My Simulated Longevity

Chapter 994: Both girls are convinced

"Those who work hard manage people. When I was the chief of this formation hall, I was never as strenuous as you."

“Learn to delegate authority.”

Li Fan warned earnestly.

Lu Xichan now dared to refute, so she could only nod her head in agreement.

There was a brief silence in the bamboo house.

Then Li Fan pondered for a while, seeming to have made a decision.

He pointed his finger in the air and pointed at Lu Xichan's forehead.

This move was originally very threatening and any monk would subconsciously resist. After Li Fan's distorted understanding of the three whips and the real lure, Lu Xichan didn't even react at all to resist.

I have endured Li Fan's finger all my life.


Thousands of different formations that she had never seen before, far beyond what she could understand now, suddenly appeared in Lu Xichan's mind.

After being stunned for a moment, Lu Xichan suddenly raised her head: "Master, this is..."

The weak voice was full of surprise.

Li Fan snorted coldly: "You are so incompetent. If you are just allowed to work behind closed doors, I'm afraid you won't be able to become a great person until you fall."

"These formations are new gains over the years as a teacher. They are much more advanced than when I faked my death. It's enough to study them for a while."

Lu Xichan naturally knew the value of these formations, and a burst of joy and gratitude suddenly surged in her heart. She quickly kowtowed to Li Fan and said, "Thank you, Master, for the reward."

"Xuan Sushang..." Li Fan ignored Lu Xichan and turned to look at Xuan Sushang.

"Junior is here." Xuan Sushang said quickly.

"The matter between you two..." Li Fan spoke slowly.

When Xuan Sushang and Lu Xichan heard this, their breathing suddenly stagnated.

"Now that the deal is done and you two are in love, I can't stop you."

"Xichan is lazy by nature. If there is no one around her to encourage and supervise her, I am afraid she will not be able to escape the same fate in the future..."

Li Fan said, and passed the golden whip composed of the power of the soul in his hand: "I will reward you with this whip. In the future, whenever you find Xichan slacking off, you will punish me on my behalf!"

"Xichan, you are unstoppable! Have you ever understood?" Li Fan looked directly in the eye.

Lu Xichan's body trembled slightly again and she whispered: "Disciple understands."

Xuan Sushang took the dark golden whip with both hands, her face a little stunned and a little surprised.

Looking secretly at Lu Xichan, he didn't know what he thought of, and a touch of red appeared on his cheeks.

Then, after being reminded by the other party, he kowtowed to Li Fan to thank him.

"As long as we have something to do here, I will leave first."

"As for the mess in this bamboo sea..."

Before Li Fan could speak, Lu Xichan said quickly: "Don't worry, Master, I will handle it myself."

After a moment of pause, Lu Xichan hesitated, and then whispered: "Master, be careful here..."

Li Fan smiled, and the next moment his figure appeared in the sky.

"How can a trivial disaster hurt me?"

"But my disciple understands what I want. Hahaha..."

After finishing speaking, the breath has disappeared in this bamboo sea cave.

Xuan Sushang and Lu Xichan looked at the sky blankly.

What happened suddenly was like a dream. In less than a day, it felt like half a lifetime had passed between the two of them.

The two people's eyes intertwined, and after a long time, Xuan Sushang spoke again: "Since the decision has been made, there is no use regretting it now."


"The battle between Tianxuan Mirror itself may not affect us in the end."

Lu Xichan nodded: "But it's better not to spread the word about what happened here..."

Her eyes glanced at the long whip in Xuan Sushang's hand, and her breath suddenly became a little chaotic again.

Beyond the Bamboo Sea.

After releasing all the servant girls and Shuo Feng who had been suppressed, Li Fan and his party were rushing towards the location of the Tianxuan Mirror clone.

But the way Baihua Taoist and Lin Ling looked at Li Fan was a little strange.

Only the younger junior brother Tianyang didn't think it was strange and remained the same as before.

The scenes that happened in the bamboo house were naturally seen by them.

In fact, it would be difficult for them not to pay attention to such a big movement.

"If this kind of method falls on me..." Lin Ling's fear of Li Fan became even more intense.

"You are worthy of being an envoy. Whether it is playing with people's hearts or controlling subordinates, he has reached the pinnacle of his skills. No wonder he was favored by the real immortal. Among the people who survived in all realms, there was no one like him." Baihua Taoist He sighed secretly.

Li Fan didn't pay attention to the random thoughts of these two people.

What he just did was just to have a backup plan.

After all, Xuan Sushang and Lu Xichan, the status of these two female cultivators in the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance is not low.

Even if he is not as good as the Master of Laws, he can definitely be considered as a high-level ruler.

But after all, Li Fan is not the real Dharma King of Xuantian Sect, and he is of the same mind as Mo Rubin, and he has many unique secrets of his own.

Some things are better to have their own separate approach.

Through the three whips just now, Li Fan believed that even if there were loopholes in the lies spun by the real bait, he could temporarily ignore the past under the cover of this extremely shocking event.

Whenever I think of Master Li Fan, the first thing that comes to mind is the three whips...

With Lu Xichan's character, it is absolutely impossible to be calm.

And the reason why he taught her thousands of formations was just to increase the credibility of the fabricated memory, and to give her a slap and a red date as comfort.

As for the golden whip later given to Xuan Sushang...

One is to monitor every move of the two women. After all, the whip was formed with the power of his soul, which is equivalent to an alternative clone.

Secondly, it is also to delay the time limit for the lie to be exposed as much as possible.

How could Li Fan not know what would happen between Xuan Sushang and Lu Xichan after she got this golden whip?

In particular, he also gave legitimate "supervision and punishment" powers.

He must be able to appreciate the taste after eating the marrow, and he is happy not to think about Sichuan.

As a result, the two female cultivators will have to spend a long time in this bamboo sea.

"The less you are at the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance headquarters, the smaller the risk of revealing your secret."

This is Li Fan's plan.

Everything else is not what it seems.

After finishing his thoughts, Li Fan focused his attention on Xuan Suchang's message about Tianxuanjing's clone.

"Become a mortal and travel around Xuanhuang."

"I never tire of changing my appearance and identity every time."

"Doubt is enlightenment..."


Li Fan's eyes flashed, he speeded up, and flew towards the place where the Tianxuan Mirror clone appeared recently.

Liuguang State, a mortal city named Weidu.

Not long after, the four of them had arrived at their destination.

"The Immortal Miasma is indeed well-deserved. I have only heard about it before, but I have never seen it with my own eyes."

"Now that I'm here, I feel a sense of disgust from a distance."

Taoist Baihua sighed.

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