Yamada Fairy (Emily): "The Explosive Dark Fairy", with a combat power of 2.2 million, No. 1 on the O list, animated.


Yuzhen Yihe: "IS", "After School Combat Field", unknown combat power, second-level animation, "Tian Lei Great Writer" of "Eight Thunder Gods"

Chapter 072 Snow’s Oath

As Senjumura Sei left, the Yamada demon said with lingering fear: "That woman's aura is so terrifying. She is worthy of the legendary 'Korsaki no Kuro Raimura Sei', who is famous for her wild and uninhibited writing style."

"What's with this nickname of chuuniman?"

The goblin said disapprovingly: "Oh, I just thought of it."

"It turns out it was made up on the spot!" Hanabi's head was full of black lines.

"However, Teacher Qianju's "Fantasy Demon Sword" has been suspended for a long time, as if it has entered a long dormant period. Why did it suddenly become active?" Yuanzi thought thoughtfully.

The "Light Novel World's Best Budokai" has become unusual. An Izumi Masamune, Hanabi can be ignored. However, today's opponent is a super master who calls himself "senior" and has published tens of millions of books. Even if the opponent puts on a vest, he is still a terrifying opponent without taking advantage of his popularity.

Shiyu was concerned about Hanabi's state of mind and asked, "Are you scared?"

"No, it's excitement." Hanabi showed an incomprehensible smile.

Just like when he declared war on Yuzuru Izuru, Ayase Hanabi's fighting spirit grew crazily, and her eyes were sharp. Shiyu thought, this man is like a sharp sword when he is serious, he will cut down his opponent without hesitation no matter what height he stands. If the image of a fairy is that of a "demon king", then to her, Hanabi Ayase is a "brave".

Kasumigaoka Shiyu likes his confidence at this moment.

The manuscripts from the five authors were finally published in the weekly, attracting considerable buzz. This was the result that the five publishing houses enjoyed, and a bloodless battle began. Just waiting for readers to reply, the work with the highest praise rate will be counted and won!

Hanabi got the magazine and gave it a cursory glance. There are no changes in his "The Vow Under the Snow" and Izumi Masamune's "My Sister is the Cutest in the World". Among the remaining three short stories, the most outstanding one can be seen at a glance, "My Unlovable Junior", written by Senjumura Sei.

That girl's writing style is not as elegant as mine, but has a hint of madness and is highly recognizable. There's actually some truth to the nickname given to the goblin.

Hanabi read it with endless interest, and even when she closed the book, she could imagine the image of a domineering and cute senior. Thinking of Shiyu, the two have many similarities. He couldn't help but sigh: "It's really amazing. This guy became a writer based on his true strength."

"Brother will never lose." Sagiri said seriously.

Hanabi was surprised, then looked determined.

That's right, I won't lose to anyone in my sister's field!

"The Vow Under the Snow", Hanabi recalled the work that came back from her memory. No, strictly speaking, it is no longer the scope of Wenzhaogong. Since the two-person collaboration in "Five Seconds", Hanabi has been trying something different - [novelization]. If animation is a symbol of the strength of a light novelist, then novelization is a unique skill developed by Ayase Hanabi based on Golden Finger, like a reverse formula.

The anime and games in "Complete Memory" are described in the form of words with the help of many years of Japanese literacy training. It makes up for the regret that many excellent works are not novels, and uses words to build a grand fantasy world.

This is novelization!

The original work of "Oath under the Snow" is the theatrical version of the side story "Magical Girl Illya" of the Fate series, which can also be said to be a side story within a side story. It tells the story of Emiya Shirou in the parallel world, who gave up the "ideal of justice" inherited from his father in order to save his sister "Miyu". Killing six people in one night, taking on EA in the face, and ending the Holy Grail War, it was nicknamed "The Legend of Emiya". It has a unique charm that people talk about in the "Xingyue", a major field in the second dimension of the previous life.

At the same moment, Qian Jumurazheng opened Hanabi's novel and felt a chilling air coming to his face.

Is this... really a newcomer's short story?

The setting of the Holy Grail War is eye-catching. Heroic epics from different eras, passed down by word of mouth, are staged in modern times and fights begin! Shirou Emiya, who only participated in the war to save his sister, stood in front of the "King of Heroes" Angelica (Niang Xingxin). If humans inherit the power of heroes, what kind of outstanding appearance will they become? The legendary treasures appear one by one, collide, explode, and are annihilated. His words challenge the limits of camera language.

The mythical battle reappears here.

"Fantasy and reality, replacing the inside with the outside, a form of smearing the real world with your heart. The secret of magic - [Inherent Barrier]. Hey... what does it look like to you?" Emiya Shirou in a mortal body Walking on the sword mound, the moment he held the sword hilt, flames ignited.

Angelica wore golden armor and said proudly: "In this world containing infinite swords, from my point of view... all of them are no different from tombstones."

"Next, it's up to me to settle the matter. This is my duty as an elder brother."

"The creation of the world, the beginning of the universe!"

When the Guili Sword cut off the heaven and earth, the mental space suddenly collapsed. In the torrent of sword intent filled with killing, he thought about his sister's trivial wish.

"I hope that the world will become a place where Miyu no longer suffers, where she can meet gentle people, make friends who can laugh together, and be able to capture the gentle and tiny pieces of happiness."

In the end, Emiya Shirou was defeated by Miyu's insufficient supply of magic power. Although I couldn't save anyone, I just wanted to let Miyu go to a world where Miyou could be happy. This is the story of a brother who protects his oath in the wind and snow.

(it's over.)

Qian Shou Cun Zheng closed his eyes, feeling complicated.

(The wait is finally here...the story you wrote.)

The theme selection of Hanabi is unique. While Izumi and Senju were still writing straightforward emotional essays, he described a magnificent world. Even readers who have little exposure to combat literature will be fascinated by it. In the end, "The Oath under the Snow" was elected first in the "Budokai" with a high vote.

The Ayase family received an unusual guest. When Hanabi opened the door, she was surprised to see Sei Senjumura in a dark sailor uniform and asked, "Why are you dressed like this?"

Qian Shou calmly pulled on his clothes and said, "As for what I'm going to say next, the editor recommends that I dress like this."

Are you here to seduce me?

Hanabi groaned inwardly and invited her in. The goblin was there too, and Qian Shou’s first words were shocking.

The girl commanded domineeringly: "Ayase Hanabi, please become mine."

The air suddenly became quiet. Hanabi asked cautiously: "Um... Senju-sensei, did you say the wrong thing?"

"I'm not wrong. I've been paying attention to you ever since you overthrew one of the Eight Thunder Gods, Gongxian Yihe. I like both "My Sister" and "Second Five" very much, but gradually, I find myself no longer I can't write a battle article anymore. I hate you who always write about campus love. Why can't you write more hearty battles?" A sickly flush appeared on Qianjumura Zheng's face, "I want you... to be alone for me. Write a book.”

This guy is actually a fan of mine? ! Wait, isn't "My Unlovable Junior" about Izumi Masamune...

Hanabi couldn't laugh or cry. It was a good thing to be loved by such a great god, but it was too extreme.

"I write books to support my family," Hanabi said vaguely.

The girl said without hesitation: "I can use all the royalties to support you and your sisters."

Hanabi yelled in her heart: There is something wrong with you, woman!

"Bang--" The door upstairs suddenly opened, and Hanabi was shocked to see Sagiri holding on to the railing tremblingly but firmly, walking down slowly. She stood on the stairs, shouting with all her strength in a voice that was on the verge of breaking her voice: "I won't lose to you! Brother... has decided to be with me, and I will never be beaten by someone with unknown origins like you." Take away the woman!”

The little hamster at home is angry. This was the first time Izumi Sagiri walked out of the room.

"Sagiri..." Hanabi turned around and said, "I'm sorry, Senju-sensei, I can't promise you. As you can see, I have people I need to cherish."

"It's a pity." Senjumura Sei looked at the boy he fell in love with again and said with a smile, "Ayase Hanabi, I recognize your strength. I don't resent that shameful guy Yuzuru Izuru for losing to you. The scum should have been eliminated long ago. , I would like to give you the title of the new 'Eight Thunder Gods'. This time I lose, I will find the strength to write combat articles from you. Next time, it will not be so easy to deal with."

It turns out that the "Eight Thunder Gods" are indeed real, and they are currently the eight strongest light novelists in Japan as rated by netizens. Almost every one of them is a great god with tens of millions of levels. If the current Hanabi is among them, there is no doubt that he will be the weakest thunder god.

"Kangsaki Kurei" had already shown such a level after a small competition with Hanabi in the academic style that he was not good at. How terrifying would it be for her to resurrect her signature fighting style? !

Senjumura Zheng used the sunset as the background. When the door gradually closed, she smiled her last "evil" smile and sternly said: "If you can't write interesting works, I will kill you!"

Hanabi was speechless for a long time and said, "What a strange person."

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