xuejing's masochistic constitution was inherited from her mother."


Li Fan shook his head slightly.

Speaking of Lu Xichan's daughter, Lu Xuejing, it is also related to Xuan Sushang.

In the process of relieving stress, Lu Xichan discovered that Xuan Sushang was pregnant at some point.

Lu Xichan was shocked and at the same time naturally couldn't accept it.

Under pressure, Xuan Sushang had to tell the truth.

"The [method of living beings] taught by Tianxuan Mirror?"

Li Fan narrowed his eyes slightly and turned to Xuan Sushang aside.

Lu Xichan entangled Xuan Sushang, and also used the "method of living creatures" to conceive and gave birth to a daughter.

"It seems that the human incarnation of the Tianxuan Mirror is indeed related to Cang, the one who holds the mirror."

Li Fan closed his eyes and slowly digested the large amount of information acquired in one time.

At the same time, the lost soul is restored.

When he was almost recovered, Li Fan followed the same method and penetrated into Xuan Sushang's soul.

Xuan Sushang is indeed a direct descendant of the mirror master Cang. Whether it is the power of the soul or the forbidden protection, it is much stronger than Lu Xichan.

But unfortunately, it is only a quantitative change, not a qualitative change.

Li Fan's continuous hard work, mixed with Lu Xichan's spiritual aura, combined with the real lure.

After the defense line was breached in an instant, it became easier to have one's perception distorted.

Li Fan thus gained another identity besides Lu Xichan's master.

Another incarnation of Tianxuan Mirror.

As early as when the Dharma Heavenly Lord established the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, Tianxuanjing took precautions and created a human clone for himself.

But it's a pity that the Heavenly Master of Chuanfa was wary of Tianxuan Mirror and discovered this clone.

Suppress the clone.

Since then, Tianxuan Mirror has lost contact with its clone.

As a last resort, Tianxuanjing had no choice but to restart the plan to make a clone.

Finally, we cooperated with the cameraman Cangda.

But what they didn't know was that Lu Xia, Lu Xichan's master and the former chief of the Celestial Formation Hall of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, happened to have discovered the seal of the Heavenly Master.

By chance, the suppressed clone was rescued.

Since it had been suppressed for too long, the Tianxuan Mirror clone was already in danger, so Lu Xia took the initiative to save it with his own life.

Although he came back to life, he was suppressed for too long and changed his body. The clone has lost the power of Tianxuan Mirror.

Just like real humans.

He originally thought that he would continue to live as a human being, Lu Xia, but he never expected that after all, he was at the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance and was still inextricably connected with the Tianxuan Mirror. His Tianxuan Mirror's characteristics Some people were still aware of it.

In order to save his life, he had to fake his death and escape.

I originally thought that I could be so carefree, but I didn't expect that a new Tianxuan Mirror clone would be born again due to a strange combination of circumstances.

What's even more terrible is that the immortal treasure has a spirit and is one of its kind in the world.

There will be no second Tianxuan Mirror in the world, and naturally there will not be two human clones of the Tianxuan Mirror at the same time.

Although it was born accidentally due to various fallacies, this error is being fixed.

He noticed that he was getting weaker.

I'm afraid it won't be long before it completely dissipates between heaven and earth.

And the only way to survive is to find and kill the second Tianxuan Mirror clone!

This was the big lie fabricated by Li Fan that implicated the two Hedao female cultivators and the Tianxuan Mirror clone.

It is true that if you think about it carefully, there are many loopholes.

But as long as the information about the human clone of Tianxuan Mirror is extracted from Xuan Sushang, it won't matter even if all this is exposed.

"It's a pity that all the information about Tianxuan Mirror seems to have been encrypted."

"The soul cannot be browsed. Otherwise, there would be no need to bother making up such lies."

Li Fan thought to himself.

Shortly after the cognitive transformation, Xuan Sushang and Lu Xichan woke up.

When the two saw Li Fan, their reactions were also different.

Lu Xichan's body trembled, she lowered her head subconsciously, and blurted out in a low voice: "Master..."

Xuan Sushang, on the other hand, had a complicated expression and remained silent.

Because when the former Chief Formation Master and the human clone of Tianxuan Mirror came to them, he happened to ruin her good relationship with Lu Xichan.

Although Li Fan didn't say anything at the time, the two girls were ashamed.

In the deathly silence, it was Li Fan who spoke first: "I've already given you a chance."

"I am still the second clone, who do you choose to help?"

With a trace of murderous intent flashing in his eyes, Li Fan said slowly: "If it weren't for Xichan's sake, I would have searched your souls long ago. Do you think those little tricks in your soul can stop me?"

Lu Xichan didn't dare to refute or express her anger.

After Xuan Sushang realized her situation, her expression changed and she finally made a decision.

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